Digital Marketing Training On-Demand

  • The Pillars of Digital Marketing

    Noble Desktop Instructor: Nicole McCullum

    In this tutorial, students learn the most important and practical steps they can take to improve the digital presence of their brand. Students learn about the three different kinds of digital marketing and how to use their website to drive business. They discover crucial social media channels as well as the different roles that SEO and Google Ads play in a successful digital marketing campaign. At the end of the seminar, students learn about opportunities dive deeper into digital marketing tchniques for success.

    • Free
    • 1 hour
    • 1 hour of video
    • Beginner
  • Website Fundamentals & Conversion Optimizations

    Noble Desktop Instructor: Nicole McCullum

    Designed for entrepreneurs, this tutorial surveys the role that a good website plays in driving sales. Students begin by gaining familiarity with what makes a website useful and compelling from the perspective of a customer. Then, students learn how to optimize their website, including understanding the factors that affect website performance. Students leave the seminar with the information needed to create an action plan to improve their conversion rates.

    • Free
    • 1 hour
    • 1 hour of video
    • Beginner
  • Dominate Local Search with Google My Business

    Noble Desktop Instructor: Steve Scott

    Students in this seminar learn how important Google My Business is to the success of local businesses. The tutorial begins by demonstrating how to set up a Google My Business profile so that the student's business can be linked to Google Maps and Google's local search functions. Students learn about the key features of a successful Google My Business listing and how to tailor their profile to attract customers. By the end of the seminar, students are equipped to make regular updates to their Google My Business listing to maintain and improve their search ranking.

    • Free
    • 2 hours
    • 1 hour of video
    • Beginner
  • Intro to Google Analytics

    Noble Desktop Instructor: Nicole McCullum

    Students in this tutorial discover the importance of tracking and understanding their website's Google Analytics reports. Throughout the seminar, students acquire tips for setting up and navigating Google Analytics for their website. They also gain familiarity with the range of reports available and how to interpret them. By the end of the seminar, students will have a stronger sense of how to use insights from Google Analytics to understand their market and optimize their website.

    • Free
    • 1 hour
    • 1 hour of video
    • Beginner
  • Intro to Social Media Marketing

    Noble Desktop Instructor: Justine Sanborn

    This seminar introduces students to social media marketing and how to successfully leverage it to increase the reach of their brand. The tutorial starts by emphasizing the importance of choosing the right social media channels for the right message and cultivating an authentic brand voice. Students learn to research what works and what doesn't for their brand, then discover what makes for good storytelling in a social media context. By the end of the tutorial, students will have a firm understanding of social media marketing and how to create an action plan that will generate organic brand engagement.

    • Free
    • 2 hours
    • 1 hour of video
    • Beginner
  • Intro to Email Marketing

    Noble Desktop Instructor: Nicole McCullum

    Email marketing is a crucial component of a successful marketing strategy, and this tutorial helps students get their email marketing plan up and running. The seminar begins with an overview of the unique marketing advantages of email marketing in terms of creating and sustaining a loyal customer base. Students learn how email marketing compares to other digital marketing channels and where to begin when starting out with email marketing for the first time. When they finish the seminar, students will be equipped with tools for building a customer email list and tips for leveraging it to drive sales.

    • Free
    • 1 hour
    • 1 hour of video
    • Beginner
  • Become a Digital Marketer

    Udacity Instructors: Anke Audenaert, Daniel Kob, Julia Aspinal

    This course helps students prepare for running successful digital marketing campaigns. Students both learn theories of marketing and get practice with using digital marketing tools. The course covers stragegies for email and social media marketing, content development, writing SEO, search engine and social media advertising, and using Google Analytics. Along the way, students complete eight hands-on activities.

    • Platform subscription
    • 3 months
    • Beginner
  • Students in this course learn both marketing theory and digital marketing practice. The course offers an orientation to marketing research and planning and discovering one's marketing niche, as well as teaching students about the sales funnel, cognitive biases, business energies, and strategies for capturing customers over the internet. Students also learn about optimizing their website, writing copy and developing SEO, and making the most of email marketing and social media marketing for several major platforms. By the end of the course, students will also understand Google Analytics and Google Ads and social media advertising, and have a blueprint for developing their own social media marketing business.

    • $120
    • 65 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • Digital Marketing Certification Course


    This course offers beginner students a comprehensive overview of all the major tools that an expert digital marketing professional uses. Students learn about the theoretical concepts that inform successful digital marketing strategies, including key performance indicators, target markets, and lead conversion. Students gain experience working with SEO, Google Ads, content writing and video content, email and affiliate marketing, and search campaigns. In addition, students learn how to benefit from analytics, ecommerce, and social media and brand management. Graduates of this course earn a digital marketing certification from Austin Peay State University continuing education, recognized by the global CPD Certification Service.

    • Platform subscription
    • 16 weeks
    • Beginner
  • In this course, beginners develop proficiency in blogging and the digital marketing theories and tools that help make it a success. Students learn how to create a blog and a brand identity, gaining practice in creating both written and video content. Students also learn about SEO, as well as social media, email, and influencer marketing, and how to create leads and take advantage of guest blogging. In addition, students in this course get exposure to effective blog management and learn how to use analytics to improve their blog's performance. Upon graduation, students earn an Austin Peay State University continuing education certification, recognized by the global CPD Certification Service.

    • Platform subscription
    • 16 weeks
    • Beginner
    • Platform subscription
    • 16 weeks
    • Beginner
  • By diving deep into social media marketing strategies, beginner students in this course learn how to analyze and create effective expert social media content. Students learn about the major social media platforms (including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube) and how to create strategies for their target audience. In addition, students learn the theory behind social media branding, analytics, and SEO, and develop proficiency with social media management and creating and assessing their own social media marketing strategies. By the end of the program, graduates earn an Austin Peay State University continuing education certification, recognized by the global CPD Certification Service.

    • Platform subscription
    • 16 weeks
    • Beginner
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