If you want to have a successful career as a Web Developer, it’s vital to keep up with the latest tech trends. To help you remain current, here’s a guide to the best web development stacks to use in 2022.

What Is a Web Development Stack?

A web development stack refers to the combination of tools and technologies used to create a website or web application. Also known as a solutions stack, web development stacks include all the programming languages, frameworks, libraries, servers, software, etc., that Web Developers use to complete a project. While Web Developers are free to create stacks based on their own needs, some tech stacks work so well together that they’ve become standards in the web development industry—like the ones you’ll learn about in this article. Web development stacks are typically used repeatedly by the same team; this allows them to work more efficiently, eliminate excessive errors, and speed up the development process.

The 7 Best Web Development Stacks to Use in 2022

Now that we have a clear understanding of what a web development stack is, let’s take a look at the best stacks for 2022.

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1. The MERN Stack 

The MERN stack is one of the most popular stacks currently used in web development. It’s composed of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. There are various stacks that are similar in composition to the MERN stack, including the MEAN and MEVN stacks (see below). While these other stacks are popular options, usage of the MERN stack has surged in recent years thanks to one key feature: React.

React is the most popular library in the world. The popularity of React is mostly due to its ability to simplify the creation and management of an application’s user interface (UI) and improve overall site performance. It has also benefited from the support of its creator, Facebook, and an enthusiastic community of users. 

When you put React together with MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js, the result is a JavaScript-based tech stack that’s highly customizable, developer-friendly, and cost-effective, as it’s completely open-source. The MERN stack works especially well with social media platforms, news aggregation applications, and workflow management. It’s currently being used by several prominent companies, including Netflix and Uber.

2. The MEAN Stack

The MEAN stack is similar to the MERN stack, except that instead of using React, it relies on Angular instead. Angular is a popular front end framework used to simplify the development and testing process. Created by programmers at Google, Angular is considered an all-in-one framework because it addresses a variety of the complications developers encounter when building single-page applications (SPA).

The MEAN stack has been a popular choice among Web Developers for years. Its success can largely be attributed to the fact that the four technologies—MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js—work exceptionally well together. Like the MERN stack, MEAN includes Node.js, which allows the usage of JavaScript on the back end. That means developers don’t need to know Python, Ruby, or PHP—only JavaScript—in order to use the MEAN stack. All of the underlying technologies in the MEAN stack are open source, which allows developers to create robust apps quickly and inexpensively.

3. The MEVN Stack

The MEVN stack will likely look familiar; it contains all the elements of the two prior stacks but with one exception—it uses Vue.js on the front end instead of relying on React or Angular. Created by a programmer at Google as a lightweight alternative to Angular, Vue.js is a front end framework that’s prized for its simplicity and adaptability. Vue is often called a “progressive” framework because developers can easily add components and adapt the framework to meet their needs.

While there are many similarities between the MEVN stack and the MERN and MEAN stacks, there are a few reasons why developers would choose Vue.js over the other options. For starters, Vue.js has an incrementally adoptable design that allows for easy customization and integration with various frameworks and libraries; this level of customization and flexibility is one of the reasons Vue.js has become a popular choice among Web Developers. They also like that it’s powerful, lightweight, easy to learn, and offers a variety of features.

4. The Serverless Stack

The serverless stack is a unique entry on this list because, unlike the other stacks, it doesn’t depend upon a local server; it relies on cloud infrastructure instead. Serverless stacks have surged in popularity in recent years for several reasons. For one, developers are able to write and execute code without worrying about building the infrastructure; using a serverless stack simplifies infrastructure management because the cloud platform is responsible for maintaining the server and conducting all the necessary security updates. Since there are fewer things to worry about on the back end, this frees developers up to focus more time and attention on client-side elements and improve user experience.

Another advantage of the serverless stack is it offers a high level of scalability—it can adapt quickly, even if user numbers fluctuate wildly. And because developers are only charged for the space they use on the server, it’s also a cost-effective solution. When selecting a serverless solution, there are several options for developers to choose from; the most widely used serverless platform providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

5. The LAMP Stack

The LAMP stack is composed of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Considered one of the best ways to build web applications, LAMP is a classic stack that’s been a favorite of developers for more than 20 years. The LAMP stack was one of the first open-source stacks ever made available worldwide and it has remained popular for decades thanks to its reputation for simplicity and stability.

The LAMP stack has long been considered an essential web development tool and has been used on well-known platforms like Shopify and WordPress. The stack is a favorite among Web Developers because it’s a cost-effective and customizable solution that allows them to develop extensible, high-performance websites and applications. The LAMP stack also runs efficiently on any operating system and easily handles dynamic pages, which allows developers to add new content without worry. Overall, LAMP is an agile, time-tested tech stack that has been proven to be a reliable way to develop websites and applications.

6. The PERN Stack

The PERN stack is almost exactly the same as the MERN stack but with one big difference: the PERN stack uses PostgreSQL database instead of MongoDB. Postgre is a dependable, secure, enterprise-grade SQL-based database system that emphasizes extensibility and compliance. It was first created in 1996 at the University of California in Berkeley and has enjoyed immense popularity ever since. In fact, it’s currently ranked as the second most popular database according to Stack Overflow’s 2021 survey of Web Developers.

So what makes developers choose PostgreSQL over MongoDB? There are a few reasons. For starters, PostgreSQL has strict rules for data integrity and is ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) compliant, which guarantees data validity. It also follows monolithic architecture so the components are united and work together systematically plus it offers multiple fail-safes that make storage more reliable. It’s attributes like these that make PostgreSQL the favored choice among healthcare and banking companies. And unlike MongoDB, Postgre uses traditional SQL syntax and format, storing data in tabular format in rows and columns instead of as documents, which allows for more complex inquiries. Postgre also scales more easily than NoSQL databases so it’s a good match for large enterprises.

7. The Ruby on Rails Stack

This stack is centered on Ruby on Rails, a popular Ruby-based framework. The Ruby on Rails stack allows developers to create an entire web application by combining Ruby on Rails with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Programmers like using Ruby on Rails because of its elegant syntax, simplicity, and development speed. There are many libraries and tools that can be used in conjunction with Ruby on Rails, which allows developers to easily customize the applications they’re creating. 

There are additional features that make the Ruby on Rails stack an attractive option. For one, it’s considered one of the most secure web development stacks available. It also provides a detailed error log to help developers create bug-free applications. And since it’s based on Ruby, a high-level programming language, the Ruby on Rails stack is also developer friendly and easy to implement. It does have its limitations, however; the Ruby on Rails stack is a good choice when creating lightweight applications, but it’s not the best solution for more complicated projects.

How to Learn Web Development Stacks and Other Essential Tools

Are you interested in learning how to use the most popular web development stacks? If so, then the best way to begin is by taking web development courses. Depending upon your location, you may be able to find web development classes in your area. If there are few options available or you prefer learning from home, you can also find plenty of web development classes available live online. With live online instruction, you get the same high-quality curriculum and live feedback as in-person courses, but without the inconvenience of commuting to a physical classroom.

If you’re interested in pursuing web development as a career, the best path forward is to complete a web development certificate or web development bootcamp. These skills-based programs have been specifically designed to get you job-ready in just a few months, so you can start your new career quickly. You can even find web development bootcamps offered live online that will easily fit into your busy schedule.