Are Computer Science Bootcamps Worth It?

A comprehensive guide to the value of Computer Science bootcamps

Training related to computer science can be worthwhile for establishing careers in a variety of industries armed with skills in technology. Computer science is a broad concept that encompasses web development, software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity. Computer science involves developing systems as well as working with complex tools for processing, accessing, and distributing information or performing tasks. While people generally associate computer technology with data science for working with statistics, algorithms, and analytics, computer science typically involves developing software, web platforms, and cybersecurity that protect users, servers, and databases.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment related to computer science and information research is expected to increase by 23 percent between 2022 and 2032 for finding work related to technology for building websites, developing software, and analyzing data. Training in computer science includes learning programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and Java that can open paths to working in several areas of technology. For instance, taking classes related to data science for training to learn machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence--which has become a widespread and controversial aspect of everyday life--could put someone with those skills ahead of the curve for finding work related to technology.

Training in computer science covers a broad range of technologies involving computer software and hardware. Training in areas like data science, especially AI, could lead to successful careers related to computer science along with classes in web development, software engineering, or cybersecurity. 

What Is Computer Science?

Computer science involves the process of people working with computers to get things done. Computer science consists of information systems, computing, and automation involving devices, machine learning algorithms, and data analysis for work that includes web development, software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity. Computer Scientists and similar professionals typically work with software and data systems for design, development, and applications related to computer technology.

Computer science includes data science, which involves organizing and interpreting large amounts of data that helps non-technical individuals understand information for getting their work done in business, education, information media, and marketing with operations, training, informing, or connecting with customers.

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Web development represents another category of computer science. Web development involves several areas with building websites and apps for applying front end, back end, and full stack procedures. This includes coding, which is what makes the Internet works. Coding runs behind web pages and plays an integral role with how technology essentially operates business and everything else in today’s world. There are coding languages like HTML and CSS that facilitate Computer Programmers in developing websites, smartphone apps, and digital software as well as analyzing data and creating machine learning algorithms.

Working with programming languages is crucial in computer science. Programming languages like JavaScript provides interactivity within websites through its wide-ranging library and adaptable frameworks. Along with implementing JavaScript, computer science involves data science, including data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Skills associated with data science include statistics, mathematics, computer programming, and business knowledge. Skills with artificial intelligence represent a growing area for potential employment related to computer science. AI integrates data within infrastructures that enable organizations to process material relevant to their industries.

Cybersecurity represents another important area of computer science as nearly everyone uses the Internet for activities involving finance with banking, paying for things, or getting paid. Cybersecurity has become a vital part of day-to-day life for keeping communication, information, and financial transactions safe and secure. Training in cybersecurity could pave the way to finding a career for people who have programming skills and a knack for solving problems. Along with the increase in cloud-based technologies, installing antivirus software or firewalls are no longer enough for protecting personal and business data from potential cyberattacks. In order to keep the cloud and computer networks safe, there has been an increased need for cybersecurity professionals. Anyone who has skills with cybersecurity has career options in a growing area of technology.

What Can You Do with Computer Science?

Training related to computer science can involve a wide range of areas, including classes in web development, software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity. Learning coding with HTML and CSS along with programming languages like JavaScript, Java, and Python can provide skills for becoming Web Developers, Software Engineers, or IT Security Specialists.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), careers related to cybersecurity look to increase by 32 percent between 2022 and 2032. Skills related to areas of computer science include training to learn programming languages like JavaScript and Python for working in web development and machine learning. For example, knowledge in data science can lead to working in a variety of industries for gathering and processing information, including healthcare for using data science to create algorithms in developing care plans that improve customer services or data analytics with medical imaging for determining diagnosis and treatments. 

Another area for working with skills in computer science would be with coding. Coding is what runs the Internet. The front end of websites is built using coding and focuses on the user experience for what users see on their web browsers. However, the back end of websites focus on power and functioning that usually involves Python programming. 

Computer science includes expertise in cybersecurity that can lead to finding work in today’s highly competitive tech labor market. Computer technology today involves the internet and the cloud, desktop computers, smartphones, and streaming devices that provide access to information and conveniently completing a variety of tasks. Today’s technology also exposes users to hackers, online blackmailers, identity thieves, who all seek unwanted access to financial and personal information. Training related to information security can lead to a high-demand career in cybersecurity.

Why Learn Computer Science in a Bootcamp?

For anyone considering a career related to computer science, enrolling in bootcamps to learn about coding, software engineering, data science, or cybersecurity can lead to qualifying for work in various areas of technology over a relatively short period of time. A coding bootcamp, for instance, can prepare prospective computer professionals with skill for working in web development, creating apps, or data science. Ambitious Web Developers or Computer Programmers may consider coding bootcamps as an accelerated option for gaining skills in various programming fields through immersive training programs over a shorter time period than with a college degree program or a technical school.

Coding is a specialty that can provide a person with a path to several careers. However, prospective students should only choose bootcamps that cover the subjects that best suit their skill set. Options for work involving coding include web development, software engineering, and computer programming. While some of these specialties apply to similar programming languages and concepts, students should focus on specific areas when selecting bootcamps.

Computer Science Bootcamps Compared to a College Degree

People who are considering training related to computer science have plenty of options available to them. Computer science involves a broad range of disciplines that include web development, software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity. Earning a college degree in computer science with a specification in a particular area can lead to working in a variety of technology-related professions. A college degree in computer science can take up to four years or more to complete and includes general education courses and electives required for a university education. By contrast, a bootcamp that involves skills related to computer science offers immersive training in a compact timeframe that typically takes a few weeks or months to complete.

