Is Coding a Hard Class?

Understanding the challenges of Coding classes: Learn the best strategies for overcoming obstacles during Coding training.

Coding is a technical skill that many people find intimidating at first. It involves learning new languages, solving problems, understanding algorithms, and in many cases you need to learn to think in a completely different way than what you’re used to. However, even though there are challenges, coding is a skill that almost anyone can learn. If you already have some coding-related experience, learning will be easier, but even if you’re a beginner, with dedication and practice, you can master coding.

What is Hard about Learning Coding?

One thing that makes coding challenging for beginners is that you’re learning to use a new language, which means speaking and thinking in a completely different way. As with any new language, this can take time. On the upside, you’re unlikely to have so much trouble every time you learn a new coding language. Most people say that after you have learned one or more coding languages, learning others will probably be much easier. One Programmer likens it to learning to drive a specific car, and then trying to drive another. In an article titled “My Experience and the Lessons I Have Learned as a Programmer,” posted on the DEV Community website he says, “If you learn how to drive one particular car, it kinda helps you understand how cars work in general. So you could hop on any other car and drive. Yes, there will be differences but the basics are the same.”

The process of coding involves constant problem-solving, and that can be challenging too. The nature of this field is that you’re using code to solve problems. In addition, it is very common to encounter additional problems throughout the coding process, which will also need to be solved. One specific type of problem-solving that you’ll need to learn in coding is debugging. Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors in your code. When you write code, even a tiny error can cause a result that you didn’t expect or intend. It can be challenging to catch these errors, especially for a beginner. In a September 2023 LinkedIn article titled “The Art of Debugging: Turning Coding Challenges into Creative Problem-Solving Adventures,” the author comments, “Debugging is an art, a skill that every programmer must master on their journey toward becoming a proficient coder. It is the process of finding and fixing errors in your code, and it can often feel like navigating a maze in search of the elusive solution.” With time and practice, most people say that debugging will become easier.

Overall, many people say that there are a lot of ups and downs in the learning process, and as you learn, you’re likely to swing between feeling confident that you’ve solved a problem, and feeling frustrated because you can’t understand why your code isn’t working. However, one apprentice Software Developer explains that while these ups and downs can be frustrating, they are actually part of why coding is so rewarding. Writing on the Companies House blog on September 15, 2020, she says, “Actually, it turns out what most people enjoy about programming is experiencing these small struggles and small victories. Slowly but surely they build up your confidence and knowledge. What gives me confidence now is looking back to what I wrote a few months ago and realising just how much I’ve progressed.”

Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

How Can I Make Learning Coding Easier?

Practice is an important part of mastering coding. It reinforces the concepts you have learned, helps you master them, and teaches you to apply them in real-world situations. In a January 21, 2023 LinkedIn article, Software Developer Umair T. explains, “Practice is the key to mastering any skill, including software development. It allows developers to become familiar with different tools, technologies, and programming languages, and to learn how to use them effectively. As developers practice, they become more efficient and are able to solve problems more quickly and effectively.” Most experienced coders emphasize that to get good at coding, you need to spend a lot of time practicing. 

Another common piece of advice for beginning coders is to make sure you don’t advance too quickly; first, you need to build a strong foundation and master the basics. After that, you can move on to more complex coding skills. In an October 2020 post on the Stack Overflow blog, programmer Daniel Chae emphasizes the importance of mastering the fundamentals and not being in too much of a rush to get to more advanced skills. He says, “The best programmers embrace a ‘long game’ mentality. They aren’t in a rush to memorize every bit of syntax, but instead, focus on real, sustainable progress. They know each programming concept builds off of another one and they don’t move on to another concept until they’ve understood the current one.”

Since problem-solving is a major part of coding, it can be helpful to work on improving your problem-solving skills. In an article titled “Why Are Problem Solving Skills Essential for Programming?” LinkedIn insists, “Problem solving skills are not innate, but they can be acquired and honed with practice and experience.” It explains that there are many ways to do this. For example, it says, “You can also solve coding challenges and puzzles on platforms like Codecademy, HackerRank, or LeetCode. Additionally, reading and analyzing code from other programmers can help you learn from their solutions.” Other suggested ideas are to work on collaborative or personal projects that involve coding, and to look for feedback and advice from experts. In addition, LinkedIn says, “It is important to learn from your mistakes and failures and keep trying.”

