Why Isn’t My Page Ranking?

SEO Checklist for Boosting a Page’s Ranking

So... your page isn’t ranking even though you think you’ve done it all. In this article, we’ll cover some things to check for when your page isn’t ranking or general tips to boost the ranking of a page. 

Note: you can always check if your page is indexed by typing “site:yourwebsite.com/page.” You can request a page to be re-indexed using Google Search Console.

SEO Checklist Graphic

1. Content

Putting out high-quality, relevant content is always the tried and true way to boost your SEO. Good content works in multiple ways from engaging users, establishing expertise, and even getting backlinks from other sites. So, for today, start by writing a quality article that is relevant and helpful to your audience. If you sell mattresses online, you may want to write about the different qualities and types of mattresses for someone to consider when shopping online. Adding more quality content to the page can be a big boost and content on your site that links back to the page can also help. See our article on what works for content marketing.

2. Mobile-friendly

Make sure your page is mobile-friendly. You can use Google’s PageSpeed Insights for mobile speed test or Search Console for mobile-friendliness. Learn more about the key tools for search marketing.

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3.Page Speed

Part of technical SEO involves page and site speed. There are tons of tools out there to help diagnose and fix site speed issues. Using these tools, you can see which pages are slow and hurting your SEO and get recommendations as to how to fix them. A couple of reputable tools here are GTmetrix, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console. See our article on 8 ways to improve site speed.

4. Metadata

Metadata is an important part of on-page SEO, so it may be worthwhile to go through the titles on your site for various pages and articles to make sure they are appropriately set. You want to make sure that your titles and tags are aligned towards the keywords you are looking to rank for and the relevance to your industry. 

5. Interlinking

Find other places on the site where it would make sense to link to that page naturally. This goes for both links to this page and links to other pages. The more natural linking you do across your site, the easier it is for the user to get the right information they need, and the easier it is for Google to crawl your site. Link back to the page you are trying to rank for wherever else on your site it naturally makes sense. 

6. Images/Graphics

Add useful graphics or images to your pages to make them come alive. In my experience, images or graphics do a great job of engaging the user, and Google generally rewards this. Most people don’t like ready huge blocks of text so if you can convey some content visually it can help. 

7. URL

Make sure your URL is helping you, not hurting you. If you are trying to rank for the best email platform then you probably want a URL that reads something like /best-email-platforms or /email-platform. As with a lot of things in search, you need to know the keywords you are optimizing for and make sure that they are present in key places like the URL.

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How to Learn Digital Marketing

Master digital marketing with hands-on training. Digital marketing refers to marketing a service or product through online platforms such as social media, search engine websites, blogs, and email.

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