Both small and large organizations hire Software Engineers to design software solutions for computers and computing devices. This process involves creating reusable code for apps and software and applying various engineering principles to devise solutions for the end user. They draw from skills in fields like computer science, engineering, computer programming, and math. While a Software Engineer’s daily tasks depend on their employment and workplace industry, these professionals create operating systems, network control systems, computer games, business apps, and middleware. This article will take a closer look at the skills needed to pursue a career in software engineering, as well as the job responsibilities and typical pay rates for those employed in this field.

What is a Software Engineer?

Because so many businesses across different sectors rely on software for their daily operations, Software Engineers are hired to work in many industries, including retail, cybersecurity, healthcare, and finance. These professionals help their organization create, develop, and test computer systems and software applications. To succeed in software engineering, it’s essential to be familiar with a range of programming languages, platforms, and architectures, as well as their uses, to develop products like network control systems or computer games. In addition to creating their own systems, Software Engineers may also be asked to improve or test the software created by other Engineers. Those who have well-developed analytical skills and are good at solving problems would be a good match for this profession.

On a daily basis, the tasks a Software Engineer performs depend on their industry of employment (healthcare vs. retail, for example, will have very different requirements), as well as their place of employment and current project. Some common daily tasks Software Engineers perform include creating and maintaining software systems, writing code, studying and testing new software, ensuring software is scalable and performing at a good speed, meeting with stakeholders like security specialists or clients, and creating presentations on new software features. They also assist with tasks like researching current technological developments for use in projects, designing prototypes, locating and fixing bugs, and performing A/B testing.

Most Software Engineers are employed full-time; some work onsite, whereas others have remote positions. Lucrative freelance Software Engineering roles are also available, which provide the Engineer with the flexibility of being their own boss and selecting their own projects. Software Engineers who work full-time typically collaborate with other team members on projects, including Developers, UX and UI Designers, Managers, and those from various sales teams. Some Software Engineers focus on one component of a project, whereas others see the project out in its entirety from start to finish or even multitask on several concurrent projects. Deadlines usually drive this field. Most Software Engineers work a typical 40-hour workweek but may have to commit additional hours during coding sprints.

Job Requirements

The job requirements necessary to pursue a job in software engineering vary depending on the employer and the sector in which you seek employment. At a bare minimum, though, most candidates must have certain core skills. First is an educational background that involves training in software engineering. While not all places of employment require job applicants to have a bachelor’s degree in software engineering or a related field (such as computer science, computer engineering, IT or math), this type of training can provide a competitive edge over other candidates because it indicates that the individual has a sufficient knowledge base and foundation to develop complex systems and apply practical programming concepts. Often, for this reason, those interested in pursuing higher-level roles like Senior Developer must have undergraduate training in software engineering.

Software Engineering Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Those who don’t have a bachelor’s in software engineering will likely need to demonstrate to prospective employers that they possess essential software engineering skills to be considered for job openings. These include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Knowledge of programming languages like Java, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Linux/Unix, SQL, C++, C#, and PHP.
  • Experience working with UI frameworks and toolkits.
  • Familiarity with Web API and Node.js.
  • Soft skills like problem-solving, time management, organization, project management, collaboration, and clear written and verbal communication. 
  • Training in software engineering best practices.
  • Experience writing clear, concise technical documentation and specs.
  • Understanding of source code and version repository.
  • A background in analyzing complicated technical information.

Those who do not have a bachelor’s degree in software engineering can gain this sort of expertise by searching for a software engineering program, such as a bootcamp or certificate. These classes take much less time to complete than college study and provide real-world training with in-demand engineering skills, coding languages, and tools. Some employers also ask that prospective job candidates earn certification in the technologies they’ll be using. Some prominent software engineering certifications are the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer, Amazon Web Services Certified Developer, and Oracle Certified Java Programmer. While these are not requirements of all software engineering roles, earning these credentials can be an excellent way to distinguish yourself from other job candidates.

Some employers also require prospective job applicants with entry-level experience to apply for a software engineering position. Internships provide hands-on training in the hard skills needed to be an Engineer and cultivate an understanding of workplace etiquette and culture. Those interested in applying for junior software engineering roles may also demonstrate that they have entry-level training by completing small projects, such as writing and debugging code, working with programming basics like algorithms and data structures, and testing applications.

