Figma Training for Veterans

Unlock new career paths for Veterans with Figma training classes

Discover promising career paths involving Figma skills for veterans transitioning back to civilian life. Veterans can benefit from government initiatives such as the GI Bill and the Forever GI Bill, to receive education in trending tech areas like user experience design, web design, and front end web development.

Key Insights

  • Figma is a powerful user interface design tool that enables real-time collaboration on shared documents to build interactive webpage prototypes.
  • Government initiatives like the GI Bill, Forever GI Bill, and VET TEC support veterans in their pursuit of education and professional skill training.
  • Noble Desktop offers Veterans Affairs benefits eligible programs in Web Design, UX & UI Design, and Digital Design, enabling veterans to learn Figma and other relevant skills.
  • Learning Figma can open career opportunities in Web Design, User Experience Design, and Digital Design, given its importance in these fields.
  • In comparison to a four-year degree, Skills bootcamps offer a quicker and more focused approach to learning Figma and associated skills.
  • Professionals with Figma skills can expect lucrative careers, as it is one of the most common tools for user interface design.

Are you a veteran returning to civilian life or a member of a veteran’s family aiming to avail yourself of entitlements and benefits? This article is designed to help you navigate your options for taking advantage of these services to enter into a professional skills training program and learn the Figma skills you’ve always wanted to learn.

A returning veteran will find Figma useful if they are interested in user experience design, web design, graphic design, or front end web development. These engaging and lucrative fields can provide an excellent civilian career. Noble Desktop has programs that can provide veterans with education in Figma and other relevant skills using their veterans benefits. 

What is Figma?

Figma is a user interface design tool. Designers work on shared documents to build interactive webpage prototypes. Then, users can test these prototypes to ensure the designs meet all requirements. This makes Figma ideal for building complex and accessible webpages. 

Figma is also a vector graphics design tool, meaning all designs produced are resizable and replicable. This is important for optimizing layouts across devices and platforms. Since Figma prides itself on its collaborative community, there are many readily available plug-ins, templates, and widgets that make designing interfaces easier. 

Read more about what Figma is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Figma Skills?

Figma Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Figma lets users collaborate in real-time to build user interfaces. Using vector graphics design tools, teams create wireframe layouts that can be optimized across devices. They can add interactive elements such as scrolling and hovering functionalities to their designs, so their webpages look and feel modern. Figma lets designers produce working prototypes that users can test and give feedback on.

In addition, because Figma is such a potent collaboration tool, there is a massive community of designers and developers constantly creating new plug-ins, templates, and widgets for public consumption. Every day, new Figma resources are being developed.

Support for Veterans

Many support options exist for veterans to ease their return to civilian lives. The government has created initiatives to help those who have served their country. These include the GI Bill, the Forever GI Bill, and the VET TEC program.

The GI Bill was passed in 1944 to help World War II veterans to buy homes, get jobs, and pursue an education. It helped smooth their return to civilian life after the war, and it has continued to help veterans for decades. The Forever GI Bill of 2017 was focused on education, expanding learning benefits for veterans over the years that followed. You can use these programs to fund your studies at Noble. Also, although Noble Desktop’s programs do not qualify for funding under it, you may still want to know about VET TEC. This program is specifically for technology education, in case you choose to pursue further technical education after your studies at Noble.

The Noble Certificate programs that are eligible for Veterans Affairs benefits include Web Design, UX & UI Design, and Digital Design. Veterans can use their benefits to pursue any of these certificate programs, which will allow them to learn Figma. Studying Figma will facilitate finding a career in Web Design, User Experience Design,or Digital Design.

Why Learn Figma

Many students want to learn Figma because it’s one of the most common tools for user interface design. So, for those who would like to work as a part of a web design team, it is an excellent skill to learn. Figma lets design teams collaborate on work in real-time, which makes it an ideal tool that one can use with other designers to build interfaces together. It also makes it possible to build vector graphic assets in a file. And one can add interactive functionalities like scrolling, hovering, and animation on a webpage. Users can make working prototypes, too, to demonstrate their designs to stakeholders.

