Python Training for Veterans

Unlock new career paths for Veterans with Python training classes

Discover the versatile world of Python, one of the fastest-growing programming languages that is highly sought after in various industries, including web development, data science, cybersecurity, and software engineering. Learn how veterans transitioning to civilian life can leverage their entitlements and benefits to acquire Python skills that can open doors to sought-after careers.

Python Training for Veterans 

Are you a veteran returning to civilian life or a veteran family member aiming to avail yourself of entitlements and benefits? This article can help you navigate your options for taking advantage of these services, so you can enter a professional Python training program to learn the Python skills and tools you have always wanted.

Python is not only one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It's also the first choice for many recent vets, whether they worked with advanced networks or other high-tech equipment during their service. Read on to learn more about what you can do with Python and why so many programs offer support to veterans transitioning to private sector roles.

What is Python?

Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages on the planet. Data Scientists, Web Developers, and other tech professionals use Python for a range of tasks—from building websites to data analysis, automation, and machine learning. Like Java and Ruby, Python is mainly an object-oriented programming language (OOP), which means it organizes around data (objects) instead of functions or logic.

Thanks to its straightforward syntax, adaptability, and the urgent need for Python skills in today’s job market, this essential language ranks as the number one choice for those learning to code. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the average growth rate for Web Developers will be 13% between 2020 and 2030, and many of these positions require Python expertise. Other fields requiring Python include cybersecurity, software engineering, and business analysis.

Read more about what Python is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Python Skills?

Python is a versatile language with a host of applications, but the most well-known include:

  • Data Science - Data science extends to numerous industries, and using Python to understand data is paramount. Python libraries like NumPy and Matplotlib enable Data Scientists and other professionals to use visualization to gain insights into data. Additional top Python libraries include TensorFlow, SciPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) - Machine Learning Engineers and Architects use Python to build models. At the same time, AI Engineers and Architects may need this essential programming language for everything from assessing AI solutions to advanced automation.
  • Web Development - The use of Python in web development goes back to its beginnings. Frameworks like Django and Flask have famously provided web development for well-known companies like Instagram, Dropbox, and Pinterest. Tech pros, including Developers, report that Python is easy to integrate with other languages like C/C++ and Java. Other top frameworks include Bottle, CherryPy, and Dash.
  • Game Development - Frameworks for game development include Pygame, PyKyra, and Panda3D, but there are numerous others. Python continues to support the gaming industry in meaningful ways.
  • Enterprise Applications - Enterprise-grade apps built with Python include leading technology stacks like Netflix, Microsoft, and Spotify.

Support for Veterans

Veterans looking to gain private sector experience can avail themselves of multiple support programs. The Post-9/11 GI Bill is the best-known of these, but it helps vets to compare and contrast this program with the Forever GI Bill (also known as the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act). Other programs worth checking out include Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC).

You can visit the Noble Desktop Python courses for veterans page to explore your options for VA-supported programs. Here you’ll find links to everything from Python Developer to Data Science and Software Engineering certificate programs, to name a few. Note that these VA-supported programs require in-person participation within the greater NYC area.

Why Learn Python

Learning Python can benefit veterans from all service branches, from the Army to the Marines. Many active service people have high-tech training, whether from work as an Intelligence Analyst or Network Systems Operator. As one of the most popular programming languages in the world, Python already powers hardware and software for agencies like the CIA, NASA, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Transitioning back to civilian life can be challenging, but Python skills help many vets find work in numerous industries. While there are hundreds of different positions, some of the most common roles for veterans that may require Python training include:

Whether you plan to work in an office setting or out in the field, consider adding Python to your skill set for the future, if not for tomorrow.

Why Choose a Skills Bootcamp?

There are a few advantages and drawbacks to enrolling in skills bootcamps or career-certificate programs instead of enrolling in a four-year university program. The primary benefits of a degree are that it may be a requirement for specific positions, and the typical four-year program can offer a comprehensive education.

On the other hand, you can qualify for many entry-level computer science roles by taking an in-depth bootcamp or certificate program. These courses offer an immersive learning environment, including expert instructors who provide hands-on training.

With a certificate program, many of which consist of multiple bootcamp modules, you get a comprehensive education in a concentrated timeframe. This way, you have time to gain career-focused skills instead of general education. For more information on in-person bootcamps for veterans, check out Noble Desktop's VA Eligible Certificate Programs.

Learn Python at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers multiple ways to learn Python, both in-person and online, through teleconferencing. They provide Python training as an essential component of data science and analytics, FinTech, cybersecurity, and web development. Their Python Programming Bootcamp offers hands-on Python training in an immersive environment. Beginners learn Python fundamentals in this 30-hour bootcamp, where participants develop project-based coding portfolios. Graduates receive a verified Certificate of Completion and can retake the course for up to a year at no additional charge.

Students can save by taking the Python Programming Bootcamp as part of Noble’s Python Developer Certificate program. The curriculum for this certificate includes a 60-hour unit on Python Web Development with Django. In this intensive course, you’ll learn about URL dispatchers and automation, along with GitHub and SQL. Attendees should have some experience with HTML and CSS before enrolling.

Additional courses featuring Python include Noble Desktop’s Python for Data Science Bootcamp, FinTech Bootcamp, and Data Science Certificate program. Students planning careers in data science, data analytics, cybersecurity, or financial analysis should consider enrolling in one of these programs to get comprehensive Python training.

Key Takeaways

  • Pythonis one of the most popular programming languages in the world.
  • Veterans navigating their options for transitioning back to civilian life can find multiple Python training programs to suit their needs.
  • Tech pros like Data Scientists and Web Developers use Python for data science, automation, and machine learning (ML).
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 13% growth rate for Web Developers, including Python Developers, over the next ten years.
  • Additional Python roles include cybersecurity, software engineering, and business analysis.
  • Veterans should consider support programs like the Post-9/11 GI Bill, Forever GI Bill, and VET TEC.
  • You can receive comprehensive Python training through Noble Desktop, including VA-eligible certificate programs. Popular courses include:

How to Learn Python

Master Python with hands-on training. Python is a popular object-oriented programming language used for data science, machine learning, and web development. 

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