Which Coding Bootcamp is Best?

Discovering the top Coding bootcamps: A step-by-step guide to selecting the ideal program.

Bootcamps are a popular way to learn coding. These immersive, accelerated programs are intended to give you a comprehensive coding education and prepare you for a coding career, and they are designed to do so in a relatively short period of time. There are many different bootcamp options including in-person and online formats, and part-time and full-time programs. You’ll also find bootcamps that focus on specific aspects of coding--like FinTech or SQL--and others that cover a more comprehensive range of coding skills, like web development or data science.

What are the Most Important Criteria to Evaluate in Coding Bootcamps?

One of the most obvious things to look at when you’re researching bootcamps is curriculum. Every bootcamp will have its own unique curriculum, and the answer of which bootcamp program is best will vary depending on your learning goals and your learning style. Some bootcamps focus on specific coding languages like SQL or JavaScript, while others focus on a wider set of skills like web development. You’ll also find differences in the ways these bootcamps are taught. Most will include at least some hands-on training, where you work on coding projects, however, the degree of project work can vary. 

Cost is also an important consideration for most people. The cost of a bootcamp can range anywhere from a few thousand dollars, to up to $20,000 or $30,000. This is generally cheaper than the cost of a college education, but it is still a substantial investment. Some schools require you to pay the entire tuition up-front, while others offer payment plans. Some of these incur interest, while others are interest-free. Some bootcamps even offer job guarantees, where if you don’t find a job within a certain amount of time after graduation then you get a refund of your tuition. However, experts caution that many of these guarantees come with a long list of conditions.

When evaluating coding bootcamps, you can also consider whether they include any unique benefits. For instance, some schools--like Noble Desktop--give students the option of a free course retake. This can be an excellent way to refresh your coding skills for free. Many schools also offer a variety of career services like help building your resume and portfolio, mock interviews, and access to internships or industry networks.

Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Enrolling in a Coding Bootcamp Part-Time or Full-Time

Many bootcamps are offered in two formats; full-time and part-time. The quickest way to learn coding is through a full-time class. When you learn this way, you can get through the coursework as quickly as possible, and you can also focus all of your attention on learning. This is likely to be the most immersive option because your education is your main focus. If you have a lot of time to devote to school, then a full-time course will allow you to finish your education quickly, however, for people who are also employed in a regular job or have other obligations, a full-time program may not be a viable option.

If you need a less intensive option, you can opt for a part-time coding class. While part-time programs take longer, they do have their own unique advantages. One advantage is that you’ll have more time to absorb all the new information you’re learning, practice your coding skills, and develop a portfolio of projects. You can also spread out the cost of your education over a longer period of time. Another advantage of learning part-time is that you may have the opportunity to also get related work experience, which can increase your chances of finding work when you graduate. Additionally, working in a related industry can help you build a professional network, which can also benefit you when you’re trying to find a job.

Enrolling in a Coding Bootcamp In-Person or Online

Coding bootcamps run in more than one type of format. The two most common formats are in-person and live online. In-person instruction is the traditional way to learn something new, and it remains popular today. Many students find this format to be highly engaging, and they like that they can interact face-to-face with the instructor and other students. Some instructors also prefer this format because they say that it can be easier for them to see whether students are understanding the course material, and to determine whether or not anyone needs additional help. A downside to in-person learning is that students need to commute to a classroom. This also means that they are limited to classes that take place in their geographic location.

In recent years, live online classes have become an increasingly popular alternative to in-person classes because they offer more flexibility. With this format, students still learn live and get real-time interaction with the instructor and other students, but they attend remotely, via computer. They don’t need to spend time and money commuting to a classroom, and they are not limited to classes in their geographic area. Since students can attend live online classes from any location, these types of classes can offer increased networking opportunities and also expose students to a wider range of perspectives throughout the learning process. A downside of this format is that students usually need to supply their own equipment and software and deal with any technical difficulties that may arise.

Do You Want to Start a New Career Using Your Coding Training?

