Top Cities for Google Analytics Classes & Training

Discover the best cities for Google Analytics training classes to enhance your career.

Discover the vast opportunities that Google Analytics offers, from identifying website problems to making strategic business decisions. Find out more about the high-paying jobs and robust training options in major metropolitan areas for aspiring Digital Marketers and Data Analysts.

Key Insights

  • Google Analytics is a free, customizable tool that collects and tracks user data, helping marketers develop effective strategies and make informed decisions.
  • Major metropolitan areas such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago offer numerous opportunities for Google Analytics training and high-paying jobs in the field.
  • Marketing Data Analysts in New York and Los Angeles earn an average salary of $76,000 and $75,000 respectively.
  • Google Analytics skills can be honed through a variety of in-person and live online training classes offered by institutions such as Noble Desktop.
  • The annual average salary for Marketing Data Analysts varies from city to city, with Seattle offering the highest at $99,000.
  • Noble Desktop offers a comprehensive Google Analytics Bootcamp, as well as a Digital Marketing Certificate course that covers a range of digital marketing elements including Google Analytics, SEO, and various social media platforms.

Students interested in learning Google Analytics at a dedicated training facility will find that almost all of their options are located in major metropolitan areas. Since this is where many of the highest-paying jobs are located, it makes sense that students looking for a career change may want to consider looking at the kinds of cities that offer the most robust training options for aspiring Digital Marketers and Data Analysts.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics (or GA) is a tool within the Google Marketing Platform that collects and tracks user data, compiles it into reports, and helps you develop strategies to improve your website or app’s performance. Just install a tracking code onto each page of your website to collect information about visitors and what they do there. GA can tell you what’s working and what isn’t, and the best part is it’s free to use. 

Read more about what Google Analytics is and why you should learn it. 

What Can You Do with Google Analytics Skills?

Google Analytics is a highly customizable free tool that collects, stores, and reports on data to help marketers learn what strategies are working and what aren’t. It can help you make better business decisions and identify specific problems on your website. Use Google Analytics to measure the customer experience from when they enter your website or app to when they leave, such as how they found your site, who purchased something, what pages your visitors looked at, how they moved through the site, and so much more.

New York, NY

The New York metropolitan area has the highest level of employment for Marketing Data Analysts in the United States. Overall, New York is a center of finance and entertainment. It has many cultural organizations, museums, galleries, and numerous medium and small businesses, all of which employ people to use Google Analytics to help analyze web traffic. The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports more than 77,000 people in New York are employed in the field and earn an average yearly salary of $76,000.

Google Analytics Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

If you want to learn digital marketing tools like Google Analytics to change to a new career, New York has many opportunities for training courses. Noble Desktop offers in-person and live online training classes from their headquarters in Manhattan. You can also use Noble’s Classes Near Me Tool to find Google Analytics classes near where you live.

Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles comes in second in terms of the number of Marketing Data Analysts and available Google Analytics jobs, with 38,000 people currently working in the field. Many people are employed in the entertainment industry, technology, and finance. LA has a high cost of living, but many people enjoy the LA lifestyle. The annual average base salary for Google Analytics jobs in Los Angeles is $75,000 yearly.

If you are interested in Google Analytics classes in Los Angeles, you can enroll in hybrid classes at Cerstaffix Training and ONLC Training Centers. A live remote instructor is in an online classroom with students in a local computer lab.

Chicago, IL

Chicago is third in the number of Digital Marketing Data Analyst jobs. Around 30,000 people work as Digital Marketing Data Analysts in Chicago, and the average base salary is $65,000 annually. Significant industries in Chicago include healthcare, manufacturing, and food processing, and prominent universities like Loyola University, the University of Chicago, DePaul University, and the University of Illinois in Chicago.

If you want to change to a career in digital marketing, CTS Training offers in-person classes in Google Analytics in Chicago.

Washington, DC

The nation’s capital comes in fourth in the number of jobs for people who know Google Analytics. Besides the government, the major industries in Washington, DC, are tourism, transportation, and education. Universities located in DC include Georgetown University, George Washington University, American University, and Howard University. Approximately 23,000 people work in Marketing Data Analyst jobs in Washington and earn an average of $80,000.

