Learn about the diverse roles and industries where Python Developers are needed, and understand the unique skills required for each. Explore the importance of mastering additional programming languages, understanding version control systems like Git, and the integration of front and back end applications.

Key Insights

  • Python Developers can work in different industries with varying responsibilities, depending on the software or applications they maintain.
  • Common roles for Python Developers include Web Developer, Back End Developer, and Full Stack Developer.
  • Python development positions typically require proficiency in additional languages such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, familiarity with Git and GitHub, and an understanding of the integration of front and back end applications.
  • Other essential hard skills for Python Developers can include HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
  • Important soft skills for Python Developers can include strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and excellent time management.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive Python training through in-person or live online courses, including Python Developer Certificate and Python Programming Bootcamp.

When you apply for a position as a Python Developer, the skills you need will depend on the industry, the types of applications or software the employer creates or maintains, and a host of other factors.

Hiring managers look for varying skills when considering job applicants. Search for Python Developer on a site like Indeed or ZipRecruiter, and you’ll find a surprising number of alternate titles, like:

  • Web Developer
  • Back End Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Application Developer

You will also most likely find plenty of positions that substitute the title Engineer for Developer, for example:

Many of these roles have little in common except for one thing: they require Python expertise. Beyond this obvious requirement, you may have to review numerous postings before you find similarities. However, most Python development or engineering positions have a few common requirements, such as:

  • The need for proficiency in additional programming and scripting languages, like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Awareness of or expertise in how front end applications integrate with back end elements
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git and GitHub

Whatever type of Python development role you seek, you must understand its basic requirements before you begin training to qualify.

What is a Python Developer?

Python Developer Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Python Developers are tech professionals who can work on websites, software, games, or digital applications. Unlike some career tracks, those who fit the requirements of Python Developer often hold alternate titles; these can include Web Developer, Back End Developer, and Database Engineer, to name a few. Therefore, while most of these tech pros know tools like Django, SQL, and Git, not all Python development positions require the same skill set.

Responsibilities for Python Developers vary by industry as well as position. Some have to implement and maintain cybersecurity or integrate data storage solutions, while others mainly design and integrate front end elements with back end applications. Additional responsibilities can include web scraping, automation testing, and data visualization. Check online job postings for detailed lists of industry-specific Python development skills and responsibilities.

Read more about what a Python Developer does.

Hard Skills

Noble Desktop’s Learn Hub is an excellent resource if you want to start learning more about Python development. Here you’ll find a host of articles and links to video tutorials that will introduce you to the fundamentals of Python programming.

Python Developers can be Software Developers, Full Stack Developers, or any of a dozen positions. Besides Python’s many libraries and frameworks, most dev professionals need proficiency in multiple hard and soft skills. The following are some of the most common.

Git & GitHub

Version control systems like Git and Apache are among the most needed tools for Python programming. These systems help users track and manage source code changes, so they are also sometimes referred to as source control. Like Python’s libraries and frameworks, Git and Apache are both open-source, which means they can be used free of charge. Many users combine the Git software tool with the cloud-based GitHub service to manage their projects.

To learn more about Git, please visit Noble Desktop’s Learn page.


Front End Developers typically know markup languages like HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and styling sheet languages like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These two are so universally known, articles often reference them as one: HTML/CSS.

While you might not need to know these common languages for all Python programming roles, they’re good to have in your toolkit. Full Stack Developers, Python Developers, and Software Developers are all examples of positions that can require HTML and CSS skills. Thorough training in HTML/CSS can help prepare you for learning frameworks like Django, Django REST, and Flask.

For more information about why you should learn HTML and CSS, check out Noble Desktop’s Learn page.


Like Python, JavaScript is one of the world’s most popular programming languages. Frequently paired with HTML/CSS, JavaScript is the best-known tool for adding interactivity to websites. While not every Back End or Python Developer knows JavaScript as well as Python, many development positions require at least some familiarity with JavaScript.

Many online resources compare and contrast Python with JavaScript, but they are quite different. Some see advantages and drawbacks to either: JavaScript can be used for both front end and back end applications, whereas Python is easier to learn but used more for back end development.

Few, however, argue against learning both of these powerful languages. A software engineering certificate program can include JavaScript training for front end and Python for back end. See Noble’s JavaScript learning resources for more information on this essential skill.


