Where to Find Figma Classes

A comprehensive guide to finding Figma training classes

Design tools play a pivotal role in shaping user experiences and aesthetics. Figma is a premier choice among designers, renowned for its collaborative features and rich functionalities. With its capacity to streamline workflows and facilitate seamless collaboration among team members, Figma has solidified its position as a cornerstone tool in the design industry.

The demand for proficiency in Figma is rising, with employers increasingly valuing this skill set in design professionals. Whether embarking on your design journey or aiming to enhance your proficiency, selecting the appropriate Figma classes is essential. These classes offer structured learning environments tailored to individuals of all skill levels, providing opportunities to acquire new knowledge, refine existing skills, and stay abreast of industry trends and best practices.

Noble Desktop and Other Professional Training Centers

Professional training centers such as Noble Desktop offer structured Figma courses tailored to individuals seeking hands-on, industry-relevant training. These courses comprehensively cover Figma's features and functionalities, with experienced instructors guiding students through practical exercises and real-world projects. They cater to beginners and professionals seeking to upskill or enhance their proficiency in Figma for career advancement. Noble Desktop, in particular, provides a convenient way to search for different professional training centers, making it easy to compare each class at a glance with their Classes Near Me tool. Individuals can explore various Figma classes through their platform, ranging from short introductory courses to certificate-length programs.

Noble Desktop's platform allows users to browse various Figma courses offered by professional training centers. This enables individuals to compare course duration, curriculum, instructor expertise, and pricing, facilitating informed decision-making. Whether you're looking for a brief introduction to Figma or a more comprehensive training program, Noble Desktop provides options tailored to different skill levels and learning objectives. Noble Desktop's collaboration with esteemed training centers guarantees top-tier instruction and relevance to the industry, providing students with a valuable chance to gain practical skills and knowledge in line with prevailing industry standards and practices.

Figma Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.


Numerous universities incorporate Figma into their design curricula, presenting courses from introductory to advanced levels. Universities often integrate these classes into degree programs covering graphic design, web development, or user experience (UX) design. University courses furnish students with a comprehensive education by merging theoretical knowledge with practical application. They cater to individuals aspiring for a profound comprehension of design principles and methodologies alongside those aiming for academic credentials in design-related domains. Although university courses often demand a more extensive time commitment, they provide the advantage of academic accreditation and access to resources like libraries and research facilities.

For students, university courses offer a unique opportunity to delve deeply into the world of design, supported by the institutional infrastructure of the university. These courses typically follow a structured curriculum curated by experienced faculty members, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education in Figma and related design disciplines. University courses provide a platform for peer collaboration and networking, fostering a supportive learning environment. While the time investment required for university courses may be significant, the academic accreditation and access to resources make them a compelling choice for individuals seeking a formal education in design.

Coursera, Udemy, and Other On-Demand Platforms

On-demand platforms such as Coursera and Udemy cater to student's diverse needs by offering various Figma courses designed for various skill levels and learning preferences. Courses on these platforms are crafted by industry professionals, encompassing a wide spectrum of topics ranging from fundamental Figma skills to advanced techniques. On-demand courses allow students to progress through the material at their preferred pace, catering to individuals with hectic schedules or who prefer self-guided learning. On-demand platforms often provide affordable pricing options, ensuring accessibility to students from different backgrounds.

One of the key advantages of on-demand platforms is the accessibility they offer. Students benefit from the flexibility of accessing course materials from any place with an internet connection, breaking down geographical barriers and facilitating learning wherever they are. The diverse range of courses on these platforms allows students to tailor their learning journey according to their interests and goals. On-demand platforms offer a convenient and affordable means for students to access top-notch educational content, whether they seek to acquire new skills or enhance their existing knowledge of Figma. The flexibility, affordability, and accessibility of on-demand platforms make them popular for individuals seeking to enhance their proficiency in Figma.

Community Centers

Community centers and local organizations occasionally organize Figma workshops or classes, offering affordable or sometimes even free learning opportunities for community members. While these classes may lack the formal structure of professional training centers or university courses, they still provide valuable insights and practical skills. Geared towards beginners or hobbyists, community center classes offer an environment conducive to exploration and collaboration. They are ideal starting points for individuals looking to delve into Figma within a supportive community setting.

