Are Computer Science Classes Worth It?

Weigh the pros and cons of Computer Science classes. Determine if they’re the right fit and investment for your career goals.

Training for skills in computer science can lead to establishing careers in a variety of industries related to technology. Computer science is a broad concept that encompasses web development, software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity. Computer science involves developing systems as well as working with complex tools for processing, accessing, and distributing information or performing tasks. While people generally associate computer technology with data science for working with statistics, algorithms, and analytics, computer science also involves developing software and websites as well as cybersecurity for protecting users, servers, and databases.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment related to computer science and information research is expected to increase by 23 percent between 2022 and 2032 for finding work related to technology involving web development, software development, and data analysis. Areas for training in computer science includes learning programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java for opening a path for working in several categories of technology. For instance, taking classes related to data science for training in machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, which has become a widespread and controversial aspect of everyday life, could put someone with skills in computer science ahead of the curve for working in technology.

Training in computer science covers a broad range of technologies involving computer software and hardware. While training in areas of data science, especially AI, could lead to a successful career related to computer technology, considering classes in web development, software engineering, or cybersecurity could also be beneficial.

Consider the Cost of Computer Science Classes

The cost of training related to computer science will depend on several factors, including the specific area of technology or method of training that a person has decided to follow, including a four-year college degree, non-traditional training courses, online classes, or bootcamps for learning new skills. Learning computer science can involve training across a wide range of disciplines, including classes for learning web development, programming languages like JavaScript, Python, or Java as well as software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity. At a school like Noble Desktop, for example, the cost for training related to computer science can range from $895 for enrolling in the Intro to Python Programming course to $7,995 for the Full Stack Web Development Certificate program.

Advantages of a Computer Science Class

Many of the advantages of taking a computer science class include improving a person’s likelihood for finding work, upgrading skills for remaining current in the job market, and gaining expertise with a skill for making a difference. The need for possessing some skills with computers is an absolute necessity with working in any industry considering that computer technology now involves basically every aspect of life and business, including recordkeeping, inventory, communication, human resources, and marketing. Therefore, gaining skills related to computer science can lead to working in business, science, media, healthcare, engineering, education, or retail as Full Stack Developers, Software Engineers, Data Analysts, or IT Security Specialists.

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Skills related to computer science include learning coding and programming languages for working in web development, data science and analytics, software development, and cybersecurity from training in courses, bootcamps, or certificate programs. Training related to learning full stack web development includes mastering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python for developing websites and software.

Classes for learning areas of data science can also prove beneficial for finding employment related to computer science, which includes courses in Python, SQL, NumPy, and Pandas for working in data analytics, data visualization, and machine learning.

Another area of computer science includes skills for protecting computer systems and databases. Training in Python can provide skills in data forensics along with learning Linux and cloud computing. Knowledge with Linux provides skills for performing penetration testing for finding vulnerabilities within computer systems as well as providing forensic analysis following cyberattacks. Because so much data storage and business operations involve cloud storage, expertise for handling cloud security also represents a vital area of work in cybersecurity for protecting cloud computing systems, which involves maintaining data privacy within online infrastructures and networks.

General Benefits of Computer Science Classes

Training through computer science courses allow participants to train under industry-expert instructors who typically assign students real-world projects with step-by-step instructions and feedback for learning a variety of disciplines such as web development, data science, software engineering, and cybersecurity. Enrolling in a computer science-related class can provide detailed lessons for a better understanding of tools and techniques involving different areas of technology. Training related to computer science can provide skills with programming languages and procedures to qualify for working in a variety of industries through knowledge related to current technologies.

Learning Coding and Programming Languages

Among the biggest difficulties with training related to computer science may be with finding resources for help with learning programming languages or related software. Training related to computer science includes finding resources for learning programming languages and concepts in various areas of technology. There are YouTube videos as well as other free online tutorials for learning HTML and CSS, which are the foundations for building websites. Coding associated with training in computer science along with programming languages like JavaScript, Java, and Python are essential for work involving web development, data science, and software engineering.

Learning Theory and Practice with Computer Science

Computer science involves theories and practices that include algorithms and mathematical procedures related to computer systems that organizations and government agencies apply with getting business and other functions done for satisfying users, customers, and citizens. Computer science encompasses mathematical theories that include algorithms for testing issues with systems, helping with developing computer hardware and software, and enhancing human-to-computer interactions that ranges from commercial exchanges to accessing information related to the climate, diseases, or data collection.