A bootcamp can provide training in computer science for working in front end web development, software development, or cybersecurity that can lead to becoming Web Developers, Software Engineers, or IT Security Analysts. Bootcamps offer industry-standard training to learn coding, programming languages, and other areas of technology through lessons with hands-on projects that provide a much more compact method for becoming a computer professional.

Through college, students can earn a Bachelor’s in Computer Science (BCS) degree that involves training for creating devices, constructing computing systems, building top-to-bottom models in artificial intelligence, developing computer architectures, and organizing information systems. A major in computer science provides comprehensive training in fundamental principles and techniques for a career in computer technology. A BCS degree typically requires taking courses in traditional computing, media computation, computer engineering, software development, object-oriented programming, hardware and software design for processors, information security, and cybersecurity as well as machine learning. A major in computer science usually takes up to four years for earning an undergraduate degree. The biggest hurdle for people who already work in computer technology who would like to enhance their skills might be finding the time to navigate a rigid course schedule along with tuition, which can get expensive at a traditional university.

Bootcamps train students who are interested in a computer science-related education with being able to balance a work schedule while learning skills that could lead to a more satisfying career. Bootcamps provide immersive training in technology through offering a more flexible class schedule at a lower cost than pursuing a college degree. Additionally, while a college degree in computer science may require enrolling in classes for several areas of computer science as well as general education courses, a bootcamp takes a more precise approach with training in technology through hands-on projects for learning coding, programming languages, software, or procedures.

Among the difficulties with computer science-related bootcamps when compared to a college degree could be with the accelerated timeline. While the condensed timeline is usually considered an advantage with bootcamps, the limited time may not allow students an opportunity for getting used to working with a difficult procedure or for adapting their own approach to working with a particular technique through trial and error. Another drawback with bootcamps could be with having to get much of the work done outside of the classroom without much time available as there might be with a semester-long college course. On the other hand, the compact schedule and lower cost of bootcamp training may ultimately make it a better choice than attempting a four-year college degree in computer science.

Bootcamps Compared to On-Demand Courses

While bootcamps can provide an efficient method for learning skills related to computer science, many people may have obligations that will not allow them to participate in a set class schedule. For those individuals, on-demand courses (asynchronous) offer self-paced tutorials, typically videos, that students can access at their discretion. On-demand courses provide students who have tight work schedules with more flexibility for training.

The length of time for learning any new skills related to computer science depends on the person. Some people may have experience in areas of computer science with either building websites or working with code and may want to add to their skill set by learning a new programming language or software through courses in web development, software engineering, data analytics, or cybersecurity. Of course, people who have the time can enroll in an in-person or live online course. However, for people whose schedule doesn’t provide the flexibility for participating in a rigid course schedule, enrolling in an on-demand course offers them a convenient option.

Busy but determined computer professionals can enroll in an on-demand computer science-related course for being able to fit learning new skills into their schedule. For example, Skillshare offers the self-paced Python for Beginners: Learn the Fundamentals of Computer Science course that provides training in the Python programming language for being able to work in software engineering, data science, and artificial intelligence. This eight hour and 40-minute self-paced course trains students through five sessions of video tutorials that students can access at their own pace and time within the timeframe set for this on-demand class.

On-demand courses are typically less expensive than bootcamps. The biggest drawback with on-demand classes is with the lack of a live instructor for real-time interactions or getting feedback. While there is typically feedback available through instant messaging or email, there may not necessarily be opportunities for a live exchange or conversation. And while live virtual bootcamps may seem just as impersonal as on-demand courses due to the distance of an online learning environment, live online bootcamps do offer the opportunity for real-time conversations during class for being able to ask questions and get feedback. While one of the benefits of on-demand training allows students to be able to complete assignments whenever they choose, the format may also make them feel more isolated.

Bootcamps Compared to Free Training Options

People interested in learning skills related to computer science can find free online resources for gaining initial knowledge with basic coding and programming languages for eventually becoming Front End Developers or Computer Programmers. Noble Desktop offers free seminars with coding, building websites, and data science. Noble Desktop offers web development seminars, including the free Intro to Front End Web Development seminar, the Website Fundamentals and Conversion Optimization seminar, the Get Started in Data Science seminar, the Intro to Python Fundamentals seminar, and the Intro to JavaScript seminar.

Learn Computer Science Skills with Noble Desktop

If you have been considering training in skills related to computer science, you have the opportunity to enroll at Noble Desktop for in-person and live online courses, bootcamps, and certificate programs for learning web development, data science, software engineering, and cybersecurity. For example, knowledge with coding languages can open up opportunities for working in the competitive tech industry by enrolling in the Web Development with HTML & CSS course that could be the right first move for creating a path to a new career or options for upward mobility at a current position. This beginner-level coding course can train you in how to develop websites using HTML and CSS, which are the foundation of coding languages.

You can also enroll in Noble Desktop’s Cybersecurity Bootcamp for training in cybersecurity for learning skills with Python, computer networking, Linux, and cloud computing with AWS. Noble Desktop also has the Python for Data Science Bootcamp, which is a 30-hour course that immerses you in training to learn the programming language with data science. This bootcamp offers lessons on the fundamentals of Python with data science to learn about loops, functions, and objects along with handling diverse data that includes, integers, floats, strings as well as how to regulate the flow of a program with conditional statements.

How to Learn Computer Science

Master computer science with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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