Are Coding Classes Worth It?

Weigh the pros and cons of Coding classes. Determine if they’re the right fit and investment for your career goals.

Coding classes can be a very effective way to learn coding skills, however, many require a significant time commitment, and a class can cost hundreds--or even thousands--of dollars. You might be wondering if a class is worth your time and money. If you’re serious about learning coding and you plan to use it professionally, you’ll probably decide that a class is worth it. When you take a class you’ll receive expert guidance and a comprehensive education that will prepare you to use your skills in a professional setting. Before you sign up for a class though, it's a good idea to understand the pros and cons. This article discusses some of the factors to consider if you’re trying to decide whether a coding class is worth it.

What Is Coding?

Coding is a way for people to communicate with computers. Computers don’t use human languages, so when a person wants to communicate with a computer, they need to translate their instructions into a language that the computer can understand. That language is code. There are many different coding languages including HTML, CSS, Python, and JavaScript. The first coding languages were developed in the 1940s and 1950s. Over time, programmers have continued to create new languages to address new computing needs.

What Can You Do With Coding?

Coding is an important part of digital technology and by learning to code, you’ll be gaining an in-demand skill that is needed in many different industries. According to an April 2023 LinkedIn article titled “The Most In-Demand IT Jobs of 2023,” which is written by an IT recruitment agency, many of the top in-demand jobs are jobs that include coding, such as Software Developer, Data Scientist, and Machine Learning Engineer. Overall, the agency insists that there are not enough talented people to fill these roles. It says, “In terms of top talent in the IT jobs market, demand is still far outpacing supply.” This trend is expected to continue in the future. 

Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Advantages of Coding Classes

Coding is a skill that almost anyone can learn, however, most people say that it’s definitely not easy at the beginning. Coding is a complex and technical skill, and it can be tricky to figure out yourself. In an April 2024 Forbes Advisor article, Education Writer Sheryl Grey discusses some of the different ways to learn to code and she notes that while it is definitely possible to teach yourself, “There are potential downsides to teaching yourself to code.” For instance, she explains that one big danger is missing some of the fundamentals. She says, “If you’re not working within the structure of a set curriculum, make sure you aren’t missing any essential elements of your training.” For this reason alone, many people prefer to learn by taking a coding class. When you take a class, you’ll follow a comprehensive curriculum under the guidance of an expert instructor. You can be confident that you’re building a solid foundation, and that you’re covering all the essentials. In addition to providing you with a comprehensive curriculum, coding classes have a number of other benefits including personalized attention and feedback, access to the latest technology, and skills that can help you find a secure job with a good salary.

Professional Instruction

For many people, the price of a coding class is definitely worth it because of all the benefits associated with learning from a coding expert. An instructor can guide you through a structured program that covers everything you need to know to code at a professional level. They will start with the basics so that you have a solid foundation, and then move on to more advanced skills. Another major benefit of learning from an instructor is that they can personalize their instruction to meet your needs, and they can answer any questions that you have. An instructor can also give you feedback on your progress, which is an important part of the learning process. Feedback allows you to learn from both your successes and failures, and constantly improve your coding skills.

By learning from an instructor, you’ll also be able to benefit from their years of experience. For instance, instructors often share tips and tricks and common coding mistakes to avoid, all of which could take you years to figure out by yourself. They may even be able to connect you with other professionals in the field, which can enhance your learning process and lead to valuable networking. Finally, learning under an expert can be a great way to see the kinds of things you’ll be capable of in the future if you apply yourself to learning coding.

Peer Connections

When you take a coding class, you’ll be part of a larger group of students. Membership in this peer group also comes with benefits. One is that you may learn more easily; many people find that they learn more quickly and gain a deeper understanding of the material by talking about coding with other people and also by helping others. In addition, learning with a group will help you learn to work with a group. This is important because while coding has a reputation as a solo activity, in reality it is frequently a collaborative process. By learning how to work as part of a group now, you’ll be better prepared for a future career in coding. Another benefit of being part of a coding class is that it can give you access to valuable networking opportunities. Networking is associated with a long list of benefits including career advice and support and access to job opportunities.

Access to Up-to-Date Techniques and Technology

The field of coding changes quickly, and techniques and technology have the potential to become outdated quickly. By taking a coding class that is run by an expert, you can be sure that you’re learning the most up-to-date techniques and working with the most current technology. Because of the fact that coding technology changes so quickly, classes can be beneficial even for coding experts. In a LinkedIn article titled, “How Can Programmers Adapt to New Technologies?” the authors explain that continuous learning is important in this field. They state, “[A] key skill for programmers is to learn continuously, as technology is always changing and advancing. . . . Learning continuously can help programmers stay relevant, competitive, and innovative in their profession.”

