Best Part-Time WordPress Bootcamps

Enhance your skills, balance your schedule, and kickstart your career with the flexible learning options.

Part-time classes and bootcamps provide quality WordPress training with greater scheduling flexibility and more cost-effectiveness. WordPress learners taking part-time classes often do so because they have busy schedules, full-time jobs or responsibilities, prefer to take evening or weekend classes, or need more cost-effective training options. Full-time classes and bootcamps differ from part-time ones as they often require learners to commit to taking a class on a more intensive, condensed schedule or even attending daily classes during the workweek. Those considering part-time WordPress classes should read on while determining whether part-time education is right for them. 

Why Learn WordPress Part-Time?

There are many benefits to learning part-time, including the increased flexibility and accessibility of part-time classes and the potential greater affordability of this mode of education. Indeed, schedule and cost are the two biggest reasons people enroll in part-time classes. Part-time classes have a higher chance of being scheduled outside of standard working hours, making them a great option for those with a full-time job or who need to take a class during the evenings or on weekends. With part-time WordPress classes and bootcamps, one can schedule their studies around their existing commitments without having to lose hours or take time away from one’s family or job. 

Additionally, because part-time enrollment can allow someone to attend classes over multiple weeks or even months, the organization running the course is more likely to have multiple options to pay for the course over time. This can help reduce the pressure to pay a large amount of money all at once or upfront before starting the course. What payment options are available ultimately depends on the organization running the course and it must be noted that many online education providers do allow for alternative financing options, regardless of part-time or full-time enrollment. 

For WordPress classes and bootcamps, another benefit to part-time enrollment is that it can be helpful for some to learn WordPress over a longer timeframe. Most WordPress bootcamps are intensive and aim to provide learners with basic and advanced skills in as little as a few days or class periods. Not everyone can learn a new set of skills this quickly and it can be useful to have additional time outside of class to practice the theories and skills one is learning. Practice is the key to mastering building websites with WordPress and most students should be able to start creating practice websites after even one class session. 

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Drawbacks to Learning WordPress Part-Time

Speed and availability are two of the main limitations to enrolling in part-time WordPress classes. For those looking to learn a skill set quickly, part-time training will mean that it takes longer to complete a class. This may be less of an issue for bootcamps, where the difference might be only a week or two of extra time to complete the course. Bootcamps are already accelerated ways to receive career-oriented training, so it will likely not be too much of a problem for most learners to slightly extend the time for completion of a bootcamp. It can, however, potentially impact one’s ability to remember the material and stay engaged in the coursework if the class is spread out across too many weeks or months. 

Availability is another drawback to enrolling in a part-time WordPress bootcamp. Most in-person and live online WordPress-specific bootcamps are not offered with part-time options, unfortunately. Luckily, most full-time WordPress bootcamps only require a commitment of roughly one to four days from learners, but, those who need night, weekend, or part-time options might have to do a more extensive search. One useful alternative is enrolling in a part-time certificate program for a career in web development or web design as many will include WordPress training as part of the program. Another option would be to take an online asynchronous class, such as an on-demand class, which allows learners to study and practice the course material entirely on their own schedule. On-demand classes can be frustrating as they are not led by a live instructor but they are some of the best options for those looking for part-time WordPress training. 

Is a Part-Time WordPress Bootcamp Right for You?

Part-time education is best for those who need training that adapts to their schedule and who do not need to learn WordPress in the quickest way possible. Those with busy schedules will find part-time enrollment to be a more accessible training option as it allows them to find the class or bootcamp that will work within their schedule. While some will need part-time classes due to work, life, family, or even other school commitments, many also choose part-time enrollment so they can take a class on weekends or evenings. Part-time WordPress bootcamps and classes are more likely to be scheduled outside of the standard workday, so they work well for those who need to or prefer to take classes at other times in the day or week.

Because part-time enrollment means that students will take longer to learn WordPress, it is best for those who do not need to have WordPress skills immediately for personal or professional use. Even those taking an accelerated bootcamp, however, should expect that it will take longer than a few days or a week to master WordPress as one class or bootcamp will not turn someone into a professional WordPress Developer overnight. This means that learners pursuing part-time classes should not feel like they will be significantly behind due to this choice, it will just take slightly longer to learn WordPress fundamentals in a part-time class or bootcamp.

Ways to Make Learning WordPress Part-Time Easier

Most part-time classes should not be harder than full-time WordPress classes. However, part-time learners may note that their engagement with the course is somewhat diminished due to less frequent classes and some part-time learners struggle to maintain interest in the course. For those who are worried about these potential issues, there are ways to make learning WordPress easier for part-time learners. 

Many people who enroll in part-time classes have full-time jobs or busy schedules. To make balancing all of one’s responsibilities easier, it can help to work on one’s organization and time management skills. Set aside specific chunks of time to devote to learning WordPress or practicing one’s coding and website-building skills. There are many tips, techniques, and even technologies like apps to help with balancing work, school, and one’s social life. The Eisenhower Box is one such technique that has you divide tasks into boxes depending on whether they are urgent, can be scheduled for later, should be delegated to someone else, or can be skipped or deleted altogether. This technique allows you to hone in and focus on the most important tasks while coming up with a viable strategy for completing less urgent work at another time. 

WordPress learners will find it easier to maintain interest and engagement in a part-time class through consistent use of WordPress skills. Whether taking a part-time WordPress class to learn WordPress as a hobby or for one’s career, learners should try to get started putting their skills to use right away. It will take months to truly master building WordPress websites from scratch, but learners can start building simple sites quickly upon learning some of the WordPress basics. Practicing every day, even for a short time like 25 minutes or an hour, will help to keep one’s skills fresh and maintain motivation to complete the course.

Choosing the Best Part-time WordPress Classes or Bootcamp

When enrolling in a part-time WordPress bootcamp, consider several important factors including the course schedule, the mode of instruction, projected course outcomes, and cost. For part-time classes, it is especially important to consider not only whether the course is scheduled on days and times that the learner can commit to but also the length of the course. Learners need to ensure they can complete the course as scheduled and that the course won’t be too short or too long. While WordPress skills will not require significant training, an overly short class or bootcamp can indicate that there is not a lot of course content or that the content is too basic to warrant a paid course. There are free materials online to teach basic familiarity with WordPress. An overly long course, by contrast, risks losing student engagement and makes it more likely that students will not finish or complete the course.

Similar to full-time classes, prospective part-time learners should also look for the WordPress class or bootcamp that best fulfills their needs, outside of considerations such as class schedule, accessibility, or cost. In other words, make sure to find a class that covers the material you need and that is taught in the way that works best for you. There are different beginning WordPress bootcamps for creating no-code websites, for building custom-coded websites, for hobbyists and bloggers, and for those who work in or would like to work in web development. Locating the class that covers the skills you need for the outcomes you desire will ensure that you’ve found the best course for you. 

Additionally, while some can learn from following along with video lectures, many find it easier to learn from a live instructor. Instructor-led classes are the gold standard for education as these provide guided, hands-on WordPress training from experts. If this type of training is preferred, look for live online or in-person WordPress classes and bootcamps. Consider using Noble Desktop’s Classes Near Me tool to find WordPress bootcamp in your local area. This free tool compiles some of the top in-person and live online subject-area classes for cities in the United States and allows learners to browse these programs easily to determine which will work best for them.

How to Learn WordPress

Master WordPress with hands-on training. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) commonly used to build websites and blogs.

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