In-person classes in Google Analytics are available through Ledet Training in Washington, DC, if you plan to change to a career in Data Analytics.

San Francisco, CA

The next city with the most Google Analytics jobs is San Francisco. The Bay Area’s major industries include technology firms, apparel and textile producers, food processing, and shipbuilding. Aerospace and tourism are also vital. More than 22,000 people currently work as Marketing Data Analysts in San Francisco at an average annual wage of $80,000.

If you are interested in classes in Google Analytics in San Francisco, hybrid courses are available at Cerstaffix Training and ONLC Training Centers. A live remote instructor is in an online classroom with students in a local computer lab.

Boston, MA

Boston has about 18,000 people working in Google Analytics jobs. The main industries in the area are healthcare, technology, finance, and education. Boston is home to Harvard University, Boston College, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The average yearly salary for Marketing Data Analysts in Boston is $80,000.

ONLC Training Centers has in-person classes in Google Analytics in Boston if you want to change careers and become a Google Analytics Specialist.

Seattle, WA

Seattle also has about 18,000 Google Analytics jobs. Major industries include health services, construction, maritime logistics, and technology. Some of the universities located in the Seattle area include the University of Washington, Seattle University, and Seattle Pacific University. Marketing Data Analysts in Seattle earn an average yearly salary of $99,000.

You can take hybrid Google Analytics classes in Seattle from Cerstaffix Training and ONLC Training Centers. A live remote instructor is in an online classroom with students in a local computer lab.

Atlanta, GA

Atlanta is strong in software and tech markets and a popular filmmaking and music production hub. There are countless opportunities for networking and career growth in this thriving metropolis, and the city's diverse population of students, entrepreneurs, and tech-savvy citizens make it a great place to gain insight into the industry. About 16,000 people in Atlanta work in a Google Analytics job earning an annual average salary of $75,000 in Atlanta.

Ledet Training offers a course if you are looking for in-person Google Analytics classes in Atlanta.

Dallas, TX

If you prefer living in the south, Dallas is a good market for Google Analytics jobs. The area has many companies involved in construction, food manufacturing, IT services, and telecommunications. Dallas is also an ideal place for Google Analytics professionals due to its incredibly diverse economy and thriving job market. About 15,000 Google Analytics Specialists in Dallas earn an average yearly salary of $75,000. 

If you are planning to change careers and want to learn Google Analytics in Dallas, you can find a hybrid class at Certstaffix Training and ONLC Training Centers with a remote instructor and students in a local computer lab.

Houston, TX

Roughly 9,000 people work at Google Analytics jobs in Houston, Texas. Leading industries include healthcare, real estate technology, and financial services. Some of the top employers include MD Anderson Cancer Center, Accenture Solutions, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and NRG Energy. Google Analytics Specialists in Houston earn an average yearly base salary of $71,000.

Bauer College offers in-person Google Analytics classes in Houston.

Learn Google Analytics Skills Online

Sometimes it can be challenging to find in-person classes in Google Analytics in your city. If that is the case, give live online classes a try. These courses usually run concurrently with an in-person class in another city, with an instructor and students in a computer classroom and other students joining through a video conferencing platform like Zoom. Like in an in-person class, you can interact with the instructor and other students, ask questions, or get help with assignments. To learn more about live online Google Analytics classes, check out your city on Noble’s “Classes Near Me Tool."

Learn Google Analytics Skills with Noble Desktop

Sign up for Noble Desktop’s Google Analytics Bootcamp to learn how to set up an account, which metrics to track, and how to generate reports. The classes also cover the upcoming change from Google Analytics Universal to GA4 in July 2024. 

You can also prepare for a career as a Data Analyst with Noble’s Digital Marketing Certificate. The course includes digital marketing, SEO, and Google Analytics bootcamps, plus Google Ads and classes on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter marketing, and content marketing with blogs.

How to Learn Google Analytics

Master Google Analytics with hands-on training. Google Analytics is a platform that digital marketing professionals use to monitor and collect data on website traffic.

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