How Long Do Coding Courses Take?

A complete guide to understanding the duration of Coding programs.

There are many different factors to consider when choosing a coding class. One is how long it will take to complete. Since coding classes vary significantly, there is no single answer to that question; the answer depends on what coding class you pick. You’ll find both short and long coding classes. In most cases, the biggest difference is that longer classes cover more content. This article discusses some of the most common types of coding classes, with information about how long they are and what type of material they cover.

What Is Coding?

Coding is a way of communicating with a computer. It involves writing instructions that tell the computer what to do. There are many different coding languages, each one created for a specific purpose. According to Stack Overflow, which rates coding languages by popularity, the most popular languages today are JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Python, SQL, and TypeScript.

Lengths of Coding Classes

The length of time it takes to complete a coding class varies significantly. You’ll find classes that only take a day or two and you’ll find others that take years. In general, shorter classes cover fewer skills and are less advanced, while longer classes are more advanced and comprehensive. The decision about which length is right for you will depend on how much time you can spend learning and how in-depth you want to get.

Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Introductory Classes

Introductory coding classes are one of the shortest types of coding classes. Some introductory classes only take a day, while others take a few days. They are usually designed for beginners and don’t have any prerequisites. If you want to learn some coding basics and get to the point where you can start working on your own projects, or if you want to get a better idea of whether you’re interested in pursuing coding as a career, then an introductory class may be a good option. It's important to remember that since introductory classes are short, they won’t cover everything. If you want to go beyond the basics, you’ll probably need to sign up for another class.

Advanced Courses

Some schools also run short advanced coding classes. These are usually similar in length to introductory classes, but they are for students who already have some coding skills. An advanced course is unlikely to be as comprehensive as a longer class like a bootcamp or certificate program, but if you want to focus on gaining some advanced coding skills over a few days, then an advanced course may be a good option.

Coding Bootcamps 

If your goal is to get a comprehensive coding education in a relatively short amount of time, then you may be interested in a coding bootcamp. A bootcamp is an immersive, accelerated class that is designed to get you career ready, with all the skills that you’ll need to work as a professional coder. Because a bootcamp is career-focused, it will typically include career support too. For instance, you might have access to a career coach who can coach you on building your resume and portfolio and interviewing for a job. Some bootcamps even give their students access to internships or professional networks. A few include job guarantees. A bootcamp takes a number of weeks or months to complete. Many bootcamps have both full-time and part-time options.

Degree Programs

If you have a lot of time to learn coding, you may want to consider a college degree program. This is the longest and most comprehensive learning path. A college degree will take you a number of years to complete and you can expect to spend tens of thousands of dollars. Degree programs cover a wide range of skills and will leave you with a strong coding foundation. Colleges are typically selective and don’t admit everyone who applies. They also run on a quarter or semester system, so attending college can require more planning.

On-Demand Classes

On-demand classes contain pre-recorded content that you work through at your own pace. As a result, the length of time that it takes to finish an on-demand class will depend on how quickly you choose to complete the material. You can work quickly, learning a lot in a short amount of time, or you can work more slowly. This freedom to set your own pace is one of the benefits of on-demand classes. These classes are often more budget-friendly too, since there is no live instructor. A downside is that you’ll need to be good at working independently. Some people find that they struggle to stay motivated and on track with an on-demand class. You also won’t have access to a live instructor, so you won’t be able to get immediate feedback or answers to your questions.

Part-Time or Full-Time?

The length of a coding class will also depend on whether you enroll in a full-time class or a part-time class. The quickest way to learn coding is through a full-time class. When you learn this way, you can get through the coursework as quickly as possible, and you can also focus all of your attention on learning. However, if you work full-time, this won’t be a viable option. If you need a less intensive option, you can opt for a part-time coding class. While part-time programs take longer, they do have their own unique advantages. One advantage is that you’ll have more time to absorb all the new information you’re learning, practice your coding skills, and develop a portfolio of projects.

Learn Coding with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop is a coding and design school based in New York City and it offers many different types of coding classes, with both short classes that can help you quickly master the basics of coding, and longer, more comprehensive courses where you can develop the skills that you’ll need to code in a professional setting. Its coding classes can be taken in-person at its Manhattan facility or in a live online format. Noble Desktop is licensed by the New York State Education Department. All courses include the option of a free retake within one year.

If you’re looking for a short coding class, Noble offers a beginner class called Web Development with HTML & CSS, where you can learn to create webpages by coding with HTML and CSS. In this class, you’ll learn to use HTML to create webpages that have text and images. You’ll also learn to use CSS for styling content, creating centered page layouts, adding background images, style navigation, and for making responsive pages that adapt to various screen sizes. If you already know the basics of HTML and CSS, you might be more interested in Noble’s Advanced HTML and CSS class. This class covers a variety of advanced topics including SVG, CSS variables, gradients, shadows, positioning, transitions, transforms, and responsive images.

Noble Desktop also offers many bootcamps. The Python for Data Science Bootcamp is a multi-day course that starts with Python basics and takes you to the start of machine learning with Python. You’ll begin by covering fundamentals like writing statements and expressions, creating variables, and working with different data types. After that, you’ll learn about structuring programs, which includes using conditional statements and control flow tools. The next part of the bootcamp is focused on arrays and dataframes and covers importing and cleaning data using NumPy and Pandas. Finally, you’ll learn to analyze and visualize data. This includes working with key data science libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. This class also comes with a one-on-one bonus training session.

Another bootcamp option is the FinTech Bootcamp. This course is designed to help you gain the skills that you’ll need for an entry-level position in data science and financial technology, and covers a variety of in-demand finance and data skills. You’ll learn Python fundamentals, including advanced libraries. You’ll also learn to use Python for data visualizations and financial analysis. The bootcamp also covers working with SQL to query databases. This bootcamp can be taken either full-time or part-time. It includes six one-on-one mentoring sessions.

Noble Desktop also offers a variety of certificate programs that include coding. One popular option is the Full-Stack Web Development Certificate. This course covers everything you need to know to create a website from scratch. You’ll learn a variety of both front end and back end skills. These include HTML and CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, MongoDB, React, and Node.js. You’ll also learn about databases, APIS, interactivity, and server environments. You’ll receive ten one-on-one mentoring sessions. As part of the bootcamp, you will also have the option to attend Noble’s SQL Bootcamp or WordPress Bootcamp for free. Finally, you’ll work on real projects that can be used for a portfolio. 

Another popular Noble Desktop option is the Software Engineering Certificate. This is a comprehensive, multi-week course designed for students who want to become a Software Engineer or a Full Stack Developer. You’ll learn about front end development, React Development, and Django (Python) Development. This includes learning a variety of front end tools including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll also learn Flexbox and Grid for layout and adapting to different screen sizes, and Git for version control. The program also covers JavaScript, and the JavaScript library, React. As part of the course, you’ll create a working desktop application with React and deploy it using AWS. In addition, the course covers Python, including syntax, dictionaries, sorting algorithms, and custom functions. Finally, you’ll learn to use Django and Django Rest. Twelve one-on-one mentoring sessions are included, and you’ll also create a portfolio.

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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