How to Learn Web Development Online

Teaser: Discover the endless possibilities of a career in web development and learn how to tailor your online learning to suit your needs. Understand the roles of front end, back end, and full stack developers and explore the opportunities and benefits that online classes, including live and on-demand courses, offer for your career progression.

Key Insights

  • Web development is a vital skill with applications across multiple industries, allowing individuals to transition between sectors easily.
  • Front end, back end, and full stack development are the three main types of web development each with distinctive roles contributing to a website's operation.
  • Live online classes and video tutorials provide practical experiences that inform UI and UX development decisions.
  • Noble Desktop offers high-quality web development classes and bootcamps that cater to individual learning needs, with the flexibility of in-person and live online classes.
  • Online learning requires careful workspace organization, minimal distractions, and comprehensive planning to optimize productivity and learning outcomes.
  • Web development can boost professional value and open up opportunities for career advancement or transition, increasing earning potential in the process.

When you’re learning a new skill, you’ll want to learn it in a way that helps you think effectively. For example, learning web development online will help you think like your website’s users before creating a website. You’ll gain an eye for the technicality that only happens through working on a computer.

Live online classes and video tutorials will teach you a hands-on approach to using online interfaces more than speaking about them face-to-face. These practical, first-hand experiences will inform the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) development decisions that will improve your website for the better. This guide will walk you through some of the choices you have for learning web development online, and then it will go over how to approach online learning to fit your needs.

What is Web Development?

Web development is the art of creating a website and ensuring it’s consistently usable. Web Developers use various coding languages to achieve this goal, and it’s common for coding teams to have a person—or multiple people—entirely dedicated to web development. It’s commonly broken down into three types: front end, back end, and full stack development. Each type has a unique role that contributes to the website’s operations.

Front end web development works with the website's client-side, referred to as the “front end.” This part of the website contains the sections people can see, such as sliders, banners, text, and other visual information. On the opposite side, back end web development works on the website's server-side, or “back end.” This part of web development controls the website's functionality and is where all its data resides.

Full stack web development is a fusion of the two and takes on their best qualities. A Full Stack Developer will have skills in each category and can seamlessly maneuver between the front and back end. Teams will often have at least one Front End Developer, Back End Developer, and Full Stack Developer readily working on the website regularly.

Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Read more about what web development is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Web Development?

Web development can bolster your career, highlight your hobby, and possibly evolve into a small business of its own. Every industry, from medicine to finance to education, has adapted to the world’s changes and is relying on the internet to complete its work. This list only scratches the surface—nearly every business has shifted online because they value the easy access the internet brings them and their clients.

You’ll increase your professional value by having web development skills and helping build your company’s website. You can also shift career tracks by using web development as a bridge. Are you in medicine but want to switch to art? First, you can start web development for hospitals and then pivot to creating websites for artists. The internet’s importance to all industries means you can easily change companies as you progress.

While you can showcase your passions on social media, having a website increases your credibility, helps you connect with others without vying for their attention, and creates a centralized location for your work. Most importantly, it allows you to operate on your own terms without worrying about sudden changes to a social media platform’s algorithms or policies. And, if you want to build a network on social media, why not have both?

Live Online Web Development Training

Live online courses have been around for a few decades, but they’ve become prevalent within the last few years. They’re as engaging and interactive as in-person classes, but you can take them anywhere. You’ll also learn from the same experts that would teach in-person courses, and you can talk to them in real-time if you ever have questions. The main drawback of live online classes is that you’ll need to set up your work environment by yourself, but thankfully many training centers will provide you with tech support upon request.

You can find live online web development courses through Noble Desktop’s Classes Near Me search engine, where you can find popular programs such as the Front End Web Development and the Full Stack Web Development certificates. Other noteworthy providers include Practicum Bootcamp, Nashville Software School, and DeltaV Code School. All of them are solid choices, and you’ll gain practical knowledge in web development that’s worthwhile in the long run.

On-Demand Web Development Classes

You might have a busy schedule that can’t easily change within the next few weeks. That doesn’t mean you have to wait to begin your education. On-demand web development courses are one of the best ways to start learning because you can take them at your own pace. They’re the perfect supplement to in-person or live online classes to help you review subjects or refresh your memory on specific topics.

The major drawback of on-demand classes is that you won’t be able to contact your instructor quickly. There’s a chance you won’t be able to contact them at all. However, on-demand classes will help you decide which web development subjects you want to try first. From there, you can search for other classes that appeal to you.

Free Intro Courses & Tutorials

Did you know that there are free web development classes too? These courses are ideal for future developers who want to learn some basics before investing in a web development course. Look over this playlist of free web development tutorials from Noble Desktop to help you decide which classes are best for you.

Once you’ve found the topics that match your interests, you can start searching for web development classes. Plenty of free courses are offered directly through Noble Desktop, General Assembly, Udemy, and Coursera to help guide your search. These training facilities have quality overviews of HTML, CSS, and other web development fundamentals.

Read about more free web development videos and online tutorials.

