Best Free Python for Finance Resources & Tutorials

Learning Python for finance doesn't have to be costly. With a plethora of free resources available, you can start your journey towards mastering this popular programming language widely used in fields like technology, finance, retail, and marketing.

Key Insights

  • There are numerous free resources available for learning Python for finance, making it accessible to everyone regardless of their financial situation.
  • Python and many of its libraries and packages are open-source, meaning anyone can download and use them for free. This includes free code editors as well.
  • The Python programming language has a rich history of over 30 years, providing a wealth of free resources such as documentation and active programmer communities.
  • is a reliable source for the latest version of Python and also hosts a vibrant community of Python programmers offering free documentation and guides.
  • Noble Desktop’s Python for Finance Learning Hub is an excellent place to discover free resources and tools and learn more about Python careers and related skills, such as Java and SQL.
  • While Noble Desktop offers comprehensive Python for finance training programs, it's worth exhausting the free resources first before diving into paid educational opportunities.

There are plenty of professionals who are eager to learn Python for finance but hesitate because of the perceived up-front costs. You may wonder what the cost of tuition is and worry about whether this investment will lead to a new career. You may also feel overwhelmed at all of the different learning options available and how widely they can vary in cost. If you want to learn Python for finance, but do not feel ready to commit to a paid option, there are a surprising amount of free resources available to help beginners get the hang of this exciting programming language. 

Read on to learn more about the different types of free resources and tutorials available to help you learn Python for finance. 

What is Python for Finance?

Programmers use Python for web development, data analytics, data science, finance, and more. Python is an object-oriented, interpreted, and high-level programming language that places emphasis on code readability by using significant indentation. Its simplicity, flexibility, and its status as a free, open-source programming language make Python incredibly popular around the world.

Python has been in use for more than 30 years and is a free program available to the public. This means there are many resources available to learn this highly useful programming language. Python is generally considered a beginner-friendly programming language to learn, meaning you do not need to have previous coding experience to start learning Python. However, as with any new skill, learning Python can prove challenging, especially when learning more advanced Python skills such as those involved in data science. Learning Python can bolster resumes in the fields of technology, finance, retail, marketing, and more. 

Read more about what Python is and why you should learn it. 

What Can You Do with Python for Finance?

FinTech Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Python is an open-source programming language that has been in use for over 30 years. This free-to-use programming language enjoys massive popularity thanks to its many uses. Python is used for web development, data science, data analytics, and more. In the finance industry, Python is used by Traders, Analysts, and Researchers, as well as companies like Stripe and Robinhood. Python’s simplicity and flexibility make it a popular programming language in the finance industry because it makes creating formulas and algorithms far easier than comparable programming languages. Python libraries and tools also make it easier to integrate programs with third parties, a common need in FinTech

Python’s analytics tools, such as the Pandas library, allow for the creation of data visualizations and interactive dashboards that reference large quantities of data. The Python libraries PyBrain and Scikit allow for machine learning algorithms that enable predictive analytics. You’ll find Python programming at work in cryptocurrency, stock trading, banking apps, and more.

Free Tools and Software

Python is a free programming language that anyone can use. That’s because Python is an open-source programming language, meaning that the public can freely use it and contribute to future developments. You can install the newest version of Python through the Python Software Foundation at their website.

There are also many free Python libraries and packages including NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, statsmodels, Quandl, Zipline, Pyfolio, TA-Lib, and Matplotlib. Since many of these libraries are open-source, you can find active communities of coders willing to help beginners out with suggestions and best practices. 

You can use the free web application Jupyter Notebook to edit and run notebook documents and the free Visual Studio Code for your source code editor. 

Free Video Classes

Before learning Python for finance, you must first learn the Python programming basics. Free video classes provide a high-level overview of Python fundamentals. Noble Desktop’s Intro to Python Fundamentals is a free video course covering fundamental Python skills and topics. Since this course is designed for beginners with no prior knowledge of Python programming, it serves as an excellent starting point for those who want to learn more about Python for finance. 

Sites like Udemy and Coursera also offer free Python introductory video classes. You can also access paid classes for a limited time by using a free trial. This allows you to start building your Python skills, explore finance topics, and narrow down what skills and topics will help you most in reaching your professional goals. You can also test out how you do with the video training format to see if you want to continue learning with videos, want to try a combined learning approach using videos and live online classes, or if you may prefer another training method, such as an in-person course. 

Read about more free Python for finance videos and online tutorials.

Free Documentation and Learning Guides

The Python programming language has been in use for more than 30 years, so you can find an abundance of free documentation and learning guides to help you start learning the fundamentals, practice hands-on activities, and discover best practices. The nonprofit Python Software Foundation manages the latest version of Python and oversees development of future versions, which programmers actively contribute to as volunteers. You can find an active Python programming community at their website,, and you’ll find resources that can help you learn all kinds of Python programming skills. The Documents section of the website provides instructions, audio/visual talks, a beginner’s guide, a developer’s guide, answers to frequently asked questions, and more.

Noble Desktop also provides free documentation and learning guides through their online learning hubs. You can explore the Python Learning Hub to learn about Python careers, discover free resources, compare Python training methods, and more. Other skills relevant to starting or advancing a finance career include learning SQL and Java. You can explore Noble Desktop’s SQL Learning Hub to learn more about using SQL for statistical modeling and data processing platforms as this is a frequently sought-after skill in the finance industry. You can also use the Java Learning Hub to explore Java careers, how you can learn to use this programming language, what Java is used for, and how it applies to different industries.

Key Insights

  • If you want to start learning Python for finance, but are unsure of the costs, you can start with several free resources. 
  • Python and many Python libraries and packages are open-source, meaning that you can download and use them at no cost. You can also find free code editors. 
  • With 30 years of history behind Python programming, it is also easy to find abundant free resources in the forms of documentation and active programmer communities. 
  • provides the latest version of Python for free, hosts an active community of Python programmers, and offers free documentation such as a beginner’s guide, developer’s guide, and more.
  • You can explore Noble Desktop’s Python for Finance Learning Hub to discover free resources and tools. You can also explore other learning hubs on Noble’s website to discover more about Python careers and related skills like Java and SQL.
  • Once you have exhausted these free resources, Noble Desktop offers comprehensive Python for finance training programs, in-person or online, that can help you master this incredibly popular programming language.

Learn Python for Finance with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers in-person and live online classes that help you master Python for finance. You can start by learning the Python programming basics, then progress to advanced Python uses, or you can explore classes that specialize in teaching the financial uses of Python programming. Noble’s classes offer many benefits including expert instructor guidance given in real-time, small class sizes, and free retake options.

If you do not have previous experience with Python programming, Noble’s Python for Data Science Bootcamp provides the foundational knowledge needed before you learn Python for finance. This bootcamp covers Python programming basics including loops, objects, and functions, handling different types of data, using conditional statements, using object-oriented programming, data visualizations, making predictions, and more. Once you have completed this bootcamp, you can proceed to the Python for Finance Bootcamp in which you will learn how to gather and manipulate financial data using Python’s major financial libraries.

Looking to launch a new career using Python for finance? Noble Desktop’s FinTech Bootcamp prepares students for entry-level positions in financial technology and data science. This certificate program includes multiple courses in which you will learn about Python for data science, automation, data visualization, machine learning, and finance. You will also learn about financial modeling.

Learn more about Noble Desktop’s live online Python classes and live online Finance classes to compare different courses and options.

How to Learn Python

Master Python with hands-on training. Python is a popular object-oriented programming language used for data science, machine learning, and web development. 

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