Top NYC AI Courses

  • Noble Desktop Data Science Certificate

    In this comprehensive data science program, individuals will learn a variety of critical skills to become a data scientist. Students will learn to code with Python, create machine learning models, automate tasks like web scraping, and interact with databases using SQL. Topics include data analysis with Python's Numpy and Pandas packages, data visualization, predictive analytics, machine learning, SQL querying, Python automation, and web scraping. Students will learn hands-on by working in Python and SQL and will complete the program with the skills they need to enter the field of data science. This program offers flexible scheduling and provides a free retake for students to refresh the material.

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $3,995
    • 114 Hours
    • Weekdays or Evenings
    • Beginner
    • Free Retake
  • Noble Desktop Full-Stack Web Development Certificate

    In this certificate program, participants will learn the skills needed to become a full-stack web developer. Students will learn to build the front-end of websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as learning how to program the back-end of websites with Node.js. Students will also be introduced to developer tools such as Git to collaborate with developers as well as modern web technologies such as Flexbox, Grid, & Bootstrap to efficiently create responsive websites. Attendees will learn the skills needed to start an entry-level career in development after graduation. The program includes a free retake and each course includes a step-by-step workbook.

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $7,995
    • 420 Hours
    • See provider
    • Beginner
    • Free Retake
  • Noble Desktop Data Analytics Certificate

    This course covers the skills needed to become a Data Analyst or Business Analyst, including data analytics fundamentals, visualization with Tableau, using Python to clean and manipulate data, and how to work with relational databases. One-on-one mentoring is included.

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $4,995
    • 156 Hours
    • Weekdays or Evenings
    • Beginner
    • Free Retake
  • Noble Desktop FinTech Bootcamp

    In this FinTech Bootcamp, participants learn how to use Python for financial analysis, machine learning and automation, and SQL. The program is taught by seasoned finance and data science professionals. Students will develop the ability to analyze financial statements, build predictive models, and work with databases. By the end of this course, newly-hired financial analysts will be prepared to succeed on the job, and aspiring financial analysts will have bolstered their resumes and technical interview skills. This course offers a free retake so students can refresh the material. It also includes one-on-one mentoring sessions.

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $4,995
    • 114 Hours
    • Weekdays, Evenings, or Weekends
    • Beginner
    • Free Retake
  • Noble Desktop Software Engineering Certificate

    Become a Software Engineer or Full Stack Developer in this immersive course. Master the front-end using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React; build the back-end with Python, Django, and Node.js. You'll also learn Git for version control, Flexbox and Grid for layout, MongoDB for creating data structures, and much more. Throughout the program, you'll build a portfolio of projects to help you secure a career in software and development. 

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $10,995
    • 510 Hours
    • Weekdays or Evenings
    • Beginner
    • Free Retake
  • Noble Desktop Python for Data Science Bootcamp

    In this data science bootcamp, students will build programming skills and data analysis skills using Python. This course is open to beginners and is meant to get individuals up and running with Python programming and data science to generate insights from data. Topics covered include programming fundamentals, working with data frames, data analysis, data visualization, and statistical analysis. This course offers flexible scheduling options and a free retake for students to refresh the materials.

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $1,495
    • 30 Hours
    • Weekdays, Evenings, or Weekends
    • Beginner
    • Free Retake
  • NYIM Training Data Analytics Technologies Bootcamp

    In this program, participants will learn the key skills and tools needed to succeed as a data analyst, including Excel, SQL, and Tableau. Attendees will learn how to use Excel to create graphs, summarize data with PivotTables, and analyze data. In SQL, attendees will learn the essentials of relational databases, queries, functions, and more. Finally, participants will learn Tableau to create visualizations to express their data. The program is open to beginners and has flexible scheduling options. Tuition includes hands-on training, a free retake, and training manuals for each course.

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $1,949
    • 51 Hours
    • Weekdays
    • Beginner
    • Free Retake
  • Noble Desktop Python Machine Learning Bootcamp

    In this course, students expand their Python programming skills into machine learning and algorithms that can independently learn patterns and make decisions. The course begins with linear and logistic regressions, the most time-tested and reliable tools for approaching a machine learning problem. Students then progress to algorithms with a different theoretical basis, such as k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, and random forest. This will bring important statistical concepts to the forefront, such as bias, variance, and overfitting. Participants also learn how to measure the accuracy of your models, as well as tips for choosing effective features and algorithms.

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $1,895
    • 30 Hours
    • Weekdays
    • Intermediate
    • Free Retake
  • Noble Desktop Digital Marketing Certificate

    In this comprehensive digital marketing program, participants will learn the skills and techniques they need to succeed as a digital marketer. This program includes five bootcamps covering the following topics: Digital Marketing Strategies, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Google Ads, and Google Analytics. Participants will learn to develop, execute, and measure omnichannel marketing strategies utilizing a variety of tools and metrics. Students will work hands-on with each tool as they learn to launch campaigns across Google Ads and social media channels, analyze web data with Google Analytics, and learn about other key digital marketing strategies. This course is great for individuals looking to start a career in digital marketing, entrepreneurs looking to start a business and leverage digital marketing, or business owners looking to grow a business using digital marketing techniques. This program also includes a free retake so students can come back to refresh the material.

    In-person @ 185 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Also available online
    • $3,995
    • 120 Hours
    • Weekdays or Evenings
    • Beginner
    • Free Retake
  • General Assembly Data Science Immersive

    Learn to problem solve, and effectively communicate, like an analyst. This course teaches you to use industry-standard tools to make ethical, data-driven decisions. Experience hands-on training to master SQL, Excel, Tableau, PowerBI, and Python – tools listed in virtually every data analytics job posting across industries.

    In-person @ 10 East 21st Street, New York , NY Also available online
    • $16,450
    • 12 Weeks
    • Weekdays
    • Intermediate

showing 10 of 93 courses