Explore the requirements, skills, and path to a career as a Python Developer. Discover how a solid project portfolio, an effective resume, and a compelling LinkedIn profile can open doors in this lucrative tech field.

Key Insights

  • Python Developers can work on a range of tech projects, with job titles including Web Developer, Back End Developer, and Database Engineer.
  • Typical hard skills for Python Developers include proficiency in Python frameworks such as Django and Flask, Python libraries like Pandas and NumPy, and version control tools like Git.
  • Many aspiring Python Developers enter the field through a four-year degree program, while others gain practical experience or complete an in-person or online bootcamp or certificate program.
  • Building a strong project portfolio is crucial for Python Developers. This portfolio typically includes web applications, web scraping projects, and data visualization or deep learning projects.
  • An impactful resume and LinkedIn profile are key to successfully landing Python Developer roles. While resumes should be concise and factual, LinkedIn profiles should tell a compelling career story.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive online and in-person Python classes and bootcamps, taught by experienced instructors. Course graduates receive a certificate of completion and can retake the course for up to a year at no additional charge.

Working as a Python Developer is both fulfilling and financially rewarding: the urgent need for skilled Python professionals continues to grow, and this top programming language should provide innumerable opportunities for tech workers over the next decade and beyond.

This article will cover the requirements to land a job as a Python Developer. While Python Developer requirements for each job will vary from position to position, the following article will focus on hard skills across industries rather than soft skills like communication or problem-solving.

What is a Python Developer?

Python Developers are tech professionals who can work on websites, software, games, or digital applications. Unlike some career tracks, those who fit the requirements of Python Developer often hold alternate titles; these can include Web Developer, Back End Developer, and Database Engineer, to name a few. Therefore, while most of these tech pros know tools like Django, SQL, and Git, not all Python development positions require the same skill set.

Responsibilities for Python Developers vary by industry as well as position. Some have to implement and maintain cybersecurity or integrate data storage solutions, while others mainly design and integrate front end elements with back end applications. Additional responsibilities can include web scraping, automation testing, and data visualization. Check online job postings for detailed lists of industry-specific Python development skills and responsibilities.

Read more about what a Python Developer does.


Python Developer Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Python Developers enter their careers from varying points: some go through a four-year degree program, others take on entry-level work and level up, and others work remotely as independent contractors. Depending on your current skill set and the role you seek, you may be able to find the Python development job of your dreams without a related degree. Building a career as a Python Developer requires learning this object-oriented language and typically involves tools like SQL, Django, and Github. To get started, consider an in-person or online bootcamp or certificate like Noble Desktop’s Python Developer Certificate, Python Web Development with Django, or Python Programming Bootcamp.

Of course, some companies offer particular positions only to applicants with college or university degrees. Again, this can depend on the industry or organization. Thanks to the urgent demand for tech workers with Python expertise, an employer may pay for part or all of your tuition; the current high demand causes many employers to value practical experience over formal education.

If you decide on a college or university to learn Python fundamentals, you may choose a major tailored to a specific career path. Python Developers come from diverse backgrounds, but popular degrees in the field include computer science, information management systems, and software engineering.

Read more about whether you need a degree to become a Python Developer.


In November 2022, Analytics Insight posted its Top 10 Recession-Proof Python Jobs for 2023. Python Developer headed the list. While you might think entry-level development positions will require one to two years of on-the-job experience, this isn’t always the case. Many development pros learn Python frameworks and libraries, object-relational mapping (ORM), and tools like Django and Git through certificate programs, bootcamps, or even self-teaching.

Thanks to the high demand for Python development pros, some companies offer new hires high-quality training, professional development opportunities, and other perks. If you get a Python Developer job without on-the-job experience, your employer will have additional motivation to retain you and improve your skill set.

On the other hand, many online job postings for Python Developer positions list standardized requirements for applicants, like a college degree, multiple years of experience, or both. Depending on your level of Python knowledge and other factors, however, you may be able to treat a job listing as a wish list in certain instances—especially if you have experience in the hiring company’s field, like finance, healthcare, or education.

Specialized training like bootcamps and certificates can often substitute for a degree or practical experience, particularly in entry-level programming positions. Certificate programs teach Python beginners to create a professional-level project portfolio, which can serve as a selling point in interviews like the certificate of completion graduates receive.


Python Developer positions require much more than Python skills alone. Development pros may need mastery of back end service tools like Firebase or Back4app, version control tools like Github, and debugging tools like Ghidra or OllyDbg. Many Python Developers also master machine learning (ML) algorithms, web server software like Apache, and tracking systems like Jira or Pivotal Tracker. For a comprehensive list of what a development pro needs to know, it’s best to review online job postings for specific roles.

Hard skills for Python Developers range from scripting languages to hardware analysis tools. While few positions require all of them, the following categories contain the minimum requirements for typical Python development roles:

  • Python frameworks - Part of the skillset of any Python Developer, these can include Django, Flask, and MongoDB.
  • Python libraries - Developers can use built-in Python libraries or third-party libraries. Top picks include Pandas, NumPy, and BeautifulSoup.
  • Version control - Git is among the most popular options, but other top candidates include Mercurial and CVS.

