What to Learn After JavaScript & jQuery

For those seeking to upgrade their programming skills, JavaScript and jQuery are two vital languages to learn. This article discusses the differences between these languages, their various uses, and the potential careers one can pursue after gaining proficiency in them.

Key Insights

  • JavaScript is a versatile programming language used to enhance website interactivity, while jQuery is a JavaScript framework designed to simplify web development tasks.
  • Learning JavaScript and jQuery can open up numerous career opportunities, as jobs requiring knowledge of these languages are in high demand.
  • After gaining proficiency in JavaScript and jQuery, individuals may choose to further expand their skills by learning libraries and frameworks like Node.js and Express.js, Python, or WordPress.
  • Noble Desktop offers a variety of courses to learn these technologies, including the JavaScript Development Certificate and the Full Stack Web Development Certificate.
  • Python is a highly versatile language used in back-end development, data management, web development, and more. Python courses for various applications are also offered at Noble Desktop.
  • WordPress, powered by JavaScript, is a versatile platform that allows individuals to create anything from blogs to extensive online networks.

JavaScript is used to create more interactive websites. In contrast, jQuery is a framework for JavaScript. If you already know how to use JavaScript and jQuery, consider learning JavaScript libraries and frameworks like Node.js and Express.js. Python is another great thing to learn for those working on the server side. Individuals can apply their JavaScript skills to WordPress. JavaScript can supply additional interactivity to basic templates. We’ll cover skills like React, Node.js, Express.js, Python, and WordPress below so you can clearly understand what skill you want to tackle next. 

What is JavaScript & jQuery?

JavaScript is a programming language used to create more interactive websites, while jQuery is a framework for JavaScript. In many ways, they function similarly and have been around for several years. However, several critical differences between JavaScript and jQuery exist. JavaScript has broader uses as a programming language. It has many built-in ways to make websites more dynamic, while jQuery–a more targeted framework–has a limited range. John Resig created jQuery to make JavaScript web development faster. 

The features of JavaScript and jQuery are also different since they are designed to be used in contrasting situations. JavaScript is used in server-side applications; jQuery is used just for client-side development. When used together, they can simplify the process of web development. jQuery is quicker and easier to use by simplifying code writing in JavaScript. Its framework allows users to compress JavaScript tasks into fewer lines of code. Individuals can use jQuery to reduce their development time. It is wise to use jQuery to make browser compatibility easier. 

Read more about what JavaScript and jQuery are and why you should learn them. 

What Can You Do with JavaScript & jQuery?

Individuals can use JavaScript and jQuery for many purposes. JavaScript is used on the client side and the server side. It allows individuals to make web pages interactive and is mainly for web applications and web browsers. JavaScript is used for showing or hiding information with a button, changing the color of a button, zooming in or out, playing audio and video, displaying animations, or using a drop-down hamburger menu. It is also used to create browser games and web and mobile apps.

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jQuery is not a programming language but a tool to facilitate web development in JavaScript. Individuals can even use any JavaScript editor to write jQuery, such as Notepad, Visual Studio, Eclipse, or Ultra edit. jQuery can be used to develop Ajax-based applications, to make code simple and reusable, to simplify the traversal of HTML DOM tree, and to perform animation and ajax support in web applications. jQuery also helps individuals to make flash-like animated applications. Using jQuery, individuals only need to know JavaScript and HTML to create animations. Web designers can use many impressive effects to make their designs more elegant. 

Libraries and Frameworks

 It is beneficial for individuals to learn JavaScript frameworks and libraries after learning JavaScript. Node.js makes it possible to create complete web applications using JavaScript. Node.js is an execution environment for JavaScript and is essential for attaining business objectives. Express.js sits on top of Node.js’s web server functionality, making organizing an application’s performance easier. Noble Desktop offers a variety of courses that teach Node.js and Express


Python is used in back end development and supports several programming paradigms. It can be used to create full software and is a highly versatile language. It is great for those working with large amounts of data and is also used for web development. Python has many useful features and a huge community of support. Noble Desktop offers classes that teach Python for data science, machine learning, web development, or FinTech


JavaScript is already a part of WordPress and powers the WordPress admin. Everything individuals do in admin screens that result in changes uses JavaScript, such as creating and editing menus, creating and editing widgets, updating plugins and themes, and using the customizer. WordPress is versatile and is helpful for everything from constructing a blog to setting up a more extensive online network. 

Key Insights

  • The challenges of learning JavaScript and jQuery depend on factors like availability, method of learning, and prior experience. 
  • Individuals may also need help with time management, motivation, and code challenges. 
  • There are apps available to help individuals stay organized and manage their time effectively. 
  • Those who struggle with coding challenges should seek support from instructors or mentors.
  • Jobs that require knowledge of JavaScript and jQuery are in high demand, and learning JavaScript provides individuals with transferable skills. 
  • After learning JavaScript and jQuery, individuals may want to learn other libraries, frameworks, Python, or WordPress. 
  • You can receive comprehensive JavaScript and jQuery training through an in-person or live online course with Noble Desktop. 

Learn JavaScript with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Individuals can learn JavaScript with hands-on training from Noble Desktop. Many of their classes provide high-level JavaScript skills. With expert instructors, small classes, and free retake options, Noble’s courses provide the JavaScript instruction necessary to advance in a new career. 

Noble’s JavaScript Development Certificate is the perfect course for anyone who knows HTML/CSS and wants to become a JavaScript Developer. Individuals learn to build web apps with JavaScript and gain the necessary skills to find a career in application development. The course covers building dynamic web applications with React and Node.js, creating APIs with Express.js, and working with databases with MongoDB. 

Another course is their Full Stack Web Development Certificate, which focuses on JavaScript and teaches individuals to work on all aspects of a web application. The program covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git, starting with front end web development and continuing with back-end programming. Other JavaScript classes and bootcamps include Software Engineering Certificate and Front End Web Development Certificate. 

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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