Personalized Feedback

With training in complicated areas of computer science, being able to get feedback on projects or to clear up difficulties can help with gaining a better understanding of specific areas like web development or cybersecurity. Enrolling in a computer science class may help experienced Computer Programmers enhance their skills through the feedback they will get along the way from instructors. Being able to get a response about whether a particular approach with coding, software development, or a procedure on a project is appropriate or headed in the wrong direction can help tremendously during training. Basically, feedback can help with avoiding common mistakes with learning that could end up becoming bad habits.

Building a Portfolio

Training in areas of computer science allows prospective Computer Programmers, Web Developers, Software Engineers, or Computer Scientists to create plenty of work to include in a portfolio for impressing potential employers. For people looking for work related to computer science, enrolling in classes may help prepare them. However, among the biggest benefits is that any of their completed projects can be included as part of a professional portfolio.

Tools and procedures used for working in computer science include learning coding like HTML and CSS as well as programming languages like JavaScript and Python. Skills with computer languages are essential for work with computer science in fields like web development and software engineering, data analytics and machine learning, and cybersecurity. Training in programming languages and specific areas of computer science can provide students with skills for working in technology that provide career opportunities in numerous industries. Training in tools and disciplines connected to computer science can lead to becoming Computer Scientists, Full Stack Developers, Software Engineers, Python Developers, JavaScript Developers, Data Analysts, App Developers, and Security Architects for work in several areas related to computer technology.

What to Consider with Computer Science Classes

Training in computer science includes diverse categories related to technology. For young people deciding on a career or experienced professionals looking to change jobs, choosing the right classes for learning skills in computer science is crucial.

The first step with choosing an education related to computer science is settling on an area of specialization. Computer science involves several categories related to development, software, processing, or security. Anyone interested in training related to computer science should focus on a specific area of study.


Anyone planning on working in computer science must have skills in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Knowledge in HTML and CSS are essential for working in web development for creating websites and applications. As a Full Stack Developer, for instance, being able to work on both the front end and back end of websites is absolutely essential. Knowing HTML and CSS can help with resolving potential problems by finding solutions by being able to fix coding along with possessing familiarity with programming languages like JavaScript.


JavaScript is a popular programming language used for creating interactive websites and apps. Computer Programmers and Web Developers work with JavaScript as a cross-platform programming language that can be used on the client-side for the user experience with web development as well as the server-side with functions.


Anyone who has considered a career related to computer science should enroll in classes for learning the Python programming language for working in web development or data science. Python is considered relatively easy to read and understand, which has led to it becoming the most used language for newcomers to programming throughout the world. Training in Python provides knowledge in a versatile programming language that can lead to work as Python Programmers, Data Scientists, or Web Developers.


Java is a simple, open-source code that is among the most widely used programming languages on the planet along with being fairly easy to learn. Skills for using Java can lead to opportunities for working in technology, including careers related to computer science. Advanced Java training involves learning about client and server architecture servlet life cycles, helper applications, and session management. Because of the programming language’s versatility, Java Programmers are able to find plenty of community support.

Web Development

Web development involves several areas for building websites and apps that require skills for working on the front end and the back end as well as knowledge with full stack web development. The front end of a website is what people see on their web browsers and is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and focuses on the user experience. The back end with web development emphasizes the powering and functioning of a website within browsers like Chrome, for example. Working in full stack development requires being able to work on both the front end and back end.

Data Analytics

Training in data analytics for working as Data Analysts or Business Analysts provides skills for analyzing data, data visualization, and statistical analysis. Organizations often use data for making informed business decisions. For example, data analytics includes data visualization that helps nontechnical clients in comprehending complicated information through visual presentations.

Machine Learning

For anyone considering a career related to computer science, training in machine learning can provide skills for working in several industries. Machine learning is a category of artificial intelligence associated with creating programs that are capable of learning from data algorithms through processing collected information. Training in Python programming provides skills for analyzing data using Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib as well as using machine learning to apply regressions and other statistical analysis for creating predictive models. Training involves exploring common machine learning applications such as data mining, robotic control, and autonomous navigation systems.

Software Engineering

Skills in front end development can lead to working in software engineering through knowledge of Python, Django, Git, and SQL. Working in software engineering requires a variety of skills from basic knowledge with HTML and CSS, JavaScript, and React that support software development for help with control, management, and testing. Prospective Software Engineers can enroll in certificate programs for learning Python for developing software for work related to computer science.

