Comparison of Computer Science Training Formats

Compare live online, in-person, and on-demand training options to master Computer Science.

Get a comprehensive guide to various training methods for enhancing your computer science skills, including in-person and online courses, along with details on how these can advance your career. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of each training method and learn about the job market outlook for computer science professionals.

Key Insights

  • Computer science covers a vast area of study involving web development, software engineering, data science, and more, paving the way for a plethora of career opportunities.

  • Choosing the right training method greatly influences the efficacy of skill acquisition, career progression speed, and the overall cost of your computer science training.

  • In-person courses offer real-time interaction with an instructor and peers, while online classes offer the flexibility of remote learning with many of the same benefits.

  • Computer science sector is projected to grow by 21% between 2021-2031, offering lucrative opportunities for Software Developers, IT Security Analysts, Data Scientists, and Product Managers.

  • The depth of your training can vary from short introductory courses and specific skill-focused bootcamps to comprehensive certificate programs spanning several months.

  • Noble Desktop offers a range of certificate programs in computer science fields such as Web Development, Software Engineering, and Data Science, equipped with benefits like mentorship, professional portfolio development, and a free retake.

Computer science skills include skills used by Web Developers, Software Engineers, Data Scientists, and more. Once you’ve decided to learn computer science, the next step is to decide how you want to learn these skills. Many students learn best when they receive training from an expert instructor. Today, you can find dozens of in-person and online computer science training options. The following sections offer further details on the advantages and disadvantages of various training methods to help you decide which works best for you.

What is Computer Science?

Computer science is an immense field that encompasses the study of information systems, computation, and automation. Hardware and software design, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization fall under the computer science purview.

On the theoretical side, computer science includes information theory, algorithms, and computational theory. The practical side of computer science covers hardware and software design and implementation. While data science has emerged as a discrete discipline in recent years, many computer science pros still consider it a subcategory of the larger computer science field. 

Read more about what computer science is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Computer Science Skills?

Computer science classes cover a wide range of subjects, encompassing anything from web development and software engineering to data science. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Computer and Information Research Scientist job sector is projected to grow by 21% between 2021-2031, well above the average growth rate of five percent. Top positions for computer science professionals include Software Developers, IT Security Analysts, Data Scientists, and Product Managers.

Software Engineering Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Areas of specialization for computer science professionals include programming languages like Java, the development and application of robotics, and the development of new systems, tools, and programming languages.

Why Training Format Matters

You might wonder why training format matters so much when it comes to learning computer science. The training method you choose impacts how long it takes you to learn these skills, how quickly you can start or advance your career using these skills, how much money you spend on computer science training, and how effective that training is. When deciding what computer science training format to pursue, you will want to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. Also keep in mind the learning method that suits you best as this plays a large part in learning and retaining information and developing hands-on skills.

Types of Training Formats

There are three main computer science training formats: live in-person classes, live online classes, and on-demand classes. You can also start your computer science training with free resources.

Live In-Person Classes

Live in-person classes are classes that meet a physical location. Much like traditional learning, students meet at a designated location and classes are led by an expert instructor. This training method works well for students who prefer to learn face-to-face. One unique advantage of live in-person classes is the opportunity they present to network with local professionals. Other advantages include collaborating with classmates, completing hands-on assignments, receiving real-time answers to your questions, and receiving personal feedback. 

Live in-person classes offer several advantages, but you will also want to keep disadvantages in mind. The primary limitation of in-person classes is that your choices are limited to the class offerings in your local area. This can make it challenging to find a class time that works for your schedule or to find a class with a curriculum covering all of the skills you wish to learn. You can receive many of the same benefits in-person classes offer, including the ability to learn from an instructor, with live online classes.

Live Online Classes

Live online classes meet remotely and are led in real-time by a live instructor. Remote classes offer many of the same benefits as live online classes, including hands-on assignments, collaborating with classmates, and having an instructor to guide your projects and answer questions. With live online classes, you gain the additional advantage of skipping the commute required for in-person classes. You can learn anywhere you choose. All you need is a strong internet connection.

Live online classes also offer more options regarding class time and curriculum as you are not restricted to offerings in your local area. Meeting remotely, however, does mean that you are less likely to network with local professionals. And, unlike in-person classes that offer fully equipped computer labs, students of live online classes must make sure their computer has any software required for the course. You can usually obtain this software for free using free versions or through free trials.

On-Demand Classes

On-demand classes, also called self-paced classes, are online courses that students progress through at their own pace. These classes consist largely of pre-recorded video content and may include readings, quizzes, and assignments. Some well-known on-demand class platforms include LinkedIn Learning, Skillshare, Udemy, and Coursera. These platforms use a monthly subscription model ranging from $30-50 per month. The main advantages of self-paced classes are the affordability and the ability to learn at any time that you choose, which is helpful to those with hectic or shifting schedules. 

