What Can You Do with Front-End Web Development Skills?

Learn about the career paths and opportunities for those with Front-End Web Development knowledge.

Front end web development incorporates vital skills such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and holds a myriad of uses both in professional fields and personal projects. Knowledge in this area can lead to careers as a Web Developer, Web Designer, Content Strategist, and more, or can be utilized to enhance existing careers in web design or website management.

Key Insights

  • Front end web development refers to the building and management of user-facing components of web applications, including the layout and functionality.
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are essential skills for front end web development, and can be used in a variety of programming fields.
  • Professions such as Web Developers, Web Designers, and Content Strategists all utilize front end web development in their work.
  • Knowledge in front end web development also has personal uses, such as building websites for personal branding or side businesses, developing ecommerce stores, or for creative projects.
  • Noble Desktop offers classes, bootcamps, and certificate programs for front end web development, including a Front End Web Development Certificate program and a Web Design Certificate program.
  • Acquiring front end web development skills can open up new career opportunities and has a lot of potential for personal use.

Front end web development refers to building and managing a web application’s user-facing components, including the layout, structure, and functionality. Some of the most important front end web development skills include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Not only do these skills build the foundation needed to become a Front End Web Developer. They also benefit anyone involved in web design or website management, including Marketing Specialists, Marketing Managers, Graphic Designers, Content Strategists, and more. If you are unsure that learning front end web development is right for you, consider reading on to learn more about the myriad uses of front end web development tools and techniques. Not only will learning front end web development open up several new career opportunities, but it also has a lot of potential personal uses.

What is Front End Web Development?

Front end web development covers the parts of websites everyone can see, known as the “client side.” HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the programming languages that tie everything together. This power trio is commonly associated with front end web development but also has uses in other programming fields. HTML and CSS are two of the simplest programming languages you can learn, and JavaScript is known for its versatility in the programming world. 

If you are interested in becoming a Front End Developer or enhancing your current career, read more about front end web development and why you should learn it. 

Professional Uses for Front End Web Development

Several professions, including Web Developers, Web Designers, and Content Strategists, use front end web development. Web Developers that focus solely on the front end components of a website or web application are often called Front End Web Developers. Front end web development is also used by Full Stack Web Developers, who can work on front and back end components. Read on to learn how different professions use front end web development to manage their typical responsibilities. 

Front End Web Development for Web Developers

Front End Web Developers and Full Stack Web Developers use front end web development. The primary difference between these professions is that Front End Web Developers work exclusively on the user-facing components of a web application. In contrast, Full Stack Web Developers work on both the front and back end. Some typical responsibilities of a Front End Web Developer include designing, developing, and optimizing web pages, collaborating with designers and Back End Web Developers, testing front end components for bugs and other issues, and keeping up-to-date on front end web development trends and best practices. 

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The typical responsibilities of a Full Stack Web Developer will vary based on the business, client needs, and division of responsibilities among the web development team, so aspiring Full Stack Web Developers should be familiar with front end and back end web development skills. Learn more about front end web development and full stack web development with free resources to explore career paths, training options, and more.

Front End Web Development for Web Designers

Web Designers build websites for companies and clients. Some work full-time for a single business, some work for marketing agencies, and some work freelance. To build custom websites for clients, web designers combine basic user interface (UI) design principles with front end web development skills like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A good website is designed to meet the business or client’s objectives but is also visually appealing and optimized for a positive user experience. Typical responsibilities of a Web Designer include creating design concepts, collaborating with stakeholders, creating responsive designs, customizing and coding web pages, selecting and editing images, testing web pages, and keeping up with design trends and web development best practices. You can learn more about web design training options and career paths through Noble Desktop’s free Web Design Learn Hub.

Front End Web Development for Content Strategists

Content Strategists plan, create, and manage content on digital platforms. This includes company websites and web applications. Front end web development can help Content Strategists take their skills to the next level by allowing them to build and manage a custom content management system (CMS), set up templates, create content types, develop content navigation, create content style guides that account for website optimization, and optimize content for search engine optimization (SEO). 

Other Uses for Front End Web Development

Front end web development also has many uses outside the context of a full-time job. You can use front end web development skills to build websites for a side business, create an ecommerce store, or develop a website or web application for a creative project. 

A Business Website or Personal Brand

You can use front end web development skills to build a personal website that furthers your brand or to build a web application for a side business. You can customize a site or application that meets your exact needs by knowing how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can also put your personal spin on the design using these skills.

ecommerce Store

If you sell digital or physical goods online, you can use front end web development to customize an ecommerce store. Front end web development allows you to create a visually appealing and user-friendly design, optimize web pages for faster loading and a smooth checkout process, and account for mobile responsiveness. A successful ecommerce store can serve as an income source and a creative outlet.

Personal Creative Project

You can also use front end web development skills to create personal projects. Have you ever wanted to build a text-based game? Showcase a portfolio of artwork or photography? Create a blog? You can do all this and more by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Knowing these skills allows you to take a web application or website much further than you could by simply using a template-based platform. With front end web development, you can customize your web application to reflect your creative vision.

Learn Front End Web Development Skills with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers many expert-led classes, bootcamps, and certificate programs for front end web development. The Front End Web Development Certificate program teaches HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress concepts in one compact but effective bundle of courses. Another excellent certificate is the Web Design Certificate program, which covers web design principles in addition to essential front end web development skills. If you're looking for an introductory course, you may wish to consider the Intro to Web Development with HTML & CSS class. 

You can also compare front end web development courses and bootcamps to find the training that meets your needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Front end web development can help you launch a career as a Web Developer, Web Designer, or enhance a career as a Content Strategist.
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript allow you to build and maintain custom websites and web applications, including content management systems (CMS). 
  • You can also use front end web development for personal creative projects and your own side business, including an ecommerce store.
  • Noble Desktop offers in-person and online training options for front end web development.

How to Learn Front-End Web Development

Master front-end web development with hands-on training. Front-end web development deals with the user-facing side of a website. Developers who specialize in front-end coding typically use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and often a content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress.

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