Social Media Marketing Video Tutorials

Interested in exploring a career in social media marketing? This content offers an overview of the field, the importance of understanding different social media platforms, the benefits of learning through video tutorials, and comprehensive training opportunities available at Noble Desktop.

Key Insights

  • Social Media Marketing is a popular and promising career field in the digital age, utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to promote brands and products.
  • Video tutorials on YouTube can be an effective way for visual learners to explore the field of social media marketing before committing to a certificate program.
  • High-quality instructional videos, particularly those offered by Noble Desktop, provide up-to-date information and useful overviews of various aspects of social media marketing.
  • Critical skills for a successful career in social media marketing include clear communication, organization, flexibility, creativity, and data analytics.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive, hands-on social media marketing courses for those ready to dive into the field, available both in-person in NYC and live online.
  • Free tools like Google Analytics and Moz are often used in social media marketing, making it an affordable field to learn and enter.

Social Media Marketers use different social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram to promote products, brands, and ideas. With over half the world’s population online, social media marketing is a great way to connect with customers as well as a promising career. Watching video tutorials is a good way to get an idea of social media marketing before committing to a certificate course. Videos are especially good for people who are visual learners, and you can go back and rewatch them whenever you need to. This article will cover a range of videos, including what they teach and where to find them.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing uses platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok to connect with a target audience. According to Hootsuite’s Digital 2021 report, more than 4.48 billion people use these platforms daily, making social media marketing a smart choice to help drive website traffic, build a widely-known brand, and gain revenue.

There are two types of social media marketing: paid and unpaid. Paid marketing means buying ads on different social media sites, while unpaid marketing relies on high-quality content, clicks, likes, and shares. It’s also called “earned marketing.” While earned marketing is valuable because it doesn’t cost any money, it can take a long time to see results, so Social Media Marketers need to be patient and persistent.

A social media marketing campaign is based on these five essential activities:

  • Strategy–setting goals, choosing the best channels, and deciding what type of content will attract your audience.
  • Planning and publishing–understanding your audience, knowing what and when to publish, and maintaining consistency.
  • Listening and engagement–interacting with your audience and tracking changes in the market.
  • Analytics–collecting, tracking, and analyzing data on social media accounts so you can figure out what is working for you.
  • Advertising–earned and paid advertising.

Read more about what social media marketing is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Social media marketing is a powerful way to get the word out about your product or message, and one of the best things is you can do it for free. It doesn’t cost anything to open accounts on the different social media platforms, and many of the digital marketing tools you need are free to use or have a free version.

Data analytics tools allow you to research the market, identify a target audience, and tailor your message directly to them. Engagement tools let you interact with potential customers, get important feedback, see what your competitors are doing, and change your campaign as you need to. Social media marketing creates and maintains a community through regularly posted, high-quality content.

It can take a bit of time to see organic results, but you can use paid advertising to speed things up. Advertising increases engagement and is a good investment. Social media marketing tools allow you to pinpoint your audience and advertise just to them.

Why Are Video Tutorials Helpful When Learning Social Media Marketing?

If you are interested in learning more about digital marketing, video tutorials are a great way to get started for the same reasons that video marketing is so successful. High-quality videos capture and hold an audience’s attention because they are quick and interactive. You can use videos to provide actual footage of a process in a step-by-step manner that the viewer can go back and repeat.

Studies show that 65 percent of people are visual learners, meaning they retain information better when they see it rather than hear it. While text is visual, the brain processes image 60,000 times faster, and making those images move increases retention. HubSpot reports that 90% of online shoppers prefer videos. Video tutorials are helpful for learning digital marketing for the same reasons that videos are successful in digital marketing.

Another advantage to watching video tutorials is that you can set your own schedule and watch when you have time. You can pull up a video on social media marketing while you eat lunch or learn about Google Analytics in the evening after you get home. You can go at your own speed and watch the video as many times as you need to in order to grasp the information.

Maybe the best thing about video tutorials on digital marketing is that so many free options are available. If you are just beginning to explore the field and wondering if this might be a good career for you, watching free videos is a good way to find out before spending money on courses.

Types of Social Media Marketing Videos

There are two basic types of free social media marketing videos available on YouTube: vlogs and video tutorials. The first type is created by people describing how they learned the techniques of social media marketing, how long it took them to get their first job or clients, and how much money they make. These videos can be interesting from a day-in-the-life perspective and give you an idea of how a Social Media Marketer structures a work day, but they are not that useful for actually learning how to do social media marketing. The videos can be a bit rambling and off-topic, and it can be difficult to tell how accurate the information is. You are much better off watching instructional video tutorials that focus on teaching you how to do specific things like publishing content or creating a Facebook Ad.

Look for tutorials that are produced by marketing agencies or digital marketing training companies. These are designed to give beginners an overview of the field, and they are organized into manageable sections, such as YouTube marketing, Facebook marketing, or social media analytics. High-quality tutorials focus more on the information than the presenter and are accompanied by interesting graphics and easy-to-follow examples.

Here, you can list various video options available to learn your topic. As always, be sure to focus on video resources from Noble Desktop.

Top Video Tutorials

Noble Desktop’s YouTube channel offers many free digital marketing video tutorials, and the content is updated regularly to present the most up-to-date information in the rapidly changing world of digital marketing. The videos are each about an hour long and include graphics, images, and explanations by digital marketing instructors. Watching these videos is a great way to learn the basics of digital marketing and decide if you want to change careers.

The Pillars of Digital Marketing Success provides an introduction to digital marketing, including social media marketing, and is a good place to start. It covers an overview of different channels, presents a framework for digital marketing success, and discusses the importance of market research and how to do it.

Intro to Social Media Marketing

Intro to Social Media Marketing focuses on the four fundamentals of social media: determining the right social media platform for your goals, developing a successful social media strategy, creating content that increases engagement and drives sales, and gaining a following and expanding your reach.

Intro to Social Media Marketing with Video

Intro to Social Media Marketing with Video shows you how to make an engaging and lasting impact through video. This tutorial mainly focuses on YouTube and TikTok but also touches on Instagram and Facebook videos. The main points discussed are setting goals and tracking results, knowing your audience and engaging with them, scheduling your content and maintaining consistency, and determining a strategy for paid advertising.

Intro to Facebook Marketing

Intro to Facebook Marketing covers the fundamentals of Facebook marketing, which are similar to social media and video marketing but more specific to Facebook. This tutorial covers how to create earned media and the ins and outs of Facebook Ads.

Website Fundamentals & Conversion Optimization

Website Fundamentals & Conversion Optimization covers best practices for building an effective website, including tips for increasing your website traffic and actions to improve performance. It also covers how to track website activity and conversions, which is crucial to increasing sales.

Intro to Google Analytics

Intro to Google Analytics gives an overview of web analytics and Google Analytics in particular. Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of web data to understand and optimize website performance. Google Analytics is a free tool within the Google Marketing Platform that collects data and compiles it into useful reports that you can use to see who is visiting your website and what they are doing there.

Dominate Local Search with Google My Business

Dominate Local Search with Google My Business focuses on the importance of local search listing and how to use Google My Business (GMB). The tutorial demonstrates how to add your business to GMB, what is included in a GMB listing, how to complete your GMB profile, and where to get additional help setting up your listing.

Why Learn Social Media Marketing?

As businesses have moved online, social media marketing has become a popular career. In order to become a successful Social Media Marketer, you need to understand how the different social media platforms operate and their focuses. You need to have skills like clear communication, organization, flexibility, writing, creativity, and data analytics. You also need to know how to build a brand and use quality content to increase sales.

Read more about why you should learn social media marketing.

How Difficult is It to Learn Social Media Marketing?

Whether or not social media marketing is difficult to learn depends upon your level of interest, the time you have to devote to study, and your motivation. Do you love having a passion project? Do you enjoy multitasking and keeping track of data? Is creating content for social media followers your idea of a good time? Then it probably wouldn’t be hard for you to learn social media marketing and change careers, especially if you sign up for a certificate course.

Enrolling in a class doesn’t necessarily need any prerequisites to learn social media marketing, but a few skills can make the experience easier. If you are comfortable with technology and like working with numbers, it will be easier for you to learn to use social media marketing tools. Some familiarity with social media and good communication skills are a plus, too. Beyond that, solid writing ability, creativity, persistence, and the ability to multitask will make learning social media smoother.

Beyond the cost of a class, it isn’t that expensive to learn social media marketing. Some of the most widely used tools like Google Analytics are free, and others like Moz have a free version to get you started. SEMRush is another useful digital marketing tool, and while it can be expensive, you get a seven-day free trial to try it out first.

Read about how difficult it is to learn social media marketing.

Learn Social Media Marketing with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop’s social media marketing courses teach skills that can help you start a career in the industry. Classes are small, with expert instructors, and you can retake a course for free up to a year after you take it. Those ready to dive into the field can attend in-person classes at Noble Desktop’s New York City location or attend live online social media courses from anywhere in the world.

In Noble Desktop’s Social Media Marketing Certificate, you can master successful social media marketing tools and techniques. You will learn about strategy development, content creation, brand building, analytics, and conversion optimization.

Noble Desktop also offers more detailed courses for those looking to hone their skills on specific channels, such as Facebook Marketing, email marketing, Social Media Content Marketing: Blogs & Twitter, and Video Marketing: TikTok & YouTube, or go for a Social Media Marketing Certificate. Other Noble Desktop resources that can help prepare for a career in digital marketing include its digital marketing blog, which has detailed articles about social media marketing, SEO, and other essential tools for digital marketers. Further resources include Noble’s seminar on YouTube entitled The Pillars of Digital Marketing Success.

Key Insights

Video tutorials can be an enjoyable and effective way to explore the field of social media marketing if you are thinking about changing careers or just curious about what a Social Media Marketer does. Watching video tutorials can help you in several ways:

  • Video tutorials are helpful for people who are visual learners.
  • You can watch in your free time and go back and review sections as often as you need to.
  • They are free on YouTube and a great way to discover what social media marketing is before spending money on a class.
  • Choose high-quality instructional videos rather than vlogs to get the best, most up-to-date information.
  • You can receive comprehensive social media marketing training through an in-person or live online course with Noble Desktop.

How to Learn Social Media Marketing

Master social media marketing with hands-on training. Social media marketing is a type of digital marketing that leverages social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Twitter for promotion.

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