If you're looking to become a Python developer, understanding how to create a professional-level portfolio is key. This guide provides insights into what this portfolio should consist of, how to manage online code repositories, how to tailor your portfolio to different job roles, and the importance of choosing the right hosting service for your digital portfolio.

Key Insights

  • A Python developer portfolio should demonstrate multiple skills to recruiters, including how to manage an online code repository, how to collaborate with others, and understanding of coding within complex projects.
  • The portfolio can be hosted on a webpage or an online repository like GitHub. The hosting choice is less critical than ensuring the projects are not local-system based.
  • The portfolio should be tailored depending on the industry and job role. Python skills can apply to web, app, or game development, and the portfolio should reflect this.
  • For a Python developer portfolio, quality outweighs quantity. It is better to have a few excellent projects than several average ones. The projects should showcase creativity, problem-solving, and organizational skills.
  • Choosing where to host a digital portfolio is crucial. Python developers can opt for a prebuilt portfolio website or a DIY site, depending on their skills and the impression they want to make.
  • Noble Desktop offers Python classes and bootcamps for those looking to enhance their skills. Students can also benefit from portfolio reviews and 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.

What Is a Python Developer Portfolio?

A Python Developer portfolio should consist of a collection of projects rather than a single project. Your goals in building a professional-level portfolio should include demonstrating several skills to recruiters and hiring managers, like:

  • You know how to manage an online code repository like GitHub.
  • Your ability to work with others includes creating a project environment other Developers can duplicate.
  • You understand how coding works within more complex projects.

You can create a webpage for your portfolio or host it on an online repository like GitHub, AWS CodeCommit, or Bitbucket. The method you choose is less important than that you do not host it on your local system. Hiring managers and recruiters like to see that you can manage projects remotely.

The types of projects you choose to include in your portfolio depend on factors like your industry, the job you want, and whether your Python skills apply to web, app, or game development. You always want your best work in your portfolio, but you may need to reconfigure it as you apply for different positions.

Read on to learn more about Python Developer portfolio best practices.

How to Build Python Developer Portfolio Projects

You can start creating projects to put into your Python Developer portfolio before you take your first Python class. Of course, none of your initial attempts will stay in your professional portfolio for long, but they give you a starting point.

Python Developer Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Try beginning with free resources like those available through the Noble Desktop Learn Hub. Making a Twitter bot in Python or similar exercises can help you practice now, even if you are not ready for a full-length certificate program.

Once you are ready, consider enrolling in a course like the Python Developer Certificate. In this immersive program, you'll practice your skills by building work for your portfolio. One of the essential benefits of this training is that your expert instructor can assess your portfolio and advise you on which projects to feature.

Although you might model a portfolio project after one you learned in a tutorial, make it different enough to look like more than a classroom assignment. Hiring managers and contractors seek originality, creativity, problem-solving, and organizational skills.

Choosing Python Developer Portfolio Pieces

Python Developers use different processes to assemble their portfolios. These processes depend on factors like the industry, sector, and in many cases, the individual position.

Aspiring Python Developers will want to pick their best work, choose work with good results, and select work that tells a story about what they have learned.

Portfolio projects for a software development role must show that the candidate understands fundamentals, including version control. Soft skills like curiosity, originality and the willingness to try different things can be essential here.

For a web development portfolio, tailor the contents to the industry. Include a homepage, a projects page, and custom pages like testimonials, a blog, or FAQ about web development. While two projects are not enough, more than six are too many. Whoever reviews your portfolio won't have time to review dozens of pages.

Game Developers may use Python, too, and you may be familiar with frameworks like PyGame and PyKyra and tools like PyOgre. Though not as popular as some other languages, Python gets its fair share of use in game development. To get ideas on any of these portfolio types, search for examples online to find the model that works for you.

Choosing a Python Developer Portfolio Website

Python Developers have a couple of options for hosting a digital portfolio. Generally, you can choose between either:

  • A prebuilt portfolio website, which is perfect for easy and regular updates
  • A DIY portfolio website that showcases your particular set of digital skills

If you choose a prebuilt portfolio site, much of the front end work is already complete. You can find Python website templates on a site like uiCookies or Wix.

This option may be appropriate for Python software or game development pros. However, if your expertise is web development, it might be better to show your skills by building a DIY portfolio website.

If you go the DIY route, choosing your hosting service will be crucial. Check listings on sites like Top10. For more information on hosting services, see Noble Desktop's Top Hosting Platforms article, which lists well-known platforms like WordPress and Squarespace alongside lesser-known companies like Krop and Coroflot.

Building a Python Developer Portfolio Website

However you host your Python portfolio, you need certain elements to stand out from other development applicants. Consider the following essentials:

  • A clear navigation menu 
  • Well-written copy optimized for SEO
  • An About Me section, including contact info and any relevant testimonials or awards

An attractive, accessible portfolio website includes only your best open-source work. Limit copy on the main page to links for elements like Projects, About Me, and Contact. Make the site easy to navigate. 

You can link to your GitHub, include social media buttons, and be sure to keep the copyright date current every year by January 1st. A website with the previous year in the footer looks outdated.

If you need inspiration, look online for “Python Developer portfolio samples” and other comparable search results.

Polishing a Python Developer Portfolio Website

Polishing your portfolio website will be an ongoing process. Remember that you might need to revise it multiple times for various job searches.

When you build the site, consider a smaller number of projects over a larger one. Three excellent projects are better than seven average projects. Briefly list relevant skills below your project links, like VS Code, Styled Components, or a particular API. 

Always get constructive criticism from an experienced instructor or mentor before finalizing your site. If you graduate from a program like Noble Desktop's Python Developer Certificate, your course includes multiple 1-on-1 mentoring sessions, with portfolio review among the most essential.

Learn the Skills to Become a Python Developer at Noble Desktop

To become a Python Developer, everyone needs a range of skills and knowledge. Most people start with basics, like functions, variables, and the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP). Progressing to a development role also can include additional server-side languages like React (JSX), machine learning algorithms, and object-relational mapping (ORM).

Noble Desktop offers a range of online and in-person Python classes and bootcamps for development, data science and analytics, FinTech, and cybersecurity. Instructors with practical expertise teach these programs, which feature small class sizes to ensure individual attention. Each graduate receives a certificate of completion and can even retake the course for up to one year at no additional charge.

Many Python novices review some free online resources to prepare for one of these courses. Noble Desktop’s Learn Hub includes a comprehensive guide to learning Python for development or data-centered roles. Here you can check out free on-demand courses and tutorials on topics like exchanging Excel for Python and making a Twitter bot with Python. 

If you’re new to Python training, you might want to start with an immersive course like Noble’s Python Programming Bootcamp. However, you can also save by taking this bootcamp as part of their immersive Python Developer Certificate. This program provides Python fundamentals before taking participants through in-demand tools like Django REST, Git, and SQL. Check course listings for more details, including prerequisite information.