Best Free Front-End Web Development Resources & Tutorials

Front end web development is an accessible and versatile field that can be entered by learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With a few months of dedication, you can start a new career or add valuable skills to your current role.

Key Insights

  • Front end web development involves the creation and customization of visually accessible parts of websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Several free resources and tutorials are available to learn and perfect front end web development skills.
  • Noble Desktop offers various resources including a Front End Web Development Learn Hub and a selection of free front end web development video tutorials.
  • Free games such as CodePen, Codier, and CSS Diner provide fun ways to practice and reinforce coding concepts.
  • Noble Desktop offers a range of expert-led classes, bootcamps, and certificate programs in front end web development.
  • Professionals equipped with these skills can start a new career or enhance their importance in their current role.

Many professionals want to start their front end web development journey but hesitate because they associate programming with high up-front costs. Thankfully, many free resources and video tutorials can simplify the process, and front end web development is one of the easiest fields to enter. This article will cover some free resources and tutorials you can use to learn front end web development.

What is Front End Web Development?

When people think of the internet, websites are one of the first things that come to mind. Front end web development covers the parts of websites everyone can see, known as the “client-side.” HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the programming languages that tie everything together. This power trio is commonly associated with front end web development, but they also have uses in other programming fields, giving you the option to pivot if you desire.

Web development has been a highly welcoming field, especially over the last few decades. Many people can get jobs as Front End Developers after taking a certificate program. HTML and CSS are two of the simplest programming languages you can learn, and JavaScript is known for its versatility in the programming world. A few months of dedication can launch you into a brand new career or amplify your importance to your current one.

Read more about front end web development and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Front End Web Development?

On the surface, front end web development has plenty to offer. You can build a website for your business, passion project, or hobby, and that’s only a handful of topics you can approach. Front end web development is versatile because it can adapt to your interests—and the interests of others. The internet allows us to connect for a common cause, and you can foster that connection through your own website.

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Once you’ve established the kind topic of your website, you can leave a unique impression on your visitors by customizing it with code. Even if someone else has the same topic idea as you, they may approach creating their website differently, and that slight difference can make you stand out. That’s where front end web development can help. By honing your skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a website that others will feel compelled to use again and again because of the special touch you’ve left on it.

Free Front End Web Development Reference Guides

Front end web development has a large amount of terminology and syntax that can be hard to remember without writing it down. Thankfully, there are plenty of guides that you can pull up as needed. The HTML and CSS reference guides show how each coding element is used and when to use them.

While HTML is the simplest programming language, plenty of small details can make a big impact if used correctly. The HTML tags guide shows you how to create symbols in text. Sometimes two symbols look similar but are used in completely different ways. The HTML typography guide walks you through the differences and appropriate uses for each.

The Front End Web Development Learn Hub is a reference guide collection that showcases everything you can do with this skill set. If you ever have a question regarding front end web development, this resource will point you in the right direction.

Free Front End Web Development Video Tutorials

Video tutorials are helpful when you want to start learning front end web development but are unsure if it’s a good fit. Many people enjoy these tutorials because they’re free, and you can watch them as often as you desire.

An Intro to Front End Web Development video tutorial is one of the best places to start because it will give an overview of each component of front end web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Most people learn HTML and CSS quickly, but JavaScript takes a little longer. The Intro to JavaScript tutorial can help; it will give a larger overview of its uses. Once you feel comfortable with the basics, you can look into an Intro to Greensock Web Animation tutorial to learn how to animate your website’s images.

Check out the playlist of free front end web development classes on Noble Desktop’s YouTube channel for some more free courses on this subject. Once you’re ready, you can look into some more front end web development courses online.

Free Games that Teach Front End Web Development

You’ll want to practice to retain everything you learn, especially when you don’t have the benefit of in-class exercises from in-person or live online courses. Even if you’re in an interactive class, you can accelerate your learning process by taking the time to review coding concepts. Why not have fun while you practice?

Take on weekly challenges through CodePen, focusing on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Codier also offers challenges focusing on these languages, but they’re posed by users instead. Each game lists the requirements to complete the challenge, but your approach is entirely up to you. Finally, CSS Diner teaches you how to style websites by creating plates of food.

Key Insights

  • Reference guides are useful for double-checking your work without needing to retain every detail
  • Free tutorials are an excellent way to test out a subject before signing up for classes
  • Programming games allow you to practice while having fun
  • All of these resources are helpful before, during, and after you start your front end web development journey

Learn Front End Web Development with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Ready to dive into front end web development? Many expert-led classes, bootcamps, and certificate programs are available through Noble Desktop that will bring you closer to your goals. The Front End Web Development Certificate program teaches HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress concepts in one compact but effective bundle of courses. It’s essential for anyone who plans to add these skills to their resume.

Another excellent certificate is the Web Design Certificate program, which focuses on design principles. It complements the web development knowledge base effectively—while front end web development focuses on the programming of websites, web design covers design principles. This skill set is useful for making your website engaging and visually appealing to your visitors. Each program will give you a certificate upon completion, further displaying your knowledge to potential employers.

You might not be ready to dedicate your time to a bootcamp or certificate program. If that’s the case, you can try the Intro to Web Development with HTML & CSS class, which teaches the basic principles of front end web development. Use this class as a starting point to decide how you want to approach your learning.

You can also explore some front end web development courses and bootcamps on your own to find the ones that are a good fit. A large selection of courses is flexible to your current schedule—career preparation, financial assistance, and one-on-one mentoring are available through each certificate program and bootcamp. No matter your choice, you’ll be another step closer to a satisfying career.

How to Learn Front-End Web Development

Master front-end web development with hands-on training. Front-end web development deals with the user-facing side of a website. Developers who specialize in front-end coding typically use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and often a content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress.

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