Soft skills vary as well, but you can count on your aptitude for problem-solving, cooperation with a team, strong communication skills, and a broad understanding of numerous aspects of the development process. Consider learning additional skills required for many development positions, including:

  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Machine learning (ML) algorithms
  • JavaScript
  • C/C++

Read more about what skills you need to become a Python Developer.


Prospective employees for many careers need to create and present a portfolio as part of the hiring process. Unlike the creative portfolio of an artist or writer, a Python development portfolio typically consists of projects that demonstrate the kind of work the Developer is skilled in producing.

The purpose of portfolios varies from industry to industry, but Python Developers have many options when it comes to what type of projects to include. Of course, these must be fully-featured, polished projects designed to attract an employer, or potential clients if the Developer works on a freelance basis.

Popular types of Python development projects include:

  • Web applications - These may be expected for Web Developers but might also be accepted for software or enterprise application roles.
  • Web scraping - Many development pros do web scraping on a freelance basis. Consider a competitor analysis, or build a web scraping API for a portfolio project.
  • Data visualization or deep learning - While more essential to Python data science than typical development roles, adding these to a portfolio can show versatility.

If you get Python development training through a program like Noble Desktop’s Python Developer Certificate, you’ll get hands-on training from an expert in the field. You’ll also work on multiple portfolio projects and receive 1-on-1 mentoring sessions, including portfolio review. 

Resume & LinkedIn Profile

Your resume and LinkedIn profile are two essential aspects of exploring the Python development career path. Whereas most job candidates know the value of creating and maintaining an outstanding resume, far fewer understand what that entails. LinkedIn, while well-known, is even less understood by the average job seeker. Fortunately, you can leverage your resume and LinkedIn profile, beginning with learning the differences between the two.

While the resume is a snapshot of your job history and skills, it’s not a profile like LinkedIn. At the same time, your employment history is only one part of a vital LinkedIn profile. Of the utmost importance is that you do not repeat verbiage from your resume on your LinkedIn page.

Resume tips online abound, and some candidates will serve themselves well by hiring a professional resume writer who keeps abreast of current trends. If you write and maintain your resume on your own, consider the following points:

  • Avoid flashy colors like orange or yellow. Most experts agree that a resume’s look should be clean, professional, and straightforward, including neutral colors like black and white.
  • Do not insert photos of any kind into a resume. Save your professional headshot for your LinkedIn profile.
  • Keep all fonts and formats simple and easy to read.
  • Make sure all information is factual and accurate, especially dates of employment.

LinkedIn Profiles can account for your entire work history, whereas resumes should generally be no longer than two pages. One strong page is better than two pages that include filler. Spotlight work that is relevant to the job for which you’re applying. Whereas a resume presents facts and figures, your LinkedIn profile should tell a story. Unlike your resume, it’s accepted practice on LinkedIn to speak of yourself in the first person (I, my, mine) and expand on why you do what you do.

Read on for additional resume tips and advice on maximizing your LinkedIn profile.


Former supervisors and instructors are typically the best choices for references, but be sure they can speak to your work ethic positively and at length. If a colleague knows your work better or would be more positive, you can include them.

They don’t need to be people who work in Python development, but it helps if they do. Additional tips about references include:

  • Always ask the person if you can use them as a reference; never assume they will agree.
  • Reference candidates who respond enthusiastically to your request should be your only choice. A lukewarm yes can mean a neutral or even poor reference.
  • Be sure you include the preferred way to reach all references, and confirm contact info with them before adding them to new applications. They should be expecting that call or email.
  • Never list family, spouses, or friends or as references.

Learn the Skills to Become a Python Developer at Noble Desktop

To become a Python Developer, everyone needs a range of skills and knowledge. Most people start with basics, like functions, variables, and the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP). Progressing to a development role also can include additional server-side languages like React (JSX), machine learning algorithms, and object-relational mapping (ORM).

Noble Desktop offers a range of online and in-person Python classes and bootcamps for development, data science and analytics, FinTech, and cybersecurity. Instructors with practical expertise teach these programs, which feature small class sizes to ensure individual attention. Each graduate receives a certificate of completion and can even retake the course for up to one year at no additional charge.

Many Python novices review some free online resources to prepare for one of these courses. Noble Desktop’s Learn Hub includes a comprehensive guide to learning Python for development or data-centered roles. Here you can check out free on-demand courses and tutorials on topics like exchanging Excel for Python and making a Twitter bot with Python. 

If you’re new to Python training, you might want to start with an immersive course like Noble’s Python Programming Bootcamp. However, you can also save by taking this bootcamp as part of their immersive Python Developer Certificate. This program provides Python fundamentals before taking participants through in-demand tools like Django REST, Git, and SQL. Check course listings for more details, including prerequisite information.

Key Takeaways

  • A career as a Python Developer is both fulfilling and financially rewarding.
  • A strong project portfolio, resume, and LinkedIn profile are all essential for job applications. Keep in mind that:
    • Your resume presents facts and figures.
    • Your LinkedIn profile tells your story.
    • You can refer to yourself in the first person on LinkedIn.
    • You should never use the first person on a resume.
  • You can get comprehensive training to become a Python Developer through an in-person or live online course with Noble Desktop. Top choices include: