Python for Finance Video Tutorials

Explore the world of finance through Python, a versatile programming language used in several sectors including finance technology (FinTech). Get a deep dive into how learning Python can bolster resumes in fields such as technology, finance, retail, marketing, and enhance career paths such as traders, analysts, quantitative researchers, and more.

Key Insights

  • Python is a free, open-source, object-oriented programming language popular for its simplicity and flexibility. It's often used in finance, web development, data science and analytics.
  • Learning Python can enhance career prospects in various sectors including finance, technology, retail and marketing.
  • In the finance industry, Python is commonly used by traders, analysts, and researchers. Companies like Stripe and Robinhood also leverage Python's capabilities.
  • Python libraries and tools make it easier to integrate programs with third parties, a common requirement in FinTech. Libraries such as Pandas allow for the creation of data visualizations and interactive dashboards.
  • The cost of learning Python for finance can vary depending on the chosen method, with on-demand classes on paid platforms costing between $30 and $60 per month and in-person or live online classes ranging between $1,000 and $5,000.
  • Noble Desktop offers in-person and live online classes that provide foundational knowledge in Python, enabling learners to progress to its advanced uses. They also offer a FinTech Bootcamp which prepares students for entry-level positions in financial technology and data science.

Python is a general-purpose programming language with several uses in the finance industry and in finance technology (FinTech). Watching video tutorials online is a popular method of learning Python for finance. Videos allow you to gain a high-level overview of the topic, can be paused and rewatched to help the information sink in, and allow you to learn at your own pace. This article will cover a range of videos, including what they teach and where to find them.

What is Python for Finance?

Programmers use Python for web development, data analytics, data science, finance, and more. Python is an object-oriented, interpreted, and high-level programming language that places emphasis on code readability by using significant indentation. Its simplicity, flexibility, and its status as a free, open-source programming language make Python incredibly popular around the world.

Python has been in use for more than 30 years and is a free program available to the public. This means there are many resources available to learn this highly useful programming language. Python is generally considered a beginner-friendly programming language to learn, meaning you do not need to have previous coding experience to start learning Python. However, as with any new skill, learning Python can prove challenging, especially when learning more advanced Python skills such as those involved in data science. Learning Python can bolster resumes in the fields of technology, finance, retail, marketing, and more. 

Read more about what Python is and why you should learn it. 

What Can You Do with Python for Finance?

Python is an open-source programming language that has been in use for over 30 years. This free-to-use programming language enjoys massive popularity thanks to its many uses. Python is used for web development, data science, data analytics, and more. In the finance industry, Python is used by Traders, Analysts, and Researchers, as well as companies like Stripe and Robinhood. Python’s simplicity and flexibility make it a popular programming language in the finance industry because it makes creating formulas and algorithms far easier than comparable programming languages. Python libraries and tools also make it easier to integrate programs with third parties, a common need in FinTech. 

FinTech Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Python’s analytics tools, such as the Pandas library, allow for the creation of data visualizations and interactive dashboards that reference large quantities of data. The Python libraries PyBrain and Scikit allow for machine learning algorithms that enable predictive analytics. You’ll find Python programming at work in cryptocurrency, stock trading, banking apps, and more.

Why Are Video Tutorials Helpful When Learning Python for Finance?

Video classes and video tutorials benefit learners in several ways. Videos contain visual and auditory elements that benefit those who learn best by seeing or hearing. Video tutorials enable you to gain hands-on experience by following along step by step. Videos also offer a simple way to learn remotely at your own pace for free or through affordable subscription options.

Videos for Visual Learners

Videos contain visual elements that can benefit those who learn best through seeing. Even if you are not primarily a visual learner, data visualizations such as charts and graphs can help you better understand data. Python for finance often involves gathering and analyzing data and in order to present these findings to others, you will need to understand how to create data visualizations. Seeing examples of this in video classes and video tutorials can help you understand the effectiveness of presenting data in this way. You can also use video tutorials to visually observe how to apply Python for finance skills.

Videos for Auditory Learners

Videos often contain audible elements such as a recorded lecture, explanations from a video instructor, or instructions for how to complete a certain task. Auditory learners are those who learn best by hearing information. These types of learners can benefit from video content by listening to videos, which can be paused and replayed to help the information sink in. 

Videos for Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners

Following along with a video tutorial allows you to gain hands-on practice with Python for finance skills. This benefits kinesthetic/tactile learners who retain information by putting it into practice. Many video classes provide links to free templates and the necessary tools or software needed to follow along with a tutorial or complete a hands-on assignment. Making sure you have all necessary tools and templates prior to beginning can help to make the process smoother. You can pause and rewatch video tutorials to better understand each part of the process. 