Comparing Online Methods with In-Person Learning

Today’s most popular training methods for learning web development skills are in-person, live online, and on-demand. In-person classes are taught in a physical classroom, while live online and on-demand courses are conducted with computers. Each of these methods has its perks and drawbacks associated with them.

In-person and live online classes are the most engaging and interactive because you’ll work with your instructor in real-time. You can ask questions and receive an answer instantly, and you’ll be able to get feedback on your work in a faster time frame too.

The significant difference between these two options is that you’ll need to travel to an in-person class while you can take your live online classes anywhere, including your bedroom, kitchen, or sofa. In-person courses also allow you to speak with other students in your class, which may or may not happen in live online courses depending on the instructor.

On-demand courses are an excellent way to get started with web development if you’re on a budget, but most professionals can’t get what they need from these courses alone. They typically have information intended for beginners, and they’re also pre-recorded. That means the information could become outdated if the training center didn’t record the video recently. Given how quickly technology changes nowadays, that can mean a significant decline in the quality of the lesson.

Tips to Succeed when Learning Web Development Online

Online learning has skyrocketed since 2020, but rest assured that many online training facilities have been around for a while. Noble Desktop, for example, has trained people online for over 30 years. While there are no universal rules to learning online, some helpful tips and tricks will make your learning process smoother and more effective. Even if you haven’t been in the classroom for a while, general productivity tips that can help you at work will also help you throughout your education.

Set Up Your Workspace

Working in the same spot every time you take an online class is a good idea. Whether you’re at home, in your office, or at a cafe or library, creating a designated work area will help you build a routine. You’ll also want to ensure that your learning area is relatively clean and clear of anything that might distract you. If you’re thinking about the pile of dishes in the sink or laundry in your bedroom corner, you won’t necessarily have your full attention on the instructor’s lessons. Similarly, televisions, crowds, talkative roommates, and your phone can divide your attention and adversely affect your studies.

Work from your Laptop or Desktop

While it’s great that we’re able to Zoom from our phones and tablets, it’s not a good idea for online learning. Besides all of the apparent distractions our phones contain, you won’t be able to easily access the modules and notes from your virtual lessons since training facilities optimize them for laptops and desktops.

Ensure your laptop is charged before logging into your lessons, and have your charger handy if you run low on battery. If you’re working from a public space, try to get there early and find a spot near a charging outlet. Even if you never use it, it will help prevent you from unexpectedly losing power.

Have a Backup Plan Ready

Things happen. Sometimes they’re tech-related, sometimes they’re real-life-related. Your instructor should have guidelines on what to do if something goes wrong, but it doesn’t hurt to set up a backup plan yourself. Check your training facility’s website, find the tech support page, and favorite it on your desktop and phone. If something wonky happens, you’ll easily be able to get support.

Write down any essential information and keep it nearby. This information can include phone numbers to call, log-in passwords, and central websites that you’ll continually use. If you have sticky notes available, write this information down on them and keep them inside your laptop to ensure that you won’t forget them while moving from place to place.

Improve Productivity and Minimize Distractions

These tips are helpful when working in an online class and focusing on a specific task for an extended duration. To start, try to only work on one task at a time. Multitasking between multiple projects is taxing on the mind and makes it less likely for you to complete any of them.

Turn off notifications and silence your phone to prevent it from buzzing every few minutes. Productivity apps and extensions such as StayFocusd, Freedom, and Forest are ideal for blocking out digital distractions. If your phone is still distracting, you can put it in another room or leave it in your car.

Scheduling your day can also reduce your mental clutter. If you have every task, meeting, appointment, and activity planned out, you’ll reduce the chances that you’ll be distracted by your upcoming obligations.

Key Insights

  • Online classes and tutorials are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility.
  • Organizing your workspace will reduce the time you need to prepare during class days.
  • Use your laptop or desktop instead of your phone—it’ll be easier to navigate your courses.
  • Minimize distractions by keeping your phone and other disruptions in another room.
  • Prepare everything you need ahead of time in case you become disconnected.
  • Schedule your day to ensure you have everything in order beforehand.

Learn Web Development with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers high-quality web development classes and bootcamps that are flexible to your learning needs. These courses, taught by experts in web development, are available in-person at their training center in Manhattan and live online internationally. Noble ensures that you will work in small groups with your instructors to help you receive individualized attention, support, and career mentorship. All Noble courses are also available for a free retake up to one year after completion.

Beginners might be interested in the Front End Web Development certificate program because it gives them the practical knowledge needed to become Web Developers. This program has two tracks depending on how quickly you want to learn: the full-time option takes four weeks to complete, while part-time students will complete the course in four months.

For those that are interested in learning more about web development as a whole, the Full Stack Web Development Certificate will show you all of the significant concepts associated with client-side and server-side web development. This course is another excellent option for beginners since you can take it with no prior experience. Noble’s courses come with certificates that you can proudly display on LinkedIn or send to employers alongside your resume.

How to Learn Web Development

Master web development with hands-on training. Build fully functional websites and applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and web developer tools.

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