Comparison of Web Development Training Formats

Compare live online, in-person, and on-demand training options to master Web Development.

Explore the various training formats available for web development, including in-person classes, live online courses, on-demand sessions and free seminars. Find out how each format can cater to different learning styles and circumstances, and discover how they can be applied to various programs such as certificate programs, bootcamps and introductory courses.

Key Insights

  • Choosing the right training format is crucial as it impacts your learning experience and outcome. Options include in-person, live online, on-demand, and free courses.
  • Certificate programs, bootcamps, and introductory courses can be delivered in one or more of these training formats.
  • On-demand and free courses offer flexibility and are ideal for beginners starting their web development journey.
  • In-person classes provide a traditional learning environment and opportunities for networking in the local community.
  • Live online courses are ideal for busy individuals, eliminating commute time and providing easy access to education.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive web development training courses, available both in-person and live online, ensuring high-quality instruction and individualized attention.

Web development is one of the more accessible programming skills you can learn, and there are plenty of options to choose from regarding your training format. How do you plan to learn your web development skills? Most students learn better through guided training, and there’s no shortage of in-person, live online, and on-demand classes that cover these topics. This guide will help you learn more about these web development training formats, their perks and drawbacks, and how you can apply them to your own education. 

What is Web Development?

Web development is the art of creating a website and ensuring it’s consistently usable. Web Developers use various coding languages to achieve this goal, and it’s common for coding teams to have a person—or multiple people—entirely dedicated to web development. It’s commonly broken down into three types: front end, back end, and full stack development. Each type has a unique role that contributes to the website’s operations. 

Front end web development works with the website's client-side, referred to as the “front end.” This part of the website contains the sections people can see, such as sliders, banners, text, and other visual information. On the opposite side, back end web development works on the website's server-side, or “back end.” This part of web development controls the website's functionality and is where all its data resides. 

Full stack web development is a fusion of the two and takes on their best qualities. A Full Stack Developer will have skills in each category and can seamlessly maneuver between the front and back end. Teams will often have at least one Front End Developer, Back End Developer, and Full Stack Developer readily working on the website regularly. 

Read more about what web development is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Web Development Skills?

Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Web development can bolster your career, highlight your hobby, and possibly evolve into a small business of its own. Every industry, from medicine to finance to education, has adapted to the world’s changes and is relying on the internet to complete its work. This list only scratches the surface—nearly every business has shifted online because they value the easy access the internet brings them and their clients. 

You’ll increase your professional value by having web development skills and helping build your company’s website. You can also shift career tracks by using web development as a bridge. Are you in medicine but want to switch to art? First, you can start web development for hospitals and then pivot to creating websites for artists. The internet’s importance to all industries means you can easily change companies as you progress. 

While you can showcase your passions on social media, having a website increases your credibility, helps you connect with others without vying for their attention, and creates a centralized location for your work. Most importantly, it allows you to operate on your own terms without worrying about sudden changes to a social media platform’s algorithms or policies. And, if you want to build a network on social media, why not have both?

Why Training Format Matters

If the class content will be relatively the same, then does it matter which format you choose? The simple answer is yes, although it comes to an individual level. The best format for you will depend on your circumstances, learning style, and personal preferences. 

Your friend might prefer on-demand classes, while you prefer to learn to live online. Each option is a perfectly solid choice, and all of them have perks and drawbacks that will affect how well you’ll be able to learn in the course. Thankfully, if you find one option isn’t meant for you, you can always pivot to another and still get the most out of your lessons. 

Types of Training Formats

The four primary training formats are in-person, live online, on-demand, and free courses. Take a moment to review each of them and see which one resonates with you the most. 

Live In-Person Classes

In-person classes are the style that’s usually familiar to people because they typically experience it when they’re younger. You’ll work in a distraction-free environment with an instructor with field experience. This format is popular for those who want to build a network within their local community. 

The primary drawback of in-person classes is that they’re restricted by time and location. If you’re in a busy area and have to race through rush hour traffic to reach the learning center, you may find that you’re late to class occasionally. That could mean you miss out on content that could’ve helped you later in your career. If you can travel, in-person courses are a solid choice.

Live Online Classes

Location is no longer a restriction regarding learning or working, especially within the last few years. Live online classes take the pressure off of schedule because you don’t need to worry about your commute or hire a babysitter for several hours at a time. Live online courses also work with experts who teach in-person courses, meaning you’ll still receive the same quality education. This format is best for busy people who want to make the most of each moment in their day. 

The main drawback of live online classes is that you’ll need to create your own distraction-free environment and set up a routine for yourself. Most live online training facilities offer tech support if you contact that resource to see how they can help. You can mitigate these drawbacks by going over how to learn web development online. Once you have a solid routine and workspace, you’ll be ready for the remainder of your education. 

On-Demand Classes

On-demand classes are unique because they’re often pre-recorded. Unlike in-person or live online courses, these classes are asynchronous, meaning you can take them at midnight or noon, depending on your schedule. Most people enjoy its perks: you can pause, rewind, and rewatch sections as many times as you need. This format is ideal if you get a feel for the topics you want to explore. 

