Learn Email Marketing

A Comprehensive Guide to Start Learning Email Marketing

Email marketing is a type of digital marketing centered on using targeted email campaigns to promote a product or service. The process of email marketing also involves tracking and gaining insights from statistics such as open rate, bounce rate, and audience demographics.

Unlock the potential of email marketing through hands-on training and leverage it to advance your career. Explore various classes, free resources, and career opportunities surrounding email marketing to build a solid foundation for your future as an Email Marketing Specialist, Content Marketer, or Digital Marketer.

Key Insights

  • Email marketing is a valuable tool for businesses, used to build brand awareness, and can be easily learned to provide a significant return on investment.
  • Learning email marketing opens up career opportunities as an Email Marketing Specialist, Content Marketer, or Digital Marketer, all of which play critical roles in a business's digital marketing strategy.
  • Several platforms like LinkedIn Learning, HubSpot, Mailchimp, SkillShare, SimpliLearn, and Reliablesoft offer on-demand email marketing classes that can be taken at your own pace.
  • Noble Desktop provides hands-on email marketing training, with options for in-person and live online classes, ensuring personalized attention due to small class sizes.
  • Free resources to learn email marketing include Noble Desktop's Intro to Email Marketing seminar and other presentations, as well as various blog articles.
  • Learning email marketing doesn't require specific prerequisites but does require good communication and writing skills as well as an understanding of data collection and automation tools.

Nearly half the world uses email, and email marketing is one of the easiest ways businesses connect with customers. Email marketing is relatively easy to learn and gives you a great return on investment. If you’ve always wanted to learn email marketing but can’t figure out how to get started, this guide is for you. Here, you’ll learn more about the various ways to learn email marketing, free resources to take advantage of, and the types of careers that commonly use email marketing.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a great way to build a business and connect with customers. Email can also help you build a brand or increase awareness of an issue. An Email Marketer uses a list of email addresses collected voluntarily from customers or interested users. Then an email is generated with links to high-quality content on the company website. 

Using analytics tools from the email service provider (ESP), the Email Marketer can tell which users opened the email and when so that they can change the strategy to make it more successful. Email has been around for over fifty years and is still used by over four billion people worldwide. It remains the quickest and most effective way to build customer relationships and is an essential tool for many marketing professionals. 

Read more about what email marketing is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Email Marketing?

Email marketing is an effective way to reach customers and build a business. Whether it be increasing sales, building a brand, or sharing meaningful content, email marketing can help you reach the right person at the right time. Email lets you build relationships with your customers and stay connected over time.

The first step in creating an email marketing campaign is to build an email list. You can start your list with people you have met in person or anyone who has asked for more information on your products or services. You can add people to your email list if they have given you their contact information. It is crucial to get permission before adding someone to the list. One way to collect emails is to ask for them when customers place orders. Another way is to offer a discount or some kind of bonus if the customer subscribes to your email list. A common way to do this is with a popup message on your website.

Once you have a list of customer emails, you can begin to send out links to content that will be interesting to them. This helps to build a connection with your customers. To send a bulk email to a list, you must sign up with an email service provider (ESP). ESPs allow you to schedule your emails and provide analytics that tell you when users open the emails and when they don’t. This lets you time your emails to have the most impact and tweak the message if it isn’t attracting attention. 

Careers that Use Email Marketing

When you learn how to design an email marketing campaign, you are on track for several different careers. You could get a job as an Email Marketing Specialist, a Content Marketer, or a Digital Marketer. Here are some of the possible careers that use email marketing:

Email Marketing Specialist

Email Marketing Specialists connect with subscribers and develop deeper relationships with current and potential customers. Email marketing can increase sales quickly and reach a large number of people at once at a minimal cost. Email marketing is a fast and practical addition to any business’s digital marketing strategy.

Content Marketer or Copywriter

Content Marketers and Copywriters provide content for emails, web pages, blogs, apps, social media channels, and print publications. It’s about generating interest and providing consumers with information about products, services, and brands they need or want. 

Digital Marketer

Digital Marketers use digital channels and tools like email marketing, social media marketing, paid and unpaid search marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to promote products and services. Digital marketing has become one of the most critical ways to publicize a business and help it grow. 

Why Learn Email Marketing?

Knowing how to design and implement an email campaign is an important skill for small business owners. Building an email list is the first step to making a stronger connection with customers. Once you have a list, you can determine the goals of your campaign, which could be getting customers to buy something, sign up for something, or become more informed on an issue. The final step is to create content that will appeal to your customers, then set a schedule for email distribution. 

Another reason to learn to create email campaigns is if you want to change to a career in digital marketing. Email is another channel, along with social media and content marketing, to increase website traffic and sales or build a brand. Digital Marketers need to learn email marketing and other tools to help businesses succeed in the online marketplace. Email marketing is an easy and effective way to increase internet sales.

Read more about why you should learn email marketing

How to Learn Email Marketing

You can learn email marketing on your own by watching free video tutorials or taking a class. There are two types of classes to choose from: in-person email marketing classes or live online email marketing classes. In-person classes have the advantage of an instructor in the classroom and students to interact with, while live online sessions have a remote instructor who can answer questions and help when you don’t understand something. Full or partl-time classes are available on weekdays, weeknights, or weekends.

