What is the Fastest Way to Learn Python?

Accelerate your mastery of Python: How to learn Python quickly.

If you want to learn Python programming, you may wonder what’s the fastest way to start. Although some students prefer to dip their toes in the water, others want to dive right in. A short seminar is much different than an immersive program, so you should know what to expect if you choose one over the other. This article compares and contrasts different learning methods. Consider all your Python training options to find the one that best meets your goals.

Introductory Resources

Introductory Python classes vary, from short-term courses to intensive bootcamps and certificate programs. Some bootcamps require previous knowledge or experience, but others offer beginner-friendly concepts and hands-on training. 

However, there is another popular type of introductory material: the freebie. Numerous platforms and course providers offer free video tutorials, seminars, articles, or blog posts about Python and related topics. These are among the most popular resources, as Python beginners often review them as part of their initial research. The Learn Hub from Noble Desktop is a great example.

Free introductory resources are an excellent way to get comfortable with an object-oriented programming language like Python. If you plan to enroll in a Noble Desktop bootcamp or certificate program, you can prepare for formal training by familiarizing yourself with Python through free video tutorials.

Python for Data Science Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Short-Term Classes

Some programming beginners want to learn Python fundamentals for a particular purpose. For example, a new programmer might need an overview of Python data science and web development applications. Someone in that position can take a short-term class like Python in a Day from Noble Desktop. Apply early, as this popular course fills up quickly.

Other novices might want to learn Python to automate repetitive tasks like emails, web scraping, or Google searches. For this person, a short-term class like Python for Automation can provide all the information required in a single six-hour session. However, be aware that this course has a prerequisite. Applicants should be familiar with Python programming fundamentals before enrolling.

Another consideration is that some courses can applied to longer bootcamps or certificate programs (see below). For example, students can save by taking the six-hour Python for Automation unit as part of Noble’s Data Science or Data Analytics certificate programs or the FinTech Bootcamp. Check listings for more detailed information.

Remember that the fastest way to learn Python can differ from student to student. Some will benefit most by taking the short-term class alone, while those who plan careers in data science, analytics, or development might prefer an immersive bootcamp. If you know how and where you will apply your new Python skills, you can choose wisely among the many options.

Bootcamps & Certificate Programs

If you plan to use Python for a career in data science, analytics, or development, a bootcamp or certificate program will likely be your best option. You can go from beginner to confident user in a few months part-time or even weeks full-time. Consider the following Noble Desktop programs as examples:

Python Developer Certificate - The Python Developer Certificate program is a 90-hour Noble Desktop course for students comfortable with HTML and CSS coding. Attendees can complete the certificate full-time in three weeks.

Python Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp - Beginners who want to learn Python, data visualization, and machine learning fundamentals can jumpstart their education with this Noble Desktop program. The curriculum runs 96 hours and is available full-time or part-time evenings or weekends.

Data Science Certificate - The popular Data Science Certificate program from Noble Desktop covers Python, SQL, machine learning, and data visualization. It is open to beginners and takes four weeks full-time or 20 weeks on a part-time basis.

Data Analytics Certificate - Want to learn Python within a broader data analytics curriculum? The Data Analytics Certificate program includes Python for data science, automation, and data visualization, among other topics. Beginners are welcome and can finish in six weeks full-time or 24 weeks part-time.

Software Engineering Certificate - Development beginners can get Python training through Noble’s immersive Software Engineering Certificate. This 510-hour program covers everything from Python and HTML/CSS to JavaScript, MongoDB, and React. Full-time attendees can complete the certificate in 20 weeks.

On-Demand Video Training

Learning Python through on-demand or asynchronous training holds unique challenges. Whereas in-person or live online courses offer the experience of training directly with an instructor, on-demand classes typically come in the form of instructional videos. That can pose difficulties for students who prefer to work in a group or one-on-one with a live instructor. On-demand training also offers a lower level of engagement than live coursework. Some course providers also include supplementary materials or a live chatbot support option, but these may have limited value.

The main advantage of on-demand training programs is typically their cost, as these courses may run considerably cheaper than their competitors. If you only need to learn Python basics for a particular purpose, like task automation, try an on-demand class from a respected provider like Udemy or Coursera. However, if you can take in-person or live online courses to learn Python, they can provide more bang for your training buck.

Learn Python from Noble Desktop

For most beginners, the fastest way to learn Python fundamentals will also include other relevant tools and skills. Development novices might require HTML, CSS, Django REST, and other subjects. Data science or analytics beginners also need SQL, NumPy, Pandas, or Tableau.

Acquiring these skills through formal training is much quicker than learning through self-teaching. Students who want to dip their toes in the water can learn quickly in a targeted class like the Noble Desktop Python Programming Bootcamp. This foundational class is part of several immersive programs and offers a comprehensive 30-hour introduction to Python. Topics include variables, data types, and functions, to name a few.

Those who prefer to dive right in can save money by getting their Python training through the Data Science Certificate, Python Developer Certificate, Software Engineering Certificate, or FinTech Bootcamp. You can use the Compare Classes & Certificates tool to narrow your search. Whether you choose development, data science, or finance analysis, learning Python can be essential to a fulfilling career.

How to Learn Python

Master Python with hands-on training. Python is a popular object-oriented programming language used for data science, machine learning, and web development. 

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