Cloud Computing

Training in computer science should include learning cloud computing. Cloud computing courses typically offer basic lessons on cloud computing service models and applications along with lessons on configuring, securing, and expanding computer cloud networks. While everyone understands there will be a degree of difficulty with learning anything new, developing skills with cloud computing could open up career opportunities. Areas for working with skills in cloud computing include advanced networking, data analytics, machine learning, and online security. An emphasis on any of these areas can provide expertise to any organization using Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is a cloud provider focused on infrastructure and emerging technologies with an emphasis on machine learning, data analytics, and cybersecurity.


Today, everyone depends on the Internet for not only communicating but for business and finance with banking, paying for things, or getting paid. However, some have decided that invading the privacy and online accounts of other people and companies is a great way to profit illegally. Because of this, cybersecurity has become a vital part of day-to-day life for keeping communication, information, and financial transactions safe and secure. Therefore, training for a career related to cybersecurity could pave the way to securing a future for solving problems with protecting users and servers from cyberattacks.

Considering In-Person, Live Online, or On-Demand Courses

When enrolling in either an in-person or virtual learning course for training related to computer science, students must consider what may be required with their new undertaking. By enrolling for in-person classes, students will need to stick to a set schedule that may not only require getting to a classroom on time but also being able to get assignments completed on time. With live online courses, while not having to travel anywhere, students have to still follow a set schedule for logging into class and completing assignments. In choosing either in-person or live online classes, students will need to adhere to a strict schedule.

However, students do have the option of enrolling in on-demand computer science related courses that offer more scheduling flexibility with starting and completing assignments at the student’s discretion within the perimeters of the course.

Balancing Theory and Practice Skills

Among the challenges with finding the right computer science-related courses is deciding how to balance learning theories and practices involved with the various disciplines. Some students may focus on web development or with learning skills in AI or machine learning. Others may want to learn about cybersecurity for working with computer networks.

A plan for working in computer science can lead down several paths. For example, if a student has interests in web development, they may go with training in programming languages. Finding the right balance can help with deciding on which direction to travel when considering a specification in computer science.

What Skills Do You Need to Know?

Learning areas of computer science can open doors to new careers in technology. Training in programming languages and procedures for web development, data science, software engineering, and cybersecurity can lead to employment in a variety of industries and professions, including becoming Software Engineers, Project Managers, Security Architects, or Systems Analysts.

For example, a data science bootcamp provides accelerated training that may take more time to complete than traditional online courses but less time than a college major. Bootcamps provide an immersive alternative that can get participants ready to get started in their new profession right out of the chute.

Is It Worth Enrolling in a Computer Science Class?

New learners looking for a career related to computer science may be interested in enrolling for courses to develop skills in several areas of technology. Training to learn about basic coding, data science, or cybersecurity can open up opportunities to a variety of careers. Courses related to computer science can enhance any skill set for becoming Web Developers, IT Security Analysts, or Computer Scientists.

Anyone considering computer science-related courses should think long and hard. Computer science is inherently difficult and involves several areas such as web development, software engineering, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Computer technology touches every aspect of life nowadays, and computer science connects with those functions in different ways. Enrolling in computer science courses is worthwhile for anyone with the drive and passion for working in technology.

Who Probably Doesn’t Need to Enroll in a Computer Science Class?

People who dabble in web development or posting blogs as a hobby may not need to spend their time or money for training related to computer science. Paying for a class to learn coding or a programming language might be relatively expensive and time consuming and might not qualify as a good investment. Hobbyists and amateurs can take advantage of online tutorials and YouTube videos to pick up tips with coding and programming languages.

Learn Computer Science Skills with Noble Desktop

If you have been considering training to learn skills related to computer science, you might want to enroll at Noble Desktop for classes in web development, data science, software engineering, and cybersecurity. Noble Desktop offers courses that include the Full Stack Web Development Certificate as well as the Software Engineering Certificate programs that can put you on different paths to careers related to computer science.

Noble Desktop also offers the Data Science Certificate program that trains you for becoming a Data Scientist or a Cybersecurity Analyst from lessons in Python and SQL along with training in machine learning algorithms. 

You could enroll in Noble Desktop’s Cybersecurity Bootcamp to get started with training in cybersecurity by learning skills for Python, computer networking, Linux, and cloud computing with AWS.

How to Learn Computer Science

Master computer science with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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