With opportunities as diverse as web development, game design, and data science, the Python Developer role is an adaptable and rewarding career choice. Explore the requirements, job outlook, and various industries where Python finds use and find out how to start your journey today.

Key Insights

  • Python developers work on tasks in various industries, including IT, finance, and more. The roles are beginner-friendly, offer competitive salaries, and have a vast international support community.
  • Python developers can hold a range of alternate titles including Web Developer, Back End Developer, and Database Engineer, with varying responsibilities depending on the industry and position.
  • Python developers can advance to roles such as Automation Testing Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, and Software Engineer. The demand for Python professionals remains strong across sectors, with a particularly increasing role in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 25% growth rate for Software Developers by 2031, a category inclusive of Python Developers. Other relevant positions witnessing growth include Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Back End Developer.
  • Python is a popular choice in numerous industries, including FinTech, government agencies, IT, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and insurance. Salaries for Python developers vary, with the median annual income in 2022 predicted to be around $117,000.
  • To secure a Python Developer position, candidates can go through several avenues such as self-teaching, acquiring a formal degree, or participating in immersive bootcamps or certificates. In addition, creating an attractive LinkedIn profile, maintaining a professional-level portfolio, and networking can also aid job acquisition.

Python development is one of today’s hottest fields. The demand for Python Developers continues for several reasons:

  • Development and data science pros use Python for tasks in nearly every industry, from IT to banking and finance.
  • Python’s beginner-friendly syntax and its vast array of libraries and frameworks make it a great first language for new programmers.
  • Python Developers can work in freelance as well as employee roles.
  • Development professionals whose skills include Python can expect competitive salaries.
  • Python has a massive international support community, so help is always a click away.

Read on to learn more about what the Python Developer role requires.

What is a Python Developer?

Python Developers are tech professionals who can work on websites, software, games, or digital applications. Unlike some career tracks, those who fit the requirements of Python Developer often hold alternate titles; these can include Web Developer, Back End Developer, and Database Engineer, to name a few. Therefore, while most of these tech pros know tools like Django, SQL, and Git, not all Python development positions require the same skill set.

Responsibilities for Python Developers vary by industry as well as position. Some have to implement and maintain cybersecurity or integrate data storage solutions, while others mainly design and integrate front end elements with back end applications. Additional responsibilities can include web scraping, automation testing, and data visualization. Check online job postings for detailed lists of industry-specific Python development skills and responsibilities.

Read more about what a Python Developer does.

What is the Job Outlook for Python Development?

Python Developer Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

The job outlook for Python Developers has never been brighter. While the powerful programming language has applications in diverse industries, its built-in capacity to blend with other languages makes it invaluable. Python Developers may work under other titles, like Software Developer, Web Developer, Game Developer, or Mobile App Developer. But the straightforward Python Developer position falls within a category of highly desirable roles.

Job Outlook

If you want a job in Python development, you’ll have to narrow your search more than that. Python Developers can find work across all sectors, and you may need job-specific experience or knowledge to get hired.

Fortunately, the employment outlook for Python pros is so strong that many companies are willing to spend time and money to train workers in various aspects of their business. The reasons Python development remains strong are multifold. Many companies, for example, need Python Developers to keep front end and back-end operations up to date.

The role of Python Developers expands as they move through different positions within a company. Python development pros often use their skills for careers like:

Because Python technology continues to evolve, its many applications continue to grow. Artificial intelligence—especially machine learning—and areas like network automation and big data will rely on Python for the foreseeable future.

Future Growth

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts a 25% growth rate for Software Developers by 2031, a category that includes Python Developers. Combine that with future growth in other relevant positions like Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Back End Developer, and the sky is the limit for tech professionals with strong Python skills.

Predicting the future of a particular job title can be challenging, especially in fields like Python development and data science. Many Python Developers work under other titles, including those listed above. To simplify matters, consider a few roles that typically require Python development skills.

  • Software Engineer - The expected growth rate for Software Developers over the next ten years applies directly to this role. A Software Engineer typically performs functions like coding and web application development. The main programming languages for Software Engineers are Python, Java, and C.
  • Full Stack Developer - These skilled professionals must learn several programming languages, and the requirements often depend on the industry or their particular position. They may need to master JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for front end applications and Python, Ruby, or PHP for back-end skills.
  • Machine Learning Engineer - The increasing role of artificial intelligence and machine learning means Python will continue its reign for many years. Current online listings for Machine Learning Engineer positions often list familiarity with specific Python libraries like Matplotlib, Pandas, and NumPy as job requirements. These careers also require knowledge of cloud services, version control, and AI production solutions, so Python is one skill among many.


