Top Courses at 365 Careers

  • This course equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills for succeeding in the field of data science. Students start by learning about the many areas of data science, such as business analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, before working with foundational data science skills, including probability, statistics, and data visualization. Students learn to use Python with statistics and mathematics with machine learning, gaining experience with NumPy, TensorFlow, and Pandas as they discover neural networks. By the end of the course, students will have hands-on experience applying data science to example business problems.

    • $95
    • 30 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • With this course, students gain skills for using SQL-based data analytics in business contexts. Students start with an introduction to databases, SQL, and MySQL before working with queries, statements, functions, and joins. After, students get an introduction to data visualization with hands-on experience in Tableau. By the end of the course, students will understand the foundations of database management.

    • $100
    • 10 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • By learning to program in Python, students in this course practice data analytics skills in investment scenarios. Students learn Python operators, functions, and sequences before moving on to object oriented programming, modules, and arrays. Then, students start applying Python to finance, working with regressions, the Markowitz Porfolio theory, and Monte Carlo simulations. At the end of the class, students also gain an introduction to Pandas as well as technical analysis.

    • $130
    • 9 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • Newcomers to investment banking can take this course to learn about working in the world of finance. The course covers in detail the four primary sectors into which investment banking is divided: captial markets, advisory services, trading and brokerage, and asset management. Students spend a significant portion of the course learning about financial modeling, DCF valuation, and leveraged buyouts. Practical activities and a guide to job interviews help students prepare for a career in investment banking before they earn their certificate of completion.

    • $140
    • 10 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • Through this course, students gain a thorough understanding of performing financial modeling and valuation with the aid of Microsoft Excel. The class begins with an orientation to Excel before demonstrating useful functions and PivotTables. Students work through charts and case studies, learning about profit and loss, financial modeling, company valuation, and capital acquisition, as well as mergers and acquisitions. Upon finishign the course, students earn a certificate of completion.

    • $140
    • 15 hours of video
    • Beginner
  • This short course introduces finance students to financial modeling. The class begins with an orientation to company valuation before demonstrating creating a DCF model with Microsoft Excel. Students learn about forecasting profit and loss as well as balance sheet items, and practice calculating cash flows and values. After finishing the course, students earn a certificate of completion.

    • $95
    • 4 hours of video
    • Intermediate

showing 6 of 6 courses