Mobile Development Training On-Demand

  • Become an iOS Developer

    Udacity Instructors: Jarrod Parkes, Gabrielle Miller-Messner, Kate Rotondo, Owen LaRosa

    After studying this program, students will have a solid foundation in programming for iOS applications. The course starts with an introduction to Swift as students learn to program in Xcode. Then, students learn to build interfaces using UIKit and to work with network requests and data persistence. At the end of the program, students build their own working iOS application.

    • Platform subscription
    • 6 months
    • Beginner
  • Through this comprehensive course, students learn to program applications for iOS with Swift. As they develop apps, students develop competency in object-oriented programming, control and data structures, networking, and persistent local data storage. Students learn to build applications with features for in-app purchases, machine learning, and augmented reality. By the end of the course, students will have created a portfolio of work and understand how to design and market their apps before finishing the class with a certificate of completion.

    • $130
    • 60 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • By studying this beginner's course, students will learn how to develop nine different applications for iOS with Swift. Students learn about layout and storage and learn to work with core data, maps, JSON, Sprite Kit, and Firebase as they build applications that match each major new concepts. Students also gain experience wtih machine learning and augmented reality as well as threading, async, and await. By the end of the course, students will also understand the fundamentals of good design for mobile applications as well as how to monetize their apps, completing the class with a certificate of completion.

    • $110
    • 41 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • Mobile App Development Course


    Students learn to develop expert-level mobile apps through this beginner-friendly course. In the first unit, students learn how to design and code for mobile applications and understand the best practices for developing, publishing, and monetizing apps. Students also learn about mobile app security and data storage and retrieval as well as geolocation as they gain experience in designing and prototyping their applications. At the end of the course, students also graduate with certification from Austin Peay State University continuing education, which is recognized by the global organization CPD Certification Service.

    • Platform subscription
    • 16 weeks
    • Beginner
  • With this course, students can study all the major skills they need to become an iOS application developer. Students work with Swift, Firebase, Core Data, and RESTful JSON architecture. As they develop working applications in hands-on projects, students also develop familiarity with UX/UI design principles and learn tips for marketing and monetizing their work. Students finish the course having built several different mobile applications, putting their new skills into practice.

    • Platform subscription
    • 22 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • Through this short course, students can learn how to develop mobile applications for iOS using the Swift programming language. Students learn about controllers, navigation, layout, protocols, delegation, and user inputs. They also develop familiarity with essential UX and UI design concepts to apply to mobile application design. By the end of the course, students will have developed their first iOS application.

    • Platform subscription
    • 3 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • This program introduces newcomers to application develop for iOS, using Apple's programming language Swift. The course begins with an orientation to Xcode, SwiftUI, and Swift before guiding students through wireframing a design and learning about variables and conditionals. Students also practice working with arrays, dictionaries, functions, structures, properties, access control, and class in Swift. As they work through the course, students build a working iOS app, earning a certificate of completion after their final project.

    • Platform subscription
    • 10 weeks
    • Beginner
  • Students who have already built their first iOS app with Swift can take this course to level up their skills. The hands-on course helps students learn to work with lists, grids, toolbars, and sheets as well as closures, and generics. Students build views, including tab views, and work with optionals. In addition, students gain experience with data persistence before completing their application and earning a certificate of completion.

    • Platform subscription
    • 12 hours
    • Intermediate
  • Advanced iOS development students can take this course to learn Firebase for the back end of their mobile application development. The course introduces students to networking before guiding them through the fundamentals of Firebase. Then, students dig into user authentication and cloud storage. The hands-on course has students program an iOS application before students earn their certificate of completion.

    • Platform subscription
    • 4 weeks
    • Advanced
  • iOS Development: iOS 12 Beginner

    Skillsoft Instructor: Andy Alfred

    In this short course, students learn Xcode and Swift to program iOS applications. Students practice with layouts and views as well as data and gestures as the course guides them through the application development process. Students also learn about app security, testing applications, and handling errors. Before earning their digital badge, students also discover advanced features in iOS, such as augmented reality.

    • Platform subscription
    • 5 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • iOS 15 Development Essential Training

    LinkedIn Learning Instructor: Todd Perkins

    This short course helps students begin programming iOS apps. The class teaches students Xcode and SwiftUI, demonstrating how to use binding and multiple views in their application development. Students also gain experience with storyboarding and practice their new skills with hands-on challenges and quizzes. At the end of the course, students receive a certificate of completion.

    • Platform subscription
    • 2 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • Programming for Non-Programmers: iOS 15 and Swift 5

    LinkedIn Learning Instructor: Todd Perkins

    Complete beginners can take this short course to learn how to develop iOS apps. The class helps students get started with Xcode and Swift UI and teaches them fundamental programming concepts, such as variables, methods, and control flow. Each programming unit includes practical activities for students to follow along, and quizzes help students review new information. When they finish the class, students earn a certificate of completion.

    • Platform subscription
    • 3 hours of video
    • Beginner
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