Unlike many programming languages, Python finds use in virtually every industry. Global companies that use Python include many household names, like Google, Amazon, and Instagram.

Data science and analysis is a well-known area for Python, but its development applications also run deep. Industries and sectors that use Python the most include:

  • FinTech
  • Government agencies
  • Information technology (IT)
  • Healthcare
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Insurance

To better understand why these industries favor Python, consider the following:

  • FinTech companies include big banks, brokerage firms, and small startups. The largest multinationals have invested time and money in transforming their tech stacks to Python. It only makes sense that smaller organizations will follow their lead if they haven't already done so.
  • Governmental agencies of all sizes have used Python for a range of applications. NASA began using Python many years ago, including for its Workflow Automation System (WAS), and agencies like the FBI and CIA reportedly use it for intelligence-gathering purposes.
  • Information technology (IT) may seem the most obvious choice, but big tech companies have the most publicly documented record with Python. Google, Netflix, and Uber are only a few of the best-known names of large companies using Python for everything from engineering tests to developing applications.


Salaries for Python development pros vary, but most find their compensation packages more than adequate. While the median annual income among U.S. workers was around $56,000 in 2022, Python Developers typically make more than twice that amount.

According to Indeed, Python Developers in the U.S. earn about $117,000 per year in compensation. This figure falls in the middle of a much broader range, from around $74,000 to as high as $187,000 for skilled, experienced Python Developers.

Consider additional factors like industry, location, and company size when you analyze salary information. A Python Developer in Phoenix earns an average of $128,000 per year, whereas a Python Developer in New York City earns about $147,000 annually—an impressive 25% above the national average. However, the Phoenix Developer's $128,000 is far more than the average in that area, as Phoenix's annual income is $73,000. The low cost of living in the Southwest might attract Python Developers even more than the perennial lure of NYC.

How Do I Find a Python Developer Job?

Finding a Python Developer position can come through several avenues, some quite unconventional. A small percentage of development pros teach themselves programming and other skills by combining online tutorials and creating a project portfolio. While this is possible, most professionals agree it’s among the most challenging paths. A much more conventional approach involves getting a degree in a field like computer science, although this discipline can be relevant to a broad range of jobs.

Between the lengthy process of a formal degree program and the uncertain, limited self-taught approach lies a middle ground: immersive bootcamps or certificates. These comprehensive programs can give participants the skills they need for entry-level development positions, plus a portfolio of real-world projects. Startup companies, small organizations, and the freelance world can all be appropriate places for bootcamp graduates to apply.

Whether you get a four-year degree or enroll in a bootcamp, you should also make your candidacy as attractive as possible to recruiters. Popular tips for finding the best Python Developer roles include:

  • Create and update a LinkedIn profile, including a professional headshot photo.
  • Have a well-written resume highlighting any relevant experience.
  • Make sure you have a professional-level portfolio.
  • Create and maintain a blog with regular posts highlighting your knowledge.
  • Look for in-person and online networking options, like professional organizations.

With tips like these in mind, you can find a roadmap to success that works for you.

Learn the Skills to Become a Python Developer at Noble Desktop

To become a Python Developer, everyone needs a range of skills and knowledge. Most people start with basics, like functions, variables, and the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP). Progressing to a development role also can include additional server-side languages like React (JSX), machine learning algorithms, and object-relational mapping (ORM).

Noble Desktop offers a range of online and in-person Python classes and bootcamps for development, data science and analytics, FinTech, and cybersecurity. Instructors with practical expertise teach these programs, which feature small class sizes to ensure individual attention. Each graduate receives a certificate of completion and can even retake the course for up to one year at no additional charge.

Many Python novices review some free online resources to prepare for one of these courses. Noble Desktop’s Learn Hub includes a comprehensive guide to learning Python for development or data-centered roles. Here you can check out free on-demand courses and tutorials on topics like exchanging Excel for Python and making a Twitter bot with Python. 

If you’re new to Python training, you might want to start with an immersive course like Noble’s Python Programming Bootcamp. However, you can also save by taking this bootcamp as part of their immersive Python Developer Certificate. This program provides Python fundamentals before taking participants through in-demand tools like Django REST, Git, and SQL. Check course listings for more details, including prerequisite information.