Self-paced, Remote Learning

Videos offer a highly convenient learning format. You can learn remotely at your own pace by pausing videos, replaying, or focusing on videos that cover specific skills and topics of interest. Videos also make it easy to learn on-the-go since video platforms like Youtube have mobile apps. This means you can queue up a playlist of videos with information you wish to learn, and listen to or watch these videos from anywhere using your mobile phone. 

Free and Affordable Video Learning

Video classes and tutorials provide a low-cost way of learning skills such as Python for finance. Free videos on sites like Youtube introduce topics and provide a high-level overview. On-demand classes like those found on Udemy and Coursera consist primarily of video content and are available through paid subscriptions that average around $30 to $60 per month. 

Types of Python for Finance Videos

Types of Python for finance videos include free videos such as recorded webinars and on-demand videos on Youtube, and paid video content such as those included in on-demand/self-paced courses. Free videos allow you to gain a high-level overview of a topic, which lets you narrow down the skills most relevant to your professional goals. Once you know the skills you wish to learn, it is easier to target free and paid video content that will benefit you most. 

Learning Python for finance with videos starts with learning Python programming fundamentals. You can do this with recorded webinars, Youtube videos, and free video courses that introduce Python fundamentals. Noble Desktop’s Intro to Python Fundamentals video course introduces essential information for using the Python programming language. This beginner-friendly video course is aimed at those who do not have prior knowledge of Python programming, so it serves as an excellent starting point for those interested in Python for finance.

Read about more free Python for finance videos and online tutorials.

Why Learn Python for Finance?

Learning Python for finance can revolutionize how organizations process financial data. Python has numerous finance functionalities including analytics, banking software, stock trading strategy, and cryptocurrency. Pandas, a Python library, permits complex statistical analysis and simplifies the data visualization process. Other libraries like Scikit-learn and PyBrain enable solutions that use machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics, allowing for scientific financial forecasts. Python is also the programming language behind mobile banking apps and ATM software, cryptocurrency analysis, and stock trading based on analytical predictions. 

Python for finance serves as an important skill for certain career paths. Traders, Analysts, Quantitative Researchers, Finance Associates, Data Scientists, Software Engineers, and others in the finance industry can benefit by learning about Python’s finance industry uses.

Read more about why you should learn Python for finance

How Difficult is It to Learn Python for Finance?

Python is considered a beginner-friendly language and is one of the best programming languages to learn for novice programmers. However, like all coding languages, learning Python can prove a challenge for those who choose to go it alone. Python for finance involves using advanced Python skills that go beyond Python programming fundamentals, so most people benefit from learning under the guidance of an expert instructor.

Before you can learn Python for finance, you must first master Python programming fundamentals and have a basic understanding of data science essentials.

Python itself is an open-source, free programming language that anyone can use at no cost. The cost of learning Python for finance depends on the learning method you choose. On-demand classes on paid learning platforms cost between $30 and $60 a month. In-person and live online classes cost between $1,000 and $5,000 depending on the length of a course. For example, a one-week bootcamp will cost less than a multi-month program. The total cost of learning Python for finance will also depend on whether or not you take prerequisite classes in addition to FinTech and Python for finance courses.

Read about how difficult it is to learn Python for finance.

Learn Python for Finance with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers in-person and live online classes that help you master Python for finance. You can start by learning the Python programming basics, then progress to advanced Python uses, or you can explore classes that specialize in teaching the financial uses of Python programming. Noble’s classes offer many benefits including expert instructor guidance given in real-time, small class sizes, and free retake options.

If you do not have previous experience with Python programming, Noble’s Python for Data Science Bootcamp provides the foundational knowledge needed before you learn Python for finance. This bootcamp covers Python programming basics including loops, objects, and functions, handling different types of data, using conditional statements, using object-oriented programming, data visualizations, making predictions, and more. Once you have completed this bootcamp, you can proceed to the Python for Finance Bootcamp in which you will learn how to gather and manipulate financial data using Python’s major financial libraries.

Looking to launch a new career using Python for finance? Noble Desktop’s FinTech Bootcamp prepares students for entry-level positions in financial technology and data science. This certificate program includes multiple courses in which you will learn about Python for data science, automation, data visualization, machine learning, and finance. You will also learn about financial modeling.

Learn more about Noble Desktop’s live online Python classes and live online Finance classes to compare different courses and options.

How to Learn Python

Master Python with hands-on training. Python is a popular object-oriented programming language used for data science, machine learning, and web development. 

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