Preparing for Employment

Another benefit of learning in a class is that many classes--particularly bootcamps and certificate programs--are designed to help prepare students to use their coding skills in a career. As a result, they often include a focus on setting you up for success in a professional setting. For instance, classes usually include working on projects that are similar to what you’ll be doing in the real world. This means that when you graduate, you’ll be prepared to use your coding skills in practical situations. Another important part of success in the real world is having a strong portfolio. This is a collection of your best work that you can use to demonstrate your skills to potential employers or clients. Many classes include work on a portfolio and instructor guidance about how to build an effective portfolio.

Career Benefits

Another good reason to take a coding class is that it can prepare you for a career in this field. Many coding-related careers have high salaries and are expected to experience strong future growth. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is a federal agency that collects and analyzes labor market statistics. It reports that the median pay for a Software Developer is about $130,000 per year and predicts 25 percent job growth in this profession over the next ten years. The average U.S. job growth rate is only 3 percent. Web Developers and Digital Designers also use coding. According to BLS, people who work in this field earn approximately $80,000 per year. It predicts 16 percent job growth between 2022 and 2032. Data science is another field that involves coding. BLS reports that Data Scientists earn more than $100,000 per year, and predicts 35 percent job growth over the next ten years. 

Learn Coding with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop is a coding and design school based in New York City and it offers many different types of coding classes, with both short classes that can help you quickly master the basics of coding, and longer, more comprehensive courses where you can develop the skills that you’ll need to code in a professional setting. Its coding classes can be taken in-person at its Manhattan facility or in a live online format. Noble Desktop is licensed by the New York State Education Department. All courses include the option of a free retake within one year.

If you’re looking for a short coding class, Noble offers a beginner class called Web Development with HTML & CSS, where you can learn to create webpages by coding with HTML and CSS. In this class, you’ll learn to use HTML to create webpages that have text and images. You’ll also learn to use CSS for styling content, creating centered page layouts, adding background images, style navigation, and for making responsive pages that adapt to various screen sizes. If you already know the basics of HTML and CSS, you might be more interested in Noble’s Advanced HTML and CSS class. This class covers a variety of advanced topics including SVG, CSS variables, gradients, shadows, positioning, transitions, transforms, and responsive images.

Noble Desktop also offers many bootcamps. The Python for Data Science Bootcamp is a multi-day course that starts with Python basics and takes you to the start of machine learning with Python. You’ll begin by covering fundamentals like writing statements and expressions, creating variables, and working with different data types. After that, you’ll learn about structuring programs, which includes using conditional statements and control flow tools. The next part of the bootcamp is focused on arrays and dataframes and covers importing and cleaning data using NumPy and Pandas. Finally, you’ll learn to analyze and visualize data. This includes working with key data science libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. This class also comes with a one-on-one bonus training session.

Another bootcamp option is the FinTech Bootcamp. This course is designed to help you gain the skills that you’ll need for an entry-level position in data science and financial technology, and covers a variety of in-demand finance and data skills. You’ll learn Python fundamentals, including advanced libraries. You’ll also learn to use Python for data visualizations and financial analysis. The bootcamp also covers working with SQL to query databases. This bootcamp can be taken either full-time or part-time. It includes six one-on-one mentoring sessions.

Noble Desktop also offers a variety of certificate programs that include coding. One popular option is the Full-Stack Web Development Certificate. This course covers everything you need to know to create a website from scratch. You’ll learn a variety of both front end and back end skills. These include HTML and CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, MongoDB, React, and Node.js. You’ll also learn about databases, APIS, interactivity, and server environments. You’ll receive ten one-on-one mentoring sessions. As part of the bootcamp, you will also have the option to attend Noble’s SQL Bootcamp or WordPress Bootcamp for free. Finally, you’ll work on real projects that can be used for a portfolio. 

Another popular Noble Desktop option is the Software Engineering Certificate. This is a comprehensive, multi-week course designed for students who want to become a Software Engineer or a Full Stack Developer. You’ll learn about front end development, React Development, and Django (Python) Development. This includes learning a variety of front end tools including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll also learn Flexbox and Grid for layout and adapting to different screen sizes, and Git for version control. The program also covers JavaScript, and the JavaScript library, React. As part of the course, you’ll create a working desktop application with React and deploy it using AWS. In addition, the course covers Python, including syntax, dictionaries, sorting algorithms, and custom functions. Finally, you’ll learn to use Django and Django Rest. Twelve one-on-one mentoring sessions are included, and you’ll also create a portfolio.

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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