Django is one of the most popular server-side Python web frameworks. While Django is popular with Data Scientists, it’s also essential for many development and software engineering roles. Python Developers use this high-level tool for back end web programming and Django REST for authentication, automating RSS feeds, and other development tasks. Additional essential Django uses include cybersecurity, APIs, and object-relational mapping (ORM).

Positions that typically require Django training include:

  • Software Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Web Programmer

You can learn more about Django through Noble Desktop’s Learn Hub.

Soft Skills

Communication Skills

Topping the list of soft skills for Python Developers, strong written and spoken communication skills are essential in any tech role. Teamwork for these roles typically means working with other design and development pros, and your ability to listen, empathize, and get your points across with confidence will take you far.


Many development and data professionals study math, especially probability and statistics. That will help with raw data, but solving other problems may not come as easily. You may need to focus on breaking down your problem-solving approach, including:

  • Viewing the problem objectively
  • Determining whether you need help solving it
  • Asking appropriate staff for help when needed
  • Taking responsibility if you caused the problem

Time Management

Virtually every job today requires strong time management skills. In every field from development to engineering, a solid grasp of deadlines and how to meet them is a must-have quality.

Depending on how you use Python in your development role, you may need to consider multiple aspects of the projects and your team’s needs, including:

  • How much time will you spend coding?
  • How much time do you need for planning and preparing?
  • Can you multitask effectively from your ongoing to-do list?
  • How do you delegate or outsource tasks? Which ones?

Your overall level of responsibility will determine some of these answers, but one thing for sure: excellent time management skills will stand out and bring you allies from co-workers in all departments.

What Other Jobs Require These Skills?

Careers related to Python Developers often involve the same skills with a different emphasis. Many Python-centered career paths lead to alternate titles, but the essential core of Python development skills remains the same.

Among the most common examples is that of a Software Engineer. While some Python Developers find a Software Engineer role in their company is a move upward, many software engineering positions require the candidate to be a Python Developer at a minimum. Search job postings for Python Developers and you’ll find multiple postings for Database Engineer, Software Engineer, or Quality Assurance Engineer. The title can depend on the region or the company.

Another comparable role is that of a Web Developer. While not all Python Developers are Web Developers—they may work instead on software, games, or enterprise applications—Web Developers frequently must have Python proficiency. That is especially true for a Full Stack Developer or Back End Developer position.

Read more about other career paths related to Python Developer careers.

Learn the Skills to Become a Python Developer at Noble Desktop

To become a Python Developer, everyone needs a range of skills and knowledge. Most people start with basics, like functions, variables, and the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP). Progressing to a development role also can include additional server-side languages like React (JSX), machine learning algorithms, and object-relational mapping (ORM).

Noble Desktop offers a range of online and in-person Python classes and bootcamps for development, data science and analytics, FinTech, and cybersecurity. Instructors with practical expertise teach these programs, which feature small class sizes to ensure individual attention. Each graduate receives a certificate of completion and can even retake the course for up to one year at no additional charge.

Many Python novices review some free online resources to prepare for one of these courses. Noble Desktop’s Learn Hub includes a comprehensive guide to learning Python for development or data-centered roles. Here you can check out free on-demand courses and tutorials on topics like exchanging Excel for Python and making a Twitter bot with Python. 

If you’re new to Python training, you might want to start with an immersive course like Noble’s Python Programming Bootcamp. However, you can also save by taking this bootcamp as part of their immersive Python Developer Certificate. This program provides Python fundamentals before taking participants through in-demand tools like Django REST, Git, and SQL. Check course listings for more details, including prerequisite information.

Key Takeaways

  • Python Developers’ skills depend on their industry, level of responsibility, and the software or applications they create or maintain.
  • Top Python development roles include:
    • Web Developer
    • Back End Developer
    • Full Stack Developer
  • Typical requirements for most Python development positions include:
    • Proficiency in additional languages, like:
      • JavaScript
      • HTML
      • CSS
    • Familiarity with Git and GitHub
    • Integration of front and back end elements or applications
  • Hard skills for Python Developers can include HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
  • Soft skills can include time management, problem-solving, and communication skills. 
  • You can receive comprehensive training to become a Python Developer through an in-person or live online course with Noble Desktop. Top choices include: