Now is a great time to explore a career in web development; the job market for Web Developers is booming and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. If you want to launch your career quickly and improve your chances of success, it’s a good idea to earn a certificate in web development. Let’s take a closer look at why a web development certificate is helpful plus some of the most frequently asked questions.

Why Do I Need a Web Development Certificate?

Earning a certificate is highly recommended if you plan to pursue a career in web development. Here are the most compelling reasons why a web development certificate is considered a necessity:

1. Acquire Skills

If your goal is to start a new career in web development, then you’ll need to learn the necessary skills; while this can be done through self-study, the most efficient way to acquire these skills is by earning a web development certificate.

You’ll receive a more comprehensive education if you achieve certificate versus studying on your own. Schools with certificate programs for web development offer a thorough web development curriculum developed by industry experts. As a beginner in web development, you don’t have a complete understanding of everything you’ll need to learn to succeed. If you try to educate yourself, you’ll end up piecing together a fragmented, deficient course of study that falls far below the high standards of a certificate program.

Another advantage to acquiring your web development skills through certificate is it offers built-in accountability. Attempting to learn on your own requires a considerable amount of organization and self-discipline. Because these are traits that few people have in abundance, many who try to learn web development on their own end up quitting. When you take a certificate course, structure and accountability are built into the program. You have in-depth assignments with predetermined due dates and an instructor who sets clear expectations, all of which will help you successfully acquire the skills you need to work as a Web Developer.

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Acquiring coding skills through certificate courses is also much more time-efficient compared to learning on your own. If you’re wanting to start a new career as a Web Developer, you’d probably prefer to make the career change sooner rather than later. Schools that offer a certificate understand this, which is why they offer concentrated certificate courses that can be completed in just a few months. If you try to learn coding on your own, it’ll likely take you a couple of years. Do you really have that much time to waste?

2. Create a Portfolio

Enrolling in a certificate program also provides you with the opportunity to build up a solid portfolio of work that reflects your web development skills. During your course of study, you’ll be working on assignments that help you apply what you’re learning. These projects will be based on real-world scenarios that you’ll encounter once you become employed as a Web Developer. By completing these assignments during your certificate program, you’re building up a body of work that will showcase your expertise to potential employers.

3. Network

Certificate programs should also be considered a necessity because many of them offer the opportunity to network with others in your field, including instructors, industry professionals, and aspiring Web Developers. These types of connections are priceless. In the working world, networking plays a vital role in landing a lucrative position; the more people you know, the more access you have to potential job opportunities.

4. Remain Competitive

Earning a certificate also makes you a more competitive candidate for web development positions. Imagine that an employer is looking at the resumés of two different people: Person A who earned a web development certificate and Person B who learned web development on their own. Which candidate do you think the employer will be most interested in? Their top choice is likely to be Person A who has a certificate in web development; this certificate automatically demonstrates to potential employers that you have the skills necessary to do the job well.

What Can I Do With a Certificate in Web Development?

Earning a certificate in web development can open up a lot of career opportunities. For example, your web development education could lead to a role as a Front End Web Developer, Back End Web Developer, or Full Stack Web Developer. Another related career option that has become increasingly popular over the past few years is Mobile Developer. You could also choose to specialize in one specific programming language to become a Python Developer, JavaScript Developer, Ruby Developer, PHP Developer, or Java Developer.

Not only do certificate holders have a variety of positions to choose from, they’re also in high demand; the web development industry is experiencing tremendous growth and is in dire need of new recruits to help fill open positions. In fact, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there will be 17,900 web development jobs opening up every year from now until 2030. That equals a 13% job growth rate, which is significantly higher than the average growth for all occupations, which is predicted to be 8% over the next decade.

How Much Money Can I Make With a Web Development Certificate?

Thanks in part to the immense demand, web development salaries are quite high, often reaching more than six figures. For example, Front End Web Developers typically make $102,000 per year on average in the United States with Full Stack Web Developers earning $107,000 and Back End Web Developers bringing in $115,000 annually. Those who specialize in specific programming languages have similar pay rates; Python Developers earn around $108,000 per year, JavaScript Developers typically make $111,000, and Ruby Developers earn $131,000 per year on average. Of course, the amount you earn can vary depending on your location, education, and years of experience, but even when you take those factors into account, web development still pays a lot more than the average salary in the United States, which was $56,310 in 2020.

How Long Does It Take to Earn a Web Development Certificate?

How long it takes to earn your web development certificate depends on how much time you can dedicate to the program. There are both part-time and full-time certificate programs available, but choosing the right one is dependent upon your availability. For example, if you’re currently working a full-time job while raising a family, chances are you have a limited amount of time to dedicate to studying and would need to enroll in a part-time course. In this case, it could take you anywhere from four to eight months to complete the program. If you’re able to study full-time, then completing your web development certificate won’t take nearly as long — perhaps around one to two months.

How Much Does a Web Development Certificate Cost?

The cost of a web development certificate can vary widely; if you check on Noble Desktop’s convenient Classes Near Me tool, you’ll see that the prices can range anywhere from $4,000 to $20,000. The cost typically depends upon several factors, including the school, topic, and duration of the class. If you look through the results, you’ll see that some schools are consistently more expensive than others. You should also note that some of the listings are for individual classes only, not full certificate programs. While taking individual classes may seem less expensive, they don’t offer you the in-depth education a certificate program can provide.

How to Earn Your Web Development Certificate

Are you ready to start working toward a new career in web development? If so, the best way to begin is by enrolling in a certificate program or web development bootcamp. Noble Desktop has several certificate options to choose from. For those who are interested in working on the front end, there’s a Front End Web Development Certificate that can be earned in four weeks of full-time study or four months of part-time study.

Another popular option is the Full Stack Web Development Certificate, which takes between two to eight months to complete. If you’re wanting to focus on a specific programming language, you might consider either the JavaScript Development Certificate or the Python Development Certificate.

If you want to learn more about web development but aren’t quite ready to commit to a certificate program, then consider enrolling in one or two web development courses to gauge your interest in the field. You can even find high-quality web development classes available live online if you prefer the convenience of learning from your own home. Whichever learning path you choose, an education in web development is sure to be a profitable investment, earning dividends for years to come as you grow in your career.