If you’re planning to complete a coding bootcamp in order to prepare for a career in this field, it’s also a good idea to review whether or not that bootcamp offers any career support services. Since most bootcamps are specifically focused on helping you get career-ready, career support is common. You’ll find a variety of different types of support. Since having a strong portfolio is an important part of finding a job, bootcamp curricula often include working on projects that you can include in your portfolio. Some bootcamps also have a class unit dedicated to providing information about successfully finding a job after you graduate, which might include things like how to create a resume, job interview tips, and insight into employment in different coding industries. Many bootcamps also include access to a career counselor that you can talk with outside of class hours to get more individualized advice related to your specific situation. Some even offer a certain number of one-on-one mentoring sessions that you can use for career advice. Other types of career support that you might find through a bootcamp include access to internships and introductions to professional networks. 

Which Coding Bootcamp is Best For Me?

After you’ve researched all of your bootcamps options, gathering information about cost, format, curriculum, and other benefits, you can make a decision about which coding bootcamp is best for you. That decision will be different for everyone. 

Some students will find that a bootcamp is not the best learning format for them, and will opt to follow a different learning path. For instance, many schools offer shorter coding classes that can be completed in a number of days. While much less comprehensive than a bootcamp, short classes can be a good way to gain some basic coding skills or to focus on advanced concepts. You could also decide to try and teach yourself to code, utilizing free sources like online tutorials and games. However, most people find that route to be more time-consuming and potentially frustrating since they don’t have an instructor to answer their questions and help explain complex concepts.

However, for many people, a bootcamp is an excellent way to prepare for a career in coding. When you learn through a bootcamp you’ll have the flexibility of choosing to learn either full-time or part-time and you can learn either online or in person. Many different schools offer coding bootcamps, and with a bit of research, you should be able to find a class out there that fits your specific needs.

What are the Top Coding Bootcamps?

Many different schools offer coding bootcamps, and with so many options, it can be overwhelming to pick one. With this in mind, Noble Desktop created the Classes Near Me tool to help you narrow down your options. This tool allows you to look for classes in your geographic area, or classes that are offered online. You can search by subject; for instance, coding, or you can look for a more specific type of coding like SQL or Python.

Noble Desktop also offers many bootcamps of its own, which run in person at its Manhattan facility or in a live online format that you can take from anywhere in the country. The Python for Data Science Bootcamp is a multi-day course that starts with Python basics and takes you to the start of machine learning with Python. You’ll begin by covering fundamentals like writing statements and expressions, creating variables, and working with different data types. After that, you’ll learn about structuring programs, which includes using conditional statements and control flow tools. The next part of the bootcamp is focused on arrays and dataframes and covers importing and cleaning data using NumPy and Pandas. Finally, you’ll learn to analyze and visualize data. This includes working with key data science libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. This class also comes with a one-on-one bonus training session.

Another bootcamp option is the FinTech Bootcamp. This course is designed to help you gain the skills that you’ll need for an entry-level position in data science and financial technology, and covers a variety of in-demand finance and data skills. You’ll learn Python fundamentals, including advanced libraries. You’ll also learn to use Python for data visualizations and financial analysis. The bootcamp also covers working with SQL to query databases. This bootcamp can be taken either full-time or part-time. It includes six one-on-one mentoring sessions.

The SQL Bootcamp is also a popular option. This is a multi-day class where you’ll learn how to write queries, join tables, and aggregate data. You’ll also learn how to filter data and group it. The course covers PostgreSQL and the free DBeaver app. The course comes with a certificate of completion and one-on-one training sessions. You’ll also have the option of doing a free retake within one year. Noble Desktop also runs an SQL Server Bootcamp where you’ll learn how to write SQL queries, filter data, and group it. You’ll also learn advanced techniques including using aggregate functions, subqueries, and functions with parameters and stored procedures. The course also covers Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio. In addition, you’ll receive a one-on-one training session. 

The JavaScript Programming Bootcamp is a multi-day course that covers the essentials of JavaScript programming. Covered skills include variables, conditional logic, functions, DOM manipulation, arrays, loops, async events, APIs, OOP, and 3D libraries. Students who want to take this bootcamp should have basic HTML and CSS coding skills. They should also have knowledge equivalent to Noble Desktop’s Web Development Level 1 class. The JavaScript Programming Bootcamp comes with a one-on-one bonus training session.

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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