Are Premiere Pro Bootcamps Worth It?

A comprehensive guide to the value of Premiere Pro bootcamps

There are a number of different ways to learn Premiere Pro. One is to enroll in a bootcamp. Bootcamps are accelerated courses that are designed to help you gain a comprehensive set of skills in a short amount of time. If this is your goal, then a bootcamp might be the perfect learning option for you. Bootcamps differ from other learning methods in a few ways. This article delves into some of these differences and will help you gain a better understanding of what makes bootcamps unique, and whether a bootcamp is worth it for you.

What is Premiere Pro?

Adobe Premiere Pro is an application that is used for video editing. It was initially released as simply “Premiere” in 1991, and in 2003 it was renamed Premiere Pro. The application quickly became an industry-standard tool and one of the most popular video editing programs on the market. For instance, it ranks as best overall in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Video Editing Software of 2024” list, with the author noting “If you want the best video editing experience you can get, Adobe Premiere Pro is the way to go.” The application is timeline-based and nonlinear, and is available through Adobe, by monthly subscription. It has many different tools for editing video and audio, and incorporating special effects, and Adobe continues to add new features every year.

What Can You Do With Premiere Pro?

With Premiere Pro, you can create and edit video content. This includes short content like clips for social media, and longer content like films and television shows. The application has a wide range of tools that allow you to manipulate content in many different ways. For instance, you can correct color, add sound effects, create titles and animations, and add special effects. The ability to work with video and other types of visual content has become an increasingly in-demand skill in recent years, making fluency in Premiere Pro a valuable asset. In the article, “In-demand skills you need to get hired in 2022,” Adobe explains why the ability to edit video is so useful. It says, “The modern digital landscape is fast-paced. Ads on social media platforms, mobile apps, and websites are all clamouring for the user’s attention. Bold, eye-catching visual communication that can quickly convey important information is necessary in every industry.” It insists, “Acquiring in-demand skills like Photoshop, video editing, and digital marketing that fit the needs of today’s companies could be the ticket to landing your dream job.”

Premiere Pro Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Why Learn Premiere Pro in a Bootcamp?

If you’re thinking about enrolling in a Premiere Pro bootcamp, you’ll want to make sure you understand how this type of course differs from other training options. Compared to other types of classes, bootcamps are typically much more accelerated. They cover a lot of information in a relatively short amount of time. When you take a Premiere Pro bootcamp, you’ll gain a comprehensive Premiere Pro education in a matter of weeks or months. However, while they cover a lot, most bootcamps are also beginner-friendly, and designed for students who don’t have any prior experience using Premiere Pro. Another unique aspect of a bootcamp is that most are career-focused, meaning that instructors work to help you gain all the skills that you’ll need to excel in a Premiere Pro-related career. Many also include different types of career coaching and networking opportunities to help you actually get the job that you want. 

Bootcamps Compared to College

Attending college is another way to get a comprehensive Premiere Pro education, however, earning a college degree typically takes four years or more, and is often costly. In addition, many people find that they don’t see a return on that investment. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that the average price of attending a four-year college ranges from $14,700 to $24,600, depending on whether it is a public or private college. Many people simply cannot afford this, or the four years of full-time schooling required to obtain the degree. Not only that, but some research indicates that obtaining a degree may not be financially worth it in the long term. For instance, in an April 2024 Forbes article titled, “Is College Worth It? Consider These Factors Before Enrolling,” the authors report that while college graduates do earn more than the average U.S. worker, it takes a long time to pay off the debt they incur while earning that degree. They state, “On average, bachelor’s degree holders don’t start to see returns on their college investment until they’ve worked full-time for 15 years.” Bootcamps may still be relatively costly, but the cost is nowhere near that of a college degree. 

Another difference between bootcamps and college courses is that bootcamps run in an accelerated format. This means that they progress much more rapidly than many other types of training, and you’ll learn the skills you need in a relatively short amount of time. Most bootcamps run over a matter of weeks or months. While college programs often include general education classes, bootcamps are usually focused on giving you the skills that you’ll need to succeed in your career. There are multiple benefits to completing your training more quickly. You’re likely to save money, since you don’t need to devote so much time to being in school. You’re also likely to get into the workforce more quickly, where you can start earning money and gaining experience. 

Bootcamps Compared to Self-Paced Courses

Another way to learn Premiere Pro is to take a self-paced course. Self-paced courses have some unique advantages. Most don’t have a live instructor so they are usually cheaper than other types of classes. They also offer more flexibility because they let you work through the material at your own pace. You can stop and start the lesson whenever you need to. You can even rewind sections that you want to spend more time with or fast-forward through concepts that you’ve already mastered. If you have a busy schedule and you need a lot of flexibility, a self-paced course can be a good option.

However, there are also disadvantages to self-paced classes. One of the biggest is the lack of a live instructor. While this can reduce the cost, many people find it to be a less engaging format. In addition, without a live instructor, you can’t ask questions or get feedback on your work. This can make it more difficult to understand complex topics. Self-paced courses also take more self-discipline, since you are in charge of the pace of your learning and this can be difficult for some people. Some students say that they find it more difficult than they thought it would be to stay motivated and on track with a self-paced class.