Beyond acquiring skills, community center classes also foster networking opportunities and connections with fellow design enthusiasts in the local community. Students can exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on projects, enriching their learning journey. Even though these classes are informal, they can offer valuable hands-on experience and serve as crucial steps for individuals looking to venture into design-related fields. Community center classes allow individuals to explore Figma and engage with like-minded peers in a collaborative learning environment.

Free Resources

For students mindful of their budgets or individuals exploring Figma as a hobby, free resources like tutorials, documentation, and online forums offer invaluable support. Figma's official website stands out for its extensive documentation and tutorials, comprehensively covering diverse aspects of the tool. Online communities such as the Figma Community are vibrant hubs for sharing resources and knowledge exchange among users. Free resources cater particularly well to self-motivated individuals who prefer independent learning and are willing to dedicate time to exploring and experimenting with Figma on their terms.

While free resources lack the structured approach of formal classes, they empower students with the freedom to chart their learning path and delve into Figma at their own pace. These resources provide abundant information and insights, enabling individuals to deepen their understanding of Figma's functionalities and refine their design skills. Free resources encourage community and collaboration as individuals participate in discussions, seek guidance, and exchange experiences within online forums and communities. Despite their casual format, these free resources represent invaluable assets for those looking to broaden their understanding of Figma without financial limitations.

Which is the Best Option for You?

Choosing the most suitable option for learning Figma hinges on various factors, including individual learning preferences, goals, and circumstances. Professional training centers or university courses may prove optimal for those who excel in structured environments with hands-on guidance. Individuals prioritizing flexibility and affordability may find on-demand platforms or free resources more appealing. When selecting the right Figma class, it's crucial to weigh considerations such as budget, time availability, desired proficiency level, and preferred learning style. The effectiveness of the learning experience depends on its alignment with personal needs and aspirations in the realm of design.

Students can make informed decisions that optimize their learning journey by carefully assessing these factors and considering the available options. Whether aspiring designers opt for structured courses or prefer independent exploration, the ultimate objective remains consistent: gaining the expertise and capabilities essential for success in design. Embracing the diversity of learning opportunities ensures that individuals can tailor their educational experiences to suit their unique circumstances, fostering growth and proficiency in Figma and beyond.

Learn Figma with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers students various options for mastering web design using Figma. Figma courses are available in person at Noble's Manhattan campus and online from the comfort of your home. Experienced instructors teach these courses, and even the online courses have small class sizes that allow students to receive focused attention to their learning needs in real time. Almost all of Noble's courses come with tech support, with in-person students using in-house computers and distance students receiving set-up assistance to ensure everyone is on the same page. Plus, these courses can take a free retake within one year. Students can refine their skills during this retake, compensate for their missed work, or simply gain extra practice with Figma.

Students looking to learn the intricacies of Figma may consider enrolling in Noble's Figma Bootcamp. This course will teach students how to build web designs using Figma independently and as part of a collaborative team. Students will learn the basics of the program, such as how to create and resize vector illustrations, optimize their designs for different-sized screens, and export their designs for prototyping or demonstration. Then, students will collaborate on advanced designs, including features such as hovers, scrolling elements, or web assets. At the end of the course, students will know how to use Figma to build professional quality web designs.

For students looking to strike out into a new career as a Web Designer, Noble offers many professional training options for students hoping to learn Figma. The UX & UI Design Certificate program teaches students in-depth user experience design practices, allowing them to test and research user behavior to make informed decisions about the interfaces they are designing in Figma. This assures that their web pages will be more accessible and easy to navigate.

Noble's Web Development Certificate program teaches students the technical side of web page design. After learning how to build a layout in Figma, students will learn how to use HTML/CSS, Flex, Bootstrap, and JavaScript to turn that design into a functioning webpage or user interface. More creatively oriented students may look towards Noble's Digital Design Certificate program. This course, aimed at aspiring Graphic Designers, will teach students how to build assets for web interfaces using Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign before teaching them how to import those designs into Figma to serve as templates or plugins for later use.

How to Learn Figma

Master Figma with hands-on training. Figma is a popular design application for creating, editing, and sharing clickable prototypes of websites and mobile apps.

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