JavaScript & jQuery Cost

How Much Does JavaScript & jQuery Cost?

Learn to create more interactive websites with JavaScript and jQuery, programming tools that offer a myriad of applications in web development. With several courses available, you can enhance your skill set and open up new career opportunities in this fast-growing field.

Key Insights

  • JavaScript is a versatile programming language used to create dynamic websites, while jQuery, created by John Resig, is a framework that simplifies JavaScript web development.
  • JavaScript can be used in server-side applications, while jQuery is primarily used for client-side development, offering an easy way to create animations with just JavaScript and HTML knowledge.
  • Both JavaScript and jQuery are free to use, with a wide range of resources available online for learning and skill enhancement.
  • Learning JavaScript and jQuery can open up numerous career opportunities, enhancing your appeal as a web developer or game designer.
  • Noble Desktop offers a range of courses in JavaScript and jQuery, from basic to advanced levels, with costs ranging from $1,250 to $5,995.
  • Salaries for professionals with skills in JavaScript and jQuery can vary greatly, with positions such as web developer, game designer, and application developer offering competitive compensation.

JavaScript and jQuery are free. Individuals can utilize JavaScript in the web browser, so it doesn’t need to be downloaded and installed. They can download jQuery for free from 

What is JavaScript & jQuery?

JavaScript is a programming language used to create more interactive websites, while jQuery is a framework for JavaScript. In many ways, they function similarly and have been around for several years. However, several critical differences between JavaScript and jQuery exist. JavaScript has broader uses as a programming language. It has many built-in ways to make websites more dynamic, while jQuery–a more targeted framework–has a limited range. John Resig created jQuery to make JavaScript web development faster. 

The features of JavaScript and jQuery are also different since they are designed to be used in contrasting situations. JavaScript is used in server-side applications; jQuery is used just for client-side development. When used together, they can simplify the process of web development. jQuery is quicker and easier to use by simplifying code writing in JavaScript. Its framework allows users to compress JavaScript tasks into fewer lines of code. Individuals can use jQuery to reduce their development time. It is wise to use jQuery to make browser compatibility easier. 

Read more about what JavaScript and jQuery are and why you should learn them. 

What Can You Do with JavaScript & jQuery?

Individuals can use JavaScript and jQuery for many purposes. JavaScript is used on the client side and the server side. It allows individuals to make web pages interactive and is mainly for web applications and web browsers. JavaScript is used for showing or hiding information with a button, changing the color of a button, zooming in or out, playing audio and video, displaying animations, or using a drop-down hamburger menu. It is also used to create browser games and web and mobile apps.

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jQuery is not a programming language but a tool to facilitate web development in JavaScript. Individuals can even use any JavaScript editor to write jQuery, such as Notepad, Visual Studio, Eclipse, or Ultra edit. jQuery can be used to develop Ajax-based applications, to make code simple and reusable, to simplify the traversal of HTML DOM tree, and to perform animation and ajax support in web applications. jQuery also helps individuals to make flash-like animated applications. Using jQuery, individuals only need to know JavaScript and HTML to create animations. Web designers can use many impressive effects to make their designs more elegant. 

In-Depth Review of the Cost

JavaScript and jQuery are free. Because they are free, individuals can easily access them. They are reliable programs that are relatively easy to learn. Individuals can build community through online forums and make libraries and frameworks. As JavaScript and jQuery evolve, individuals can use free forums to update their skills. 

The cost of learning JavaScript and jQuery depends on an individual’s interests. Free introductory courses are available for those who want to learn new skills but don't wish to dive into an in-depth course. Individuals can also learn by reading through free forums or watching free tutorials. 

JavaScript and jQuery classes vary in price, and it is important to include the cost of prerequisites when budgeting for the cost of courses. Some of Noble’s more in-depth courses range from $1,250 to $5,995. 

Why Learn JavaScript & jQuery?

Reasons abound as to why you should learn JavaScript and jQuery. Programmers should learn several languages, as there is no such thing as knowing too many languages. One of the most commonly used languages is JavaScript. JavaScript is a great language to learn, as it is growing exponentially. 

JavaScript was first created in 1995 and is a programming language that allows individuals to make complex things on websites. It is perfect for those just starting with programming and will enable individuals to expand their skill set. Through JavaScript, individuals can create visual effects and other aesthetically pleasing features. It is a valuable tool for game designers and can increase one's career potential. 

jQuery is used to build interactivity in websites and allows Developers to use code snippets to do traversal on the page or make changes to different elements using JavaScript. One of the most basic uses for jQuery is adding functionality to a website's button. It provides all the tools needed to simplify this process. Those working at a small business with legacy code will likely use jQuery. It helps individuals to understand the foundational level of what JavaScript is doing on a page. 

Read more about why you should learn JavaScript and jQuery.

Free Introductory JavaScript & jQuery Course Online 

Are you ready to learn new skills but not dive into an in-depth course? Looking for an overview of JavaScript and jQuery? Start learning JavaScript and jQuery for free online. In Noble’s Video Tutorial: Introduction to JavaScript, individuals learn the client side of JavaScript. Individuals learn what to do with JavaScript and receive examples of such, as well as client-side versus Server-side JavaScript and an overview of popular JavaScript libraries. Other topics covered include:

  • Defining and using variables and strings.
  • Performing calculations.
  • Working with the DOM.
  • Using external JavaScript files. 

Other providers offer free JavaScript and jQuery courses, such as Codecademy and Udacity, which offer courses like Intro to jQuery and Learn JavaScript. Both courses last between 20 and 48 hours. 

Read more about free JavaScript and jQuery videos and online tutorials

Learn JavaScript with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Individuals can learn JavaScript with hands-on training from Noble Desktop. Many of their classes provide high-level JavaScript skills. With expert instructors, small classes, and free retake options, Noble’s courses provide the JavaScript instruction necessary to advance in a new career. 

Noble’s JavaScript Development Certificate is the perfect course for anyone who knows HTML/CSS and wants to become a JavaScript Developer. Individuals learn to build web apps with JavaScript and gain the necessary skills to find a career in application development. The course covers building dynamic web applications with React and Node.js, creating APIs with Express.js, and working with databases with MongoDB. 

Another course is their Full Stack Web Development Certificate, which focuses on JavaScript and teaches individuals to work on all aspects of a web application. The program covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git, starting with front end web development and continuing with back-end programming. Other JavaScript classes and bootcamps include Software Engineering Certificate and Front End Web Development Certificate. 

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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