Another advantage of Figma is that it allows Web Designers to optimize their designs across audiences and platforms. Because of the system’s basis in vector graphics, users can easily resize their graphics for testing across different types of screens. Studying Figma can provide a foundation for a future career in user experience design or web design because it provides many tools for teams working together to design sites or apps. Figma makes it easy to share, alter, and prototype versions, which allows designers to provide an optimal version for developers to make a reality. 

Throughout the UX Design or Web Design process, Figma provides tools that facilitate designers’ work. Teams can create wireframe layouts, which they can optimize for both mobile and desktop. Figma also lets users test and give feedback on designs through the working prototypes that it allows designers to produce. Because Figma prioritizes collaboration, a huge community of Figma users has evolved. These creators are continually making new plug-ins, templates, and widgets for public use. Each day, many new Figma resources are added to its libraries.

Why Choose a Skills Bootcamp?

Many students learn Figma by enrolling in skills bootcamps rather than pursuing a full college degree. The main advantages of a bootcamp over a four-year university program are the shorter time to completion and the skills-based nature of the training. Bootcamps allow students to avoid investing time in general education and stay focused on their future career aspirations.

One of the reasons that some people who want to learn Figma choose skills bootcamps is the time to completion. A bootcamp that is exclusively for Figma can take as little as two days. Even if one chooses to pursue UX/UI Design or Web Design as a whole profession, Noble Desktop can provide two-month full-time programs or six-month part-time programs to earn a certificate. 

Another advantage of bootcamps is that they offer career-focused skills training. A four-year college program includes general education requirements in fields that may not be relevant to your career goals. If one has already pursued education to cover broader knowledge requirements, such as a previous college degree or comparable life experience, a new four-year degree and the requirements it brings may be superfluous. Instead, a career-focused skills bootcamp can provide a more efficient use of time for a person seeking a future career that will provide them with a profitable living in a short period of time.

Some students may consider pursuing self-paced on-demand learning instead of a bootcamp, but this choice has significant drawbacks for most students. While learning on one’s own schedule can be advantageous for students who are especially busy, it can also be difficult to stay motivated without the accountability of a structured bootcamp. Students who choose the on-demand option also lack the advantages provided by an expert instructor with whom they can interact in real-time, receiving feedback, advice, and guidance on their work as they learn. Bootcamps provide a happy medium between the demands of a four-year degree and the potential isolation of learning with on-demand materials without a specific schedule to provide structure.

Learn Figma at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop holds Figma courses at their Manhattan campus and online. With small classes, students receive focused attention from experienced instructors in real-time.

Noble’s Figma Bootcamp teaches students to build professional-quality web designs using Figma. They create vector illustrations, optimize across devices, and export designs for prototyping.

Noble’s UX & UI Design Certificate program teaches students user experience design practices. They research user behavior to make informed decisions about their Figma interface designs.

Noble’s Web Development Certificate program teaches students the technical side of webpage design. Students use HTML/CSS and JavaScript to turn Figma designs into functioning user interfaces.

Key Insights

  • Figma is a browser-based collaborative tool that allows design teams to work together on their designs
  • The United States government provides help for veterans’ education through the GI Bill, the Forever GI Bill, and the VET TEC
  • Several Noble Desktop certificate programs that offer Figma training are eligible for benefits through veterans’ programs
  • Figma is a valuable program for prospective User Experience Designers and Web Designers to learn
  • Skills bootcamps can be an excellent way to learn Figma and gain professional skills that complement that knowledge
  • The advantages of skills bootcamps include a shorter time to completion and a total focus on your chosen career

You can receive comprehensive Figma training through Noble Desktop

How to Learn Figma

Master Figma with hands-on training. Figma is a popular design application for creating, editing, and sharing clickable prototypes of websites and mobile apps.

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