Self-paced courses are also unlikely to come with the same level of career support that many bootcamps have. For example, a bootcamp might come with a career coach who can give you job search advice or resume coaching. Some bootcamps even include one-on-one mentoring sessions, where you can get personalized advice about the job search and hiring process. Other courses include access to internship opportunities or professional networks. In addition, many bootcamps devote time to working on a portfolio, which is also an important part of the job search process. With a strong portfolio, you can show potential employers and clients what you are capable of. 

Bootcamps Compared to Free Training Options

In addition to paid courses, you’ll also find a number of different free Premiere Pro training options online. For instance, there are many short instructional videos on YouTube. The Adobe website also contains short Premiere Pro tutorials. These free resources are an easy way to gain a new skill or troubleshoot a specific problem, however, if you’re serious about mastering Premiere Pro, they are rarely comprehensive enough.

In addition, free training options don’t come with the same level of support that paid classes do. When you enroll in a paid class, you have access to an experienced instructor who can guide your learning, answer your questions, and provide feedback on your progress. Instructors can also share valuable tips and tricks that it could take years to figure out yourself. In contrast, when you learn alone by utilizing free options, you don’t have access to this support. When you have questions or need help, you’re often left to figure it out alone.

Free training options also lack the networking benefits that come with learning as part of a group of other students. When you take part in a bootcamp, you’ll be learning with peers who are in a similar position to yourself and they can be a source of support now and in the future. Not only can they enrich the learning process, but they can be a valuable resource in the future.

Other Bootcamp Benefits

There are also some other unique advantages associated with the bootcamp learning format. Most bootcamps are beginner-friendly, and typically only have minimal prerequisites. They are generally designed to take students who don’t have much--or any--knowledge of Premiere Pro and provide them with a comprehensive education in a short amount of time. If you have limited experience with this application, and you’d like to master it as quickly as possible, a bootcamp can be a great option.

With a bootcamp, you may also find a lot of flexibility in scheduling options. For instance, many bootcamps include both in-person and online options. It is also common to find both full-time and part-time offerings. In addition, you’re likely to find weekend and weeknight courses, since many bootcamps are designed to work for busy professionals. 

Finally, numerous studies show that people who attend bootcamps are likely to earn more money after completing the bootcamp. For instance, according to a Gallup-2U Boot Camp Graduates Study of more than 3,000 U.S. adults who graduated from tech bootcamps between 2016 and 2021, all graduates reported making more money after they graduated from a bootcamp.

Learn Premiere Pro Skills with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers a variety of Premiere Pro classes, with both short classes that can help you quickly master the basics, and longer, more comprehensive courses that can help you develop the skills you’ll need to use Premiere Pro in a professional setting. This school even offers a Premiere Pro certification program, where you can become an Adobe Premiere Pro Certified Professional. If you want to quickly learn the basics of Premiere Pro, you might be interested in Premiere Pro in a Day, which is a short, accelerated class. In this class, you’ll learn to organize projects, create sequences, fix audio and color, add B-roll, animating images, edit clips, and add lower third titles. At the end of the class, you’ll export a video that you can send to a client or upload to a social media platform.

The Premiere Pro Bootcamp is a longer class that covers everything you need to know to start making your own videos. You’ll learn how to use Premiere Pro to add cuts and transitions between shots, correct color in the footage, sync up and correct audio, and incorporate After Effects assets in Premiere Pro. This course serves as an ideal introduction to Premiere Pro, and by the end of it, you should be prepared to start editing your own video content. 

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive program, Noble Desktop offers a number of certificate programs that include working with Premiere Pro. Both the Motion Graphics Certificate and Video Editing Certificate cover Premiere Pro skills. In the Motion Graphic Certificate, you’ll learn to use Adobe After Effects to create motion graphics and visual effects, and Cinema 4D Lite for 3D animations. You’ll also learn to edit video, and add music and voiceover with Premiere Pro. In addition, you’ll work on a demo reel that showcases your skills. The course includes five one-on-one mentoring sessions. The Video Editing Certificate covers video editing, motion graphics, and audio editing. You’ll learn to work with After Effects and Premiere Pro. In addition, you’ll learn to edit sound effects with Audition. This class also includes working on a demo reel, and five one-on-one mentoring sessions.

Finally, Noble offers a Premiere Pro Certification Program, where you can become an Adobe Premiere Pro certified professional. This course includes two class sessions, which will take you from a beginner to an advanced level of mastery. You’ll also get six hours of private tutoring to address skills that you need more help with. After that, you’ll take the Adobe Premiere Pro Certification exam. Your course fee covers exam proctoring, plus a free retake. If you don’t want to take the exam, you can receive an extra hour of private tutoring instead.

How to Learn Premiere Pro

Master Premiere Pro with hands-on training. Premiere Pro is the industry-standard application for video editing.

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