If signing up for a class that meets at a set time feels like too much right now, you can also find on-demand email marketing classes on many platforms. LinkedIn Learning offers courses on email strategies, newsletter marketing, managing email marketing lists, and using email service providers. HubSpot and Mailchimp both offer email marketing courses you can take at your own pace, as do SkillShare, SimpliLearn, and Reliablesoft.

Many free resources are available for learning about email marketing, too. Free seminars like Noble Desktop’s Intro to Email Marketing and other presentations will give you an idea of what email marketing is about. You can also read articles about email marketing on Noble Desktop’s Tech Blog and other blogs. There are many free resources to help you get started learning about email marketing. 

Read the full guide on how to learn email marketing.

Free Introductory Email Marketing Course Online 

There are plenty of free online courses and tutorials to watch if you are not quite ready for an entire course. These resources can give you an overview of email marketing before you commit to a full course. To learn more about email marketing, try the Intro to Email Marketing seminar from Noble Desktop. This free course touches on all the basics and will help you decide if you want to learn more.

HubSpot also offers a free course in email marketing. This course will help you prepare to take the exam for their Email Marketing Certification. Simplilearn has a free course called Advanced Email Marketing, and Mailchimp has a free course on email marketing through Udemy. You can also find many tutorials on YouTube, such as Franklin Hatchett’s Free Email Marketing Course, Email Marketing for Beginners from H-Educate, and Email Marketing for Beginners from Davie Fogarty.

Read about more free email marketing videos and online tutorials.

Level of Difficulty, Prerequisites, & Cost 

Email marketing isn’t particularly difficult to learn, but your success will depend on how motivated you are and how much time you can spend studying. Email marketing relies on building an email list, creating compelling emails, and sending them out to the list via an email service provider (ESP). If this sounds interesting, you will probably learn email marketing quickly, but one way to give yourself a leg up is to sign up for a class.

There aren’t any specific prerequisites when it comes to learning email marketing. Most of us are familiar with how email works, but marketing requires additional knowledge to be successful. You need to have good communication and writing skills to create compelling emails. You also need to understand how to collect and use data effectively and learn to use automation tools. 

Learning email marketing for free is possible by watching video tutorials, but signing up for a bootcamp or certificate course is much more efficient. Beyond the cost of a class, the only other cost for email marketing is the ESP. There are free and paid options–the paid versions have more features–and you can sign up for whatever level you need.

Read about how difficult it is to learn email marketing.

How Does Learning Email Marketing Compare to Other Fields?

Learning email marketing can be compared to content marketing and social media marketing. Successful email marketing requires solid communication skills, data analytics skills, and an understanding of scheduling and automation in much the same way as content marketing and social media marketing. The difficulty level of all three fields is about the same, and they take about the same amount of time to learn.

Email Marketers build an email list, create an email strategy, and send out messages with links to content. Then they use data analytics tools through email service providers to collect and interpret data to adjust their strategy. Content Marketers need to plan a strategy, create content, and post it on a website according to a publishing schedule. They also use data analytics tools to determine if the campaign is successful and make changes if necessary. Social Media Marketers do many similar things, although they also interact with followers one on one and need to respond more quickly than Email Marketers.

How to Decide the Best Way to Learn Email Marketing

You are in control when it comes to learning email marketing. You can choose to take an in-person class, a live-online course, or on-demand training. Classes meet during the week, on the weekends, or in the evenings to fit in with your schedule. The most important thing to consider is where you feel comfortable starting.

If you are entirely new to email marketing, you might be more interested in an introduction to the key features, such as the right way to build an email list, how to create an effective message, and what tools you need for email marketing. Noble Desktop’s Intro to Email Marketing gives you an overview and some best practices for this digital marketing method. 

After you know the basics of how email marketing works, you might want to learn more. In that case, you can sign up for a bootcamp course that covers email marketing in more depth. Noble Desktop’s Email Marketing Bootcamp covers everything you need to know to create a successful email marketing campaign to reach customers. 

Once you know how to use email marketing, you can learn more about related topics by signing up for a Digital Marketing Certificate course. Learn more about content marketing and how to create high-quality website content to attract customers. This course also includes in-depth training on marketing analytics like Google Analytics and Google Ads. Getting comfortable with data is a significant step to mastering email marketing. This full-length course includes 1-on-1 mentoring and helps with putting together your professional portfolio.

Learn Email Marketing with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

You can master email marketing with classes from Noble Desktop. To get an introduction to email marketing, sign up for Noble Desktop’s Email Marketing Bootcamp. This introductory class covers building a list, creating a campaign, writing effective emails, optimizing your campaign, and delivering the email. Classes are small, and instructors can give you individual attention. You can retake a course for free up to a year after you take it. Choose from in-person classes at Noble Desktop’s New York City location or attend live online from anywhere in the world.

Noble Desktop also offers a Digital Marketing Certificate for an in-depth course on digital marketing. Learn about content marketing, web optimization, SEO, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and social media marketing on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok. You can find a free email marketing seminar, Intro to Email Marketing, on Noble’s website and lots more resources on Noble Desktop’s Tech Blog

Digital Marketing Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

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