Python Training & Classes for Employees: Review Corporate Training Options

Considering Python corporate training for your organization? Discover the importance of Python skills in today's job market, its applications in various industries, and the training options available to upskill your team.

Python Training & Classes for Employees: Review Corporate Training Options

The size and number of organizations needing Python expertise today are uncountable. Government agencies, major multinationals, and institutes of higher learning are all examples of entities that need Python professionals. Among all programming languages, Python typically falls within the top three in popularity and ease of use. 

Read on to learn what to consider when looking for corporate Python classes and those available for onsite or live online training.

What is Python?

Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages on the planet. Data Scientists, Web Developers, and other tech professionals use Python for various tasks—from building websites to data analysis, automation, and machine learning. Like Java and Ruby, Python is mainly an object-oriented programming language (OOP), which means it organizes around data (objects) instead of functions or logic.

Thanks to its straightforward syntax, adaptability, and the urgent need for Python skills in today’s job market, this essential language ranks as the number one choice for those learning to code. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the average growth rate for Web Developers will be 13% between 2020 and 2030, and many of these positions require Python expertise. Other fields requiring Python include cybersecurity, software engineering, and business analysis.

Read more about what Python is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Python Skills?

Python is a versatile language with a host of applications, but the most well-known include:

  • Data Science - Data science extends to numerous industries, and using Python to understand data is paramount. Python libraries like NumPy and Matplotlib enable Data Scientists and other professionals to use visualization to gain insights into data. Additional top Python libraries include TensorFlow, SciPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) - Machine Learning Engineers and Architects use Python to build models. At the same time, AI Engineers and Architects may need this essential programming language for everything from assessing AI solutions to advanced automation.
  • Web Development - The use of Python in web development goes back to its beginnings. Frameworks like Django and Flask have famously provided web development for well-known companies like Instagram, Dropbox, and Pinterest. Tech pros, including Developers, report that Python is easy to integrate with other languages like C/C++ and Java. Other top frameworks include Bottle, CherryPy, and Dash.
  • Game Development - Frameworks for game development include Pygame, PyKyra, and Panda3D, but there are numerous others. Python continues to support the gaming industry in meaningful ways.
  • Enterprise Applications - Enterprise-grade apps built with Python include leading technology stacks like Netflix, Microsoft, and Spotify.

Benefits of Python Corporate Training

Corporate Python training isn't limited to private companies. Non-profits, government agencies, colleges, and universities can benefit from live online or onsite training.

A corporate training program like those offered by Noble Desktop can be an open enrollment group course or one tailored to meet an organization's needs. These high-level courses provide comprehensive support materials and expert instruction from experienced professionals. Course providers like Noble Desktop schedule many programs on weekends or evenings so they won't interfere with day-to-day company operations.

Python corporate instruction can help organizations of all sizes, as it often features topics like machine learning, automation, or algorithmic trading as part of a broader curriculum. Read on to learn more about onsite and corporate Python training.

Who Benefits Most from Python Corporate Training?

Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world, an industry-standard tool in fields like data science, web development, and artificial intelligence (AI), including machine learning (ML). Organizations ranging from large corporations to government agencies can benefit when their workforce expands its Python expertise.

While Python holds sway in virtually every industry and sector today, some benefit more than others. Top fields for Python data science and development include:

Python and Python-adjacent skills can include data visualization, languages like JavaScript and C, and tools like HTML/CSS. Whether you run a small business or work for a large multinational company, chances are good that your team can benefit from corporate Python training.

New Skills or Upskilling?

If you're new to Python development or data science, you might wonder whether it's suited for a company-wide program or a specialized training session for a few employees. The answer: it depends.

Specialized Python training is a prerequisite for many data science and development positions. Check online job postings for Data Scientists, and you'll likely find Python under the required skills, not to mention Python libraries and frameworks like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn. These skilled professionals get their training to qualify for the positions they hold.

By contrast, for company-wide training programs, your team most likely either has Python skills or doesn't need them. It depends on your organization, but most will choose a smaller number of employees for corporate Python training.

Onsite or Online?

Although the difference between onsite and live online corporate training might seem obvious, there are additional factors to consider. Onsite training provides numerous benefits, from the engagement engendered by a live instructor to the ability to hold the class on your home turf.

Course providers typically offer online corporate training via teleconferencing platforms like Zoom. These programs also feature real-time instruction from expert instructors. 

Some providers also offer discounts for bulk purchases of courses or the option to have a custom program to meet your team's goals. For example, Noble Desktop provides discount vouchers for open-enrollment classes and can customize a program for your company's needs.

Training Options for Employees

You can get your team's Python training from Noble Desktop through these three categories:

  • Live online or onsite training
  • Group class vouchers
  • Private training

To better understand the differences, consider the following: 

Live online or onsite corporate training provides real-time instruction either virtually or at your location. Flexible scheduling may be available, and Noble Desktop can customize a training program for your team.

Companies based in New York City can also get private training at Noble Desktop's state-of-the-art Manhattan headquarters. You can choose among current courses or request a customized program. Current offerings include Python in a Day, Python for Automation, and Algorithmic Trading with Python.

Supplemental Training Options

One of the most convenient methods to get training for your team is buying bulk enrollment in Noble classes to provide employees with training outside of business hours. This alternative allows employers to get a discount on purchases while at the same time allowing employees to learn from the comfort of home. Python-related options range from six-hour seminars to 30-hour bootcamps, so the time commitment required is reasonable. Your team can benefit from in-depth training in a concise time frame.

For more information on corporate training options for Python, contact Noble Desktop by email.

Key Takeaways

  • Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages on the planet.
  • Government agencies, major multinationals, institutes of higher learning, and numerous other entities all need Python expertise.
  • Python is popular in data science, artificial intelligence (including machine learning), web development, and enterprise applications.
  • Organizations can help their teams gain or expand their Python skills through corporate training.
  • Top training alternatives include:
  • Live online or onsite training
  • Group class vouchers
  • Private training
  • Comprehensive corporate Python training is available through Noble Desktop, either in person or online.

How to Learn Python

Master Python with hands-on training. Python is a popular object-oriented programming language used for data science, machine learning, and web development. 

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