If you want to become a Python Developer, the best way to learn these skills is to take a class. You can choose a multi-session certification course, but if you want to get started quickly, a bootcamp class may be a better choice. These are shorter, more intensive classes that can take you from novice to experienced coder in several days.

What is a Python Developer?

Python Developers use this popular coding language to work on back end web development, data science or analysis, scripting, or product development. They build the server side of websites, processes for data analysis, and create automation scripts. Some Python Developers work alone, others on a team of Back End Developers, and still others on a full engineering or development team. This will depend on the company they end up working for.

The day-to-day life of a Python Developer will vary dramatically depending on the employer. You might find yourself creating scripts, building the back end of a web application, building a piece of software, contributing to an open-source project, integrating user-interface elements of an application, writing scalable code, writing APIs, or creating programs to analyze data efficiently.

What Skills Will I need to Learn to Become a Python Developer?

Coding is the main skill Python Developers need. You should also learn how to keep track of what version you are working on and how to find and fix problems.


Proficiency with the Python coding language is the most important skill for people who want to work as Python Developers. You will need to know how this object-oriented programming language works and how to use some of the many frameworks available. Python Developers typically work on the back end of websites and applications, but if the job requires you to create the user-focused front end as well, then you will need to know HTML and CSS, plus JavaScript.

Version Control

Python Developer Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Version control is also important for Python Developers. This means keeping track of changes to the code, who made them, and who is collaborating on the project. The most commonly used tool for version control is Git, which works on the GitHub platform.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

Coding requires patience, attention to detail, and persistence. Python Developers need to know how to find and fix problems as they arise. Debugging should be part of the development cycle, no matter how small or simple the project may seem. Some steps for debugging include testing the code to make sure it does what you want it to, identifying and fixing logic problems, and removing unused code left over from earlier versions.

What Courses Should I Enroll in to Become a Python Developer?

Python Programming Bootcamp

Noble Desktop's Python Programming Bootcamp will get you started with the Python basics you need to become a Python Developer. This bootcamp class will take you from absolute beginner to experienced coder.

The course covers built-in data types and their behavior, as well as Control Flow Statements; the programming essentials used across many languages. You’ll also learn how to professionally structure your programs and solve real-world challenges by creating objects in Object-Oriented Programming. In addition to covering these core programming concepts, the course also includes the most common coding interview questions and demonstrates the best programming practices used by professionals. 

Throughout this course, you’ll practice these new skills by working on programming exercises with instructor guidance. By the end of this course, you’ll have a portfolio of projects and code samples on GitHub to show to employers.

Intro to Python Programming

In this 2-day course, you will be introduced to Python. Python is a great beginner coding language that is quick to learn and extremely versatile. Python can be used to build software, to analyze data, and build amazing websites.

Python has become the most popular coding language learned at educational institutes for several reasons. Firstly, Python developers earn one of the highest average salaries compared to other programming languages, with statistics compiled by Indeed.com revealing that an average Python developer makes approximately $120,923. Secondly, Python has many uses such as graphics, data science, web development, finance, trading, and security. Lastly, Python can be learned faster than many other languages. As a result, no matter if you are a beginning developer or a developer looking to add a new programming language to your resume, you can become skilled in Python much more quickly than it would take to learn most other languages. In short, Python is a great first programming language to learn, and has the added advantage of a higher salary!

Students will learn about the syntax, principles, and thought processes that programming entails. This course will give students a solid foundation that will allow them to enroll in Noble's Data Science or Web Development Python courses. The course will be taught in a hands-on manner with students already programming within the first hour.

Python Web Development with Django

Get started with Django, a Python web framework used for back-end web programming. You’ll learn URL dispatchers, querying models, and automating tasks with Django. After understanding the fundamentals of Django, the class will move to Django REST (a Django framework) which covers how to work with images, authentication, and using API endpoints. You will also learn to deploy projects to Github using Git and build a portfolio of projects throughout the course.

Python for Automation

In this class, you’ll learn how to automate time-consuming tasks using Python, such as gathering data from the internet. Whether your interests lie in social media, ecommerce, real estate, travel or government affairs, the ability to instantly collect up-to-date data across the web can be a big advantage.

Use Python code to get the precise data you want from a website. Along the way, you’ll learn how to write loops so that your web scraping code can process a large number of pages for you.

These fundamentals will be coupled with real-life examples of programs that can scrape valuable data from major websites. The class will also cover common pitfalls, how to run your programs on a regular schedule, and different formats for storing your scraped data.