Job Responsibilities

The specific job requirements for Software Engineers depend on their professional focus and industry of employment. Generally speaking, these individuals perform tasks like updating, maintaining, and troubleshooting systems, as well as evaluating new technologies that can solve problems for their organization. Because this field is so broad, there are various specializations Software Engineers can select as a focus, each with its unique requirements. The following are some specific responsibilities Software Engineers regularly perform based on their line of work:

  • Quality Assurance Engineers evaluate and address product issues before a product is released to end users.
  • Front End Engineers deal with the user experience side of a website, including the elements that make the site function properly, help users navigate it, and ensure it’s aesthetically pleasing.
  • Back End Engineers are involved with maintaining a website’s back end, which includes the elements that keep it running. Their job entails creating APIs and server scripts that UX Designers and Front End Engineers will then use.
  • Full Stack Engineers are tasked with overseeing both the user side and server side of a website. 
  • Security Engineers are hired by companies to test, implement, and maintain their security system’s data and technology.
  • DevOps Engineers work closely with IT staff and Developers to oversee code deployments and releases.


Although the specific soft and hard skills each Software Engineer needs will depend on their place of employment and the sector in which they work, most will need to be proficient with the following:

Technical Skills:

  • Computer science basic concepts and skills, such as web services, software testing, APIs, and commonly used operating systems
  • Programming languages like C++, PHP, JavaScript, Python, CSS, Ruby, HTML, and Java
  • Software testing/debugging
  • Cloud computing
  • Programming languages’ libraries, frameworks, and Developer tools, including Python libraries, JavaScript frameworks, and integrated development environments (IDEs)
  • Agile project management
  • Object-oriented design

Soft Skills:

  • Clear communication, both written and verbal
  • Project planning
  • Teamwork
  • Process analysis
  • Logical reasoning
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management/multitasking
  • Detail-oriented thinking

Why Do Businesses Need Software Engineers?

Software engineering is an in-demand profession that has applications in many industries. As society continues to develop more computer-driven processes for daily tasks, software engineering is a valuable skill set sought after by many employers. Software Engineers are the ones who create the apps and programs we rely on each day. Businesses of all sizes and types turn to those who have software engineering training to troubleshoot, maintain, and upgrade their existing systems. This ensures that any problems that arise are dealt with promptly and won’t cause a monetary loss to the organization. 

Software Engineers play an essential role in their organization by performing a range of tasks that save money and prevent problems from escalating. They automate repetitive actions, research new market opportunities, improve organizational communication, and scale operations faster. The solutions they create help their employer not only operate more efficiently but also reach a larger customer base and provide them with an overall better experience. Some businesses also use Software Engineers to expand their online presence and develop ecommerce platforms that are capable of reaching new online markets for their products. Because the software industry is a complex, continuously evolving field in which the end product must be reliable and high-quality to meet users’ needs, those with software engineering skills are an asset to their organization, regardless of its size or focus.

Where Do Software Engineers Usually Work? 

Software Engineers with the right qualifications and training background can work in many types of industries and hold a range of careers. Even though IT firms hire the majority of Software Developers, these individuals are also sought-after in industries like finance, healthcare, nonprofit, transit, and government. Some are employed at electronic product manufacturing companies or computer systems design firms. Others work for applications development offices like insurance carriers or software publishers. The following are just several potential career paths for those with a background in software engineering:

  • Web Designer
  • Multimedia Programmer
  • IT Consultant
  • Software Engineer
  • Web Developer
  • Information Systems Manager
  • Applications Developer
  • Game Developer
  • Cybersecurity Analyst

Software Engineer Salary and Job Outlook

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in software engineering, the job outlook is very promising for 2024 and beyond. As the demand continues to grow for mobile app development and more machine learning and AI technology is introduced into various industries, those with a background in software engineering are sought after to fill many professional roles. From 2022 to 2032, the job outlook for Software Developers, Testers, and Quality Assurance Analysts is expected to grow by 25%, which is well above the national average in other trades. This means that there will be nearly 154,000 new job postings available in software engineering and related fields during this time. 

Most Software Engineers earn a competitive salary. According to, the average US-based Software Engineer in the US makes $105,000 a year. This estimate varies depending on the part of the country in which the Engineer is employed, as well as their area of expertise. The average pay rate is much higher than this number in larger cities. For example, an NYC-based Software Engineer makes about $151,000 a year, and the pay rate for those who work in Washington, DC is $129,000. In places like Fairfax, Virginia, this number is much lower, and Software Engineers can expect to make closer to $101,000. 

How Long Does it Take to Become a Software Engineer? 

The amount of time it takes to become a Software Engineer varies from one person to the next and depends on a host of factors. Because this field includes so many branches and skills, such as data analytics and web development, it can take some people several months or even several years to become proficient in software engineering. The timeframe it will take you to learn software engineering ultimately depends on a host of factors, including the skills you already bring to the table, the type of training you select, your budgeting constraints, and the level of expertise you ultimately hope to acquire from your training. 

The method of instruction you select to learn software engineering will directly impact your learning speed. Those who opt to self-teach using online resources like YouTube videos and tutorials may require a much longer timeframe to learn this skill set than those who opt for live study. For self-taught learners, it’s estimated that it can take six months to a full year for those able to devote 30 hours/week to their learning. Generally speaking, the average learner can acquire the basic skills necessary to pursue an entry-level software engineering job in as little as three to six months by enrolling in a bootcamp or certificate that teaches this skill set. These programs often also include additional career-focused incentives, such as 1-on-1 mentoring sessions and job search assistance, intended to help graduates gain employment immediately after completing coursework.

Another variable that will dictate the speed at which you learn software engineering is the experience you bring to the table. If you already have a background in computer programming or have taken advanced-level math courses, you likely will find it much easier and faster to learn software engineering basics than someone who lacks this training. Time consideration is another variable all learners will need to factor in when determining how long they’ll need to study software engineering. Those who must balance their studies with other commitments like full-time employment or personal obligations may be unable to enroll in full-time study options. Instead, they may opt for part-time coursework that provides the flexibility of attending class on weeknights or weekends, which can require additional time.

Software Engineer vs. Computer Science

If you’re interested in exploring a field closely related to software engineering, one such profession is Computer Scientist. While these two fields have many similarities and overlaps, several key differences exist. Computer science is a domain that involves studying topics like computers, algorithms, and automation. This domain is separate, though related, to computer programming. At its core, computer science revolves around computation theory, which pertains to math, logic, and philosophy that predates the use of computers. Computer Scientists are involved with exploring how information is organized and computed, which is the foundation of writing software. 

Software engineering differs from computer science because it involves studying, creating, maintaining, and testing software. Those who work in this field have to understand the algorithms they use to create products, in addition to focusing their efforts on building working products that thousands or millions of people will use. Software Engineers are less concerned with the code being written than they are with the process of generating the code. They must ensure the code is adequately tested and that any necessary code changes in production are reliably automated. 

Learn the Skills to Become a Software Engineer at Noble Desktop

Those interested in pursuing a career in software engineering can receive hands-on training by enrolling in one of Noble Desktop’s in-person or live online software engineering courses. Noble currently offers a Software Engineering Certificate that provides hands-on training in front end and back end web development. Participants in this rigorous program begin by exploring how to use HTML to mark up webpages, CSS to style them, and GIT for version control. The second part of this program teaches core JavaScript programming skills, such as data types, variables, DOM, and loops. Instruction is provided on using the React library to create a fully working desktop application and deploy it to Amazon Web Services. Next, those enrolled explore Python concepts like its basic syntax, custom functions, sorting algorithms, and dictionaries. Learners then progress into object-oriented programming, APIs, and database querying with SQL. By course completion, participants will be familiar with Django and Django REST. In addition to comprehensive in-class training, this certificate includes 12 1-on-1 mentoring sessions for all students, which can be devoted to professional portfolio development, resume work, or LinkedIn profile updates.

Noble also offers a Python Developer Certificate that prepares students for a career as a Python Developer. This intensive course teaches concepts like Python programming basics, as well as how to use Django and Django REST for web development. All participants leave this course with a professional portfolio that highlights their best work from the program. As a prerequisite, students should have prior knowledge of basic CSS and HTML coding. It’s also helpful, though not required, to have experience with an additional programming language prior to enrolling. This certificate includes four 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.

Learners who want to become proficient in front end and back end web development can enroll in Noble’s Full Stack Web Development Certificate. This program will prepare students to create and maintain various web applications. Through project-oriented instruction, those enrolled explore how to code websites, program their visual appearance, and create the infrastructure that helps them function. Instruction is provided in coding languages like JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Students also work with the MERN tech stack, server environments like AWS, and APIs. All participants leave with a portfolio to share with prospective employers. Ten 1-on-1 mentoring sessions are provided along with tuition.