The main drawback of these courses is that they’re not in real-time. If you have questions for the instructor, you may have difficulty reaching them. It’s also important to check the date of these training sessions. Technology evolves rapidly, and if you find an on-demand course that’s five years old, it may already be outdated. However, the foundational elements will likely remain the same even if outdated. On-demand courses will still give you a good rundown of how new professionals approach their topic of choice. 

Free Courses

These courses have a benefit no one can refute: they’re free! Free courses are typically associated with on-demand courses, but there are free, live introductory seminars that later become videos-on-demand (or “VODs”). If you catch the live recording as it’s happening, you can ask questions and receive answers as you would in an in-person or live online course. For example, Noble Desktop occasionally hosts live, free programming and digital design seminars on their YouTube channel, which are then organized by topic on their free seminars page for easy access. 

The main drawback of these courses is that they’re usually meant for beginners. More advanced topics are typically reserved for in-person or live online classes because you’ll need in-depth, real time feedback to ensure your work is correct. Your instructors will be able to catch a mistake before it becomes a habit, and those corrections will enhance your skills faster than guessing on your own. Most free courses are also pressed for time while being recorded, meaning they need to cover a specific set of topics within an hour or two and won’t have time to cover a single topic in-depth. 

Web Development Programs and Training Formats

When signing up for a web development course, people take three types of programs: certificate programs, bootcamps, and introductory courses. Each of these overlaps with the training formats listed in the previous section. Take a moment to review how each of these can help you reach your goals for web development. 

Certificate Programs

Certificate programs cover a collection of skills and feature a variety of classes. Sometimes you’ll find that bootcamp’s courses will be a part of a certificate program, but they’ll be at a reduced rate for the certificate program. For example, if you took each class in a certificate program individually, the average cost would be around $20,000, but if you take them through a certificate program, it’ll be closer to $12,500 instead. You’ll also earn a credential that can be displayed on LinkedIn or sent alongside your resume, which is not typically offered through a bootcamp or introductory course. 

If you’re ready to dive in and learn as much as possible about web development, you can try out a Front End Web Development Certificate program. Those that want to take things a step further can take a Full Stack Web Development Certificate program since this program also covers JavaScript to a great degree. Each of these programs offers a comprehensive web development overview and holds everything you need for an entry-level position in the field. Look over each program's curriculums that interest you and see if they align with your goals. 

Training Bootcamps

Bootcamps are courses that go in-depth into a specific topic, such as web development. Most professionals will take these to learn more about a topic they need more experience with or to test the waters before taking a certificate program. They’re a solid option if you want to take things slow or only have a few days to take classes. They’re also useful for those who only need an additional skill to add to their toolkit without registering for an entire program. 

The Intro to Web Development with HTML & CSS course teaches you the skills needed to create a website, even if you had no experience with programming beforehand. Meanwhile, the JavaScript for Front End class discusses using JavaScript’s programming language to make websites interactive and engaging. It’s worth noting that bootcamp courses are offered within certificate programs, but usually at a discount since they’re packaged with other related classes. Keep that in mind while you’re weighing your options. 

Introductory Courses

You can explore the introductory courses if you’re still not ready to take a full class or program. These are free and on-demand classes that you can complete at your leisure. Unlike the classes listed above, these courses only cover the foundational parts of web development. You should use them to help guide your decisions about whether you want to take web development courses. They’re useful for beginners, but more advanced professionals will want to take a bootcamp or certificate program to progress in their careers. 

Check out the Intro to Front End Web Development class if you want to learn about the DNA of web development before you try a full course. JavaScript is an essential part of web development, meaning that an Intro to JavaScript class will help you with this field and most of the coding world. Another worthwhile introductory course is the Intro to WordPress class since WordPress is used by over 40% of websites as either a hosting or domain name platform—or both! These will help you explore your options and decide which direction to take in your education. 

Learn Web Development Skills with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers high-quality web development classes and bootcamps that are flexible to your learning needs. These courses, taught by experts in web development, are available in-person at their training center in Manhattan and live online internationally. Noble ensures that you will work in small groups with your instructors to help you receive individualized attention, support, and career mentorship. All Noble courses are also available for a free retake up to one year after completion. 

Beginners might be interested in the Front End Web Development certificate program because it gives them the practical knowledge needed to become Web Developers. This program has two tracks depending on how quickly you want to learn: the full-time option takes four weeks to complete, while part-time students will complete the course in four months. 

For those that are interested in learning more about web development as a whole, the Full Stack Web Development Certificate will show you all of the significant concepts associated with client-side and server-side web development. This course is another excellent option for beginners since you can take it with no prior experience. Noble’s courses come with certificates that you can proudly display on LinkedIn or send to employers alongside your resume. 

Key Insights

  • The training format you choose will affect how you learn the material.
  • The main training formats are in-person, live online, on-demand, and free courses.
  • Certificate programs, bootcamps, and introductory courses are typically taught in some or all of these formats.
  • On-demand and free courses are helpful when you’re beginning your web development journey.
  • In-person classes are ideal if you want to build a network in your local community.
  • Live online courses are best for those that value their time and want to skip their commute.
  • You can take a comprehensive web development training course through Noble Desktop, either in-person or live online. 

How to Learn Web Development

Master web development with hands-on training. Build fully functional websites and applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and web developer tools.

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