This course is perfect for any programming beginner to become introduced to the powerful world of coding, and is a great fit for students with a clearly defined learning goal of using Python for web or software development. This course is included in Noble's Data Science Certificate.

Learn the essential skills and tools to become a Python Developer with Noble Desktop's Python Developer Certificate. This course teaches Python for software development with Django, Django REST, and other developer tools such as Git and SQL. After completing this certificate, you will have the skills to apply for roles such as Python Developer, Back End Developer, and Software Engineer. Start by learning the basics of Python. In the first week, you’ll learn about the lexical syntax of Python, then move to more advanced topics such as dictionaries, custom functions, and sorting algorithms. In week two, you'll learn object-oriented programming, how to work with APIs, and get an introduction to web databases using SQL. Students should feel comfortable coding HTML and CSS before taking this class. You can also receive a free Python elective when registering for the Python Developer Certificate.

Learn the Skills to Become a Python Developer at Noble Desktop

Learn the essential skills and tools to become a Python Developer with Noble Desktop's Python Developer Certificate. This course teaches Python for software development with Django, Django REST, and other developer tools such as Git and SQL. After completing this certificate, you will have the skills to apply for roles such as Python Developer, Back End Developer, and Software Engineer. Start by learning the basics of Python. In the first week, you’ll learn about the lexical syntax of Python, then move to more advanced topics such as dictionaries, custom functions, and sorting algorithms. In week two, you'll learn object-oriented programming, how to work with APIs, and get an introduction to web databases using SQL. Students should feel comfortable coding HTML and CSS before taking this class. You can also receive a free Python elective when registering for the Python Developer Certificate.

Noble's Python for Data Science Bootcamp will take you from the very basics of Python programming to the start of machine learning with Python. You’ll learn how and why Python is used for data science, how to create programs, work with data in Python, create data visualizations, and use statistics to create machine learning models. The course will start with the fundamentals of Python, including writing basic statements and expressions, creating variables, understanding different data types, working with lists, indexing and slicing lists, using functions and methods, and more. You will learn about object-oriented programming and work with different data types.The second part of the course covers conditional statements and control flow tools. This includes the If/Else Statements, Boolean Operations, and different types of loops. The third part of the course introduces operations and tools for data science, including NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Learn to filter and clean data, group and pivot data, and start generating insights from your data with exploratory data analysis. Finally, you will create data visualizations, including bar charts, histograms, and advanced visualization for easy interpretation and sharing of your data insights. 

Noble Desktop's Software Engineering Certificate can give you the skills you need to start a new career in the software development industry. This program is divided into four sections: front end development, React Development, and Django (Python) Development. In this program, you will learn the most pivotal skills needed to secure a career in software and web development. The assignments in the course are designed to help you create a portfolio of projects, and the course also includes interview preparation, practice responding to common interview questions, how to polish your resume and LinkedIn profile, and tips for applying to jobs. 

Noble's Full Stack Web Development Certificate covers developing every aspect of a digital application or website. You’ll learn how to program the visual appearance of a web application (the front end) and the infrastructure that allows it to function (the back end) to create complete websites. In this course, you’ll learn how to use programming languages like HTML/CSS and JavaScript to program memorable, interactive websites. You’ll also use the MERN tech stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) to add databases, APIs, AWS and other server environments, and interactivity for those web applications. The Full-Stack Web Development Certificate provides students with a robust programming education that can help them break into the in-demand world of web development, software engineering, and computer science.

This is a project-oriented course that teaches students how to code a website from scratch. By the end of the course, you’ll have developed a portfolio of working web applications that you can take with you onto the job market. This course also includes portfolio and job search help. You can also attend Noble's SQL and WordPress Bootcamps for free as part of this certificate course.

If you don't have time for a full certification course or simply want an introduction to Python, Noble's Python Programming Bootcamp will get you started. During the course, we’ll cover built-in data types and their behavior, and Control Flow Statements; the programming essentials used across many languages. You’ll also learn how to professionally structure your programs and solve real-world challenges by creating objects in Object-Oriented Programming. In addition to covering these core programming concepts, we’ll also discuss the most common coding interview questions and demonstrate the best programming practices used by professionals.

Throughout this course, you’ll practice these new skills by working on programming exercises with instructor guidance. By the end of this course, you’ll have a portfolio of projects and code samples on GitHub to show to employers.