What is Tableau?

Tableau is the fastest-growing platform for visual analytics on the market. It allows users to simplify raw data into a format that’s easy to access and understand by those working at any level of an organization. Even non-technical Tableau users can create customized dashboards and worksheets with the help of this versatile tool. It’s relied on by teachers, students, Data Scientists, Analysts, executives, and business owners for their end-to-end analytics needs. This is why Tableau is considered to be the leading analytics platform for business intelligence.

Since its founding in 2003, Tableau has evolved from a computer science project of students at Stanford into one of the most widely used data visualization tools in existence. Tableau was created as a way to improve analysis flow and use visualizations to make data more accessible. This value continues to inform Tableau’s evolution. Currently, Tableau offers a complete and integrated platform for data analytics. It provides its customers with the necessary resources to help them thrive in a data-driven culture.

The following article will explore some of the most helpful features and tools available in the Tableau Developer Program.

What is the Tableau Developer Program?

Within the world of Tableau, those who use developer tools and APIs to improve on Tableau’s functions and features are known as DataDevs, short for Data Developers. Many DataDevs use Tableau’s Developer platform and tools to create extensions and connectors, as well as to embed data visualizations into various business applications. 

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Tableau’s Developer Program provides users with a free personal Developer site, where Developers can test Tableau APIs on different projects. This safe space for learning and experimentation allows users to explore tools in their personal Developer sandbox rather than experimenting within the production environment itself. It provides a secure place to be creative, to take risks, and to pose and answer data questions.

Tableau Sandbox Site

Tableau sandbox sites are designed for personal use, which means they provide an environment that’s apart from your server or production site. There’s no need to install anything to use your Tableau’s sandbox site; you simply enroll in the Developer Program, ask for a developer sandbox site, and get started.

Within the sandbox site, users can safely explore new APIs as well as the Developer Platform. There’s no need to worry about being an expert programmer or making mistakes when using your sandbox site since it’s for your own work process. There are a variety of real-world benefits to using the sandbox. One example would be for those who have created a script designed to email every user on a given site. By testing it in the sandbox first, the Developer learned that only one person was receiving the email instead of all intended recipients. Instead of having to apologize to every Tableau user, the Developer can instead debug the script without any negative consequences before sharing it with others.

Live Save

Sandbox site owners are also provided with administrative access, which means that Developers can safely test code here, end-to-end. In addition, because the sandbox site includes three kinds of licenses, Viewer, Explorer, and Creator, it’s possible for Developers to test-run implementation with these three roles. This means that they can test how an Explorer would experience an extension before it is sent to all users.

Tableau Developer Spirit Demos

All Developers enrolled in the Tableau Developer Program are invited to monthly Tableau Developer Spirit Demos. There’s no need to wait for your organization to upgrade to begin learning about and testing new features. These monthly Demos provide information about Tableau’s newest features, right from the engineering team.

Tableau Developer Tools

Tableau Developer provides Developers with the necessary tools to embed Tableau anywhere, as well as to connect to a variety of data sources.

The following are some of the many tools and APIs that can be added to Tableau to extend Tableau to better meet the needs of your organization:

  • Web data connector: This connector is useful for connecting to data from an HTTP that doesn’t have a connector. Users can make their own web data connector or use one that was designed by others. However, it must be hosted on a third-party server, a web server in your domain, or a web server operating locally on your computer.
  • R integration: It’s now possible to connect Tableau to R, an open-source statistical analysis environment. This allows users to benefit from using many R functions, models, libraries, and packages. 
  • JavaScript API: This API helps users create a context for their dashboards. It also provides a way to embed data visualizations into any kind of custom-built or existing application, such as Microsoft Sharepoint or Salesforce.
  • Dashboard extension API: With the help of this dashboard extension API, Developers can design their own Tableau extensions, which can be placed directly into the dashboard.


GitHub provides Internet hosting for version control and software development. It’s used by millions of companies and developers to maintain and shift software via GitHub, which is the world’s biggest and most advanced development platform. Tableau Developers can receive the most up-to-date extensions, libraries, samples, and APIs on the platform’s GitHub repository. They can also submit issues there.

Developer Forum

The Tableau Developer Forum provides users with a central resource where they can take part in the most timely discussion and popular questions with Developers.

Developer Portal

The Tableau Developer Portal is an API hub. It provides users with access to the necessary tools so that Developers can ensure that their skills are sharp and current. The Developer Portal provides users with access to webinars, tutorials, news, and new content. It also provides Tableau users with access to their personal development site, where they can locate sample code, training materials, and documentation.

Data Dev Bingo

For Developers who want to test their skills, Tableau offers DataDev Bingo. This game provides 24 small challenges to solve, with varying levels of complexity. They are designed to provide a fun, effective way for users to test their skills with developer tools and APIs. In order to participate, users must finish five challenges in a row, and then call “Bingo” in the form of a social media post (#DataDev) or via email. 

Hands-On Data Analytics & Tableau Classes

An important first step toward a career in data analytics is enrolling in one of Noble Desktop’s data analytics classes. These beginner-friendly courses are currently available in topics such as Excel, Python, and data science, among other skills necessary for analyzing data. In addition, more than 130 live online data analytics classes are also available from top providers. Courses range from three hours to nine months and cost from $219 to $60,229. Students can study from the comfort of their own home or office space and still receive industry-relevant data analytics training in topics like FinTech, Tableau, and Python Machine Learning.

For those who want to learn how to create stunning and engaging data visualizations, maps, charts, and graphs, Noble Desktop’s Tableau classes provide a great option. These small group classes are available in-person in NYC, as well as in the live online format. These Tableau-focused courses teach students skills like how to spot the most optimal datasets to connect to, as well as how to analyze, filter, structure, and visually represent data.

Those who are interested in finding nearby Tableau classes can use Noble’s Tableau Classes Near Me tool. This handy tool provides an easy way to locate and browse more than three dozen of the best Tableau classes currently offered in the in-person and live online formats so that all interested learners can find the course that works best for them.