The biggest disadvantage of an on-demand course is it either does not include access to an instructor or will offer limited access. If you run into a question or technical difficulty, you are stuck waiting hours or days for an answer. This can cause students to become stuck, which means it takes longer to complete the course. Some on-demand classes also only offer automatically-graded assignments (like quizzes) or assignments that are peer-reviewed by other students. This means you do not get the professional feedback an instructor can offer, nor are you sure how well you are retaining the information.

Free Courses

Free classes and other free resources can serve as an excellent starting point for learning which computer science skills you want to pursue. You can use free classes to gain a better understanding of computer science skills like web development, software development, and data science. Free courses can be found in video formats (such as webinars), written format (free guides), and more. You can use these resources to get a better idea of how each computer science skill relates to different fields and professions. 

Noble Desktop’s Learn Hubs offer free resources for those interested in learning web development, software engineering, data science, and more. You can learn about different sets of skills, what professions use these skills, and how long it takes to learn these skills. You can also take free courses to gauge your interest in a subject. Once you know what skills you want to learn, you can research more in-depth training formats. 

Depth of Training Formats

Different types of training formats offer varying levels and depths. An introductory course is typically the shortest instructor-led format, followed by training bootcamps which can last from a few days to a few weeks, and certificate programs that take a few months to complete. 

Certificate Programs

Certificate programs last anywhere from one month to several depending on the curriculum and whether you enroll part-time or full-time. Part-time enrollment works well for those who are learning new skills while balancing a day job. Part-time certificate program classes typically meet in the evenings and/or on weekends so that those with weekday jobs can take courses after business hours. If you have the flexibility to enroll in a full-time certificate program, you can complete the program in almost half the time it would take to complete a part-time program. This is because full-time programs have classes that meet multiple times a week and often during weekdays. For those who are able to enroll full-time, students can start a new career sooner. 

If you want to learn computer science skills, you may be interested in certificate programs that help you become a Web Developer, Software Engineer, or Data Scientist. Noble Desktop’s Full-Stack Web Development Certificate program covers the essential front end and back end programming skills needed for you to become a Full-Stack Web Developer. Noble’s Software Engineering Certificate program covers front end web development, Python programming, and SQL. If you are interested in a data science career, Noble’s Data Science Certificate program teaches Python programming and SQL to prepare students for careers as Data Scientists. Noble’s certificate programs include mentorship, professional portfolio development, and a free retake to help students make the most of their training.

Training Bootcamps

Computer science training bootcamps typically last a few days and focus on teaching one specific skill. Some bootcamps, however, focus on a group of skills. For example, Noble Desktop’s SQL Bootcamp focuses specifically on SQL, but the Python for Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp covers Python for data science, machine learning, automation, and data visualization. Training bootcamps are ideal for students looking to quickly and efficiently learn a specific skill or tool. They are also well-suited for students who want to learn more about a topic before committing to a certificate program. 

Professionals looking to upskill or further their knowledge of a topic related to their current field may wish to take a training bootcamp. Corporate training allows entire teams or employees within the same organization to take a class together remotely or onsite at their office. There are also ways that employees can join open-enrollment classes. Allowing employees to take bootcamps can save organizations valuable time with improved workflows, increase employee satisfaction, and help to promote candidates internally by providing opportunities for professional growth.

Introductory Courses

Introductory courses work well for students who want to test the waters before committing to a longer, more expensive training option. They also work well for those who might be looking to supplement existing skills by learning one particular skill or tool. Such classes also take only a single day or a few days to complete, making them relatively easy to fit into your schedule. Introductory courses for computer science skills include courses that teach fundamental skills in web development, software engineering, or data science. You can find courses for these skills that meet in-person and online.

Noble Desktop’s Web Development with HTML & CSS teaches students how to customize web pages using HTML and CSS. Python programming is a versatile programming language that can be used for building websites, building software, and analyzing data, so whether you are interested in becoming a Web Developer, Software Engineer, or Data Scientist, an Intro to Python Programming class has something to offer. 

Learn Computer Science Skills with Noble Desktop

If you want comprehensive computer science training in an interactive environment, check out the Full Stack Web Development Certificate from Noble Desktop. If you are looking to become a Software Engineer, consider enrolling in Noble’s Software Engineering Certificate program. If you focus your computer science training on the subcategory of data science, Noble Desktop’s Data Science Certificate gives you the skills you need for an entry-level position. High school students preparing for the AP Computer Science exam can benefit from Noble’s live online computer science NextGen Bootcamps.

Key Insights

  • Computer science is the study of computers and computer systems. Computer science skills include those relevant to web development, software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity. 
  • The type of computer science training you choose impacts which skills you learn, how quickly, and how well you will retain them. 
  • In-person classes are those where students meet face-to-face and are led by an instructor. Live online classes offer many of the same benefits (such as being instructor-led), but meet remotely. 
  • The length of training depends on whether you take an introductory course, bootcamp, or certificate program. 
  • You can receive comprehensive computer science training through Noble Desktop, either in person or online.

How to Learn Computer Science

Master computer science with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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