Best Ways to Learn Coding Without Difficulty

One of the best ways to make the coding learning process as easy as possible is to enroll in a paid, live coding class. With a live class, you can follow a comprehensive curriculum that starts with important foundational concepts and then moves on to more advanced skills. When you learn in a live class, an instructor will lecture in real time and be available to answer your questions and provide regular feedback on your progress. You’ll learn along with a group of other students, which can also lead to additional learning opportunities and can also provide valuable networking connections. Live classes can be taken in person at a training facility, or you can learn live online, which means that you log in online and attend via Zoom or a similar platform. 

Another benefit of learning live is that you can be confident that you’re learning up-to-date techniques. This is particularly important in a field like coding, where technology can become outdated quickly. Because of the fact that coding technology changes so quickly, a live class can be beneficial even for coding experts. In a LinkedIn article titled, “How Can Programmers Adapt to New Technologies?” the authors explain that continuous learning is important in this field. They state, “[A] key skill for programmers is to learn continuously, as technology is always changing and advancing. . . . Learning continuously can help programmers stay relevant, competitive, and innovative in their profession.”

Learn Coding with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers a number of live coding classes. You can learn in person at Noble’s Manhattan facility, or live online from any location that you choose. Classes are immersive and hands-on, and are designed to leave you ready to work in a professional coding role. Noble Desktop is licensed by the New York State Education Department and all of its classes come with the option of a free retake within one year in case you want to refresh your skills.

If you’re looking for a short coding class, Noble offers a beginner class called Web Development with HTML & CSS, where you can learn to create webpages by coding with HTML and CSS. In this class, you’ll learn to use HTML to create webpages that have text and images. You’ll also learn to use CSS for styling content, creating centered page layouts, adding background images, style navigation, and for making responsive pages that adapt to various screen sizes. If you already know the basics of HTML and CSS, you might be more interested in Noble’s Advanced HTML and CSS class. This class covers a variety of advanced topics including SVG, CSS variables, gradients, shadows, positioning, transitions, transforms, and responsive images.

Noble Desktop also offers many bootcamps. The Python for Data Science Bootcamp is a multi-day course that starts with Python basics and takes you to the start of machine learning with Python. You’ll begin by covering fundamentals like writing statements and expressions, creating variables, and working with different data types. After that, you’ll learn about structuring programs, which includes using conditional statements and control flow tools. The next part of the bootcamp is focused on arrays and dataframes and covers importing and cleaning data using NumPy and Pandas. Finally, you’ll learn to analyze and visualize data. This includes working with key data science libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. This class also comes with a one-on-one bonus training session.

Finally, this school also runs a number of certificate courses that will cover a broad range of coding skills over a number of weeks. The Software Engineering Certificate is popular. This comprehensive, multi-week course is designed for students who want to become a Software Engineer or a Full Stack Developer. It covers front end development, React Development, and Django (Python) Development. You’ll learn a variety of front end tools including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll learn how to use Flexbox and Grid for layout and adapting to different screen sizes, and Git for version control. In addition, you’ll learn about JavaScript, including data types, loops, and variables. Instructors will also cover the JavaScript library, React. As part of the course, you’ll create a working desktop application with React and deploy it using AWS. In this course, you’ll also learn about Python, including syntax, dictionaries, sorting algorithms, and custom functions. Finally, you’ll learn to use Django and Django Rest. Twelve one-on-one mentoring sessions are included, and you’ll also create a portfolio.

Another popular certificate program is the Full-Stack Web Development Certificate. This course covers everything you need to know to create a website from scratch. You’ll learn both front end and back end skills. Some of the specific skills covered include HTML and CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. You’ll also learn about databases, APIS, databases, server environments, and interactivity. Ten one-on-one mentoring sessions are included. As part of the course, you can also choose to attend Noble’s SQL Bootcamp or WordPress Bootcamp for free. Finally, this hands-on program includes working on real projects that can be used for a portfolio.

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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