This article will explore Microsoft Dynamics 365, as well as the various applications of this versatile collection of enterprise resources.

What is Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 is part of the Microsoft family of applications. This product line includes a variety of third-party SaaS apps and services that are designed to help build and manage lasting customer relationships, as well as business intelligence applications that help users to allocate resources and carry out marketing initiatives. Large enterprises that have field teams or distributed workforces use Dynamics 365 to stay connected to one another about policies and procedures with the ultimate goal of helping the organization manage any changes or challenges.

Instead of having to manually trudge through emails, files, and applications to retrieve needed data, Dynamics 365 streamlines this search by providing one open platform with which users can quickly locate necessary information. In addition, it connects this data directly to those who will be working with it. Originally released in 2016, Dynamics 365 has become a staple tool for Marketers and others who are interested in creating a better experience for customers. 

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What is Real-Time Marketing? 

In order to get an idea of why Microsoft Dynamic 365 is such a powerful tool for Marketers, it’s important to first understand the growing field of real-time marketing. Real-time marketing is a branch of marketing in which it’s possible to respond to customers’ preferences and needs in real-time, or near the speed of real-time. It typically involves providing relevant messaging to customers and occurs largely on various social media channels. Real-time marketing draws from trends, customer feedback, and current events. It is a reactionary form of marketing in that it doesn’t involve strategizing or creating a market plan; instead, it strives for a fast turnaround that enables a seller to more effectively connect with their intended audience and share their brand.

Real-time marketing uses various forms of messaging to directly target what an audience finds interesting, as well as what they potentially may need or want.

Why use Microsoft Dynamics 365?

The need for Marketers to reach out to customers in real-time is crucial to their success. Microsoft Dynamics 365 includes several helpful real-time marketing features to better connect with and engage audience members:

  • Event-based customer journeys: Those using Dynamics 365 have the ability to immediately react to customers’ actions. A specific journey can begin in several ways, such as a real-world exchange in which a customer enters a store and connects to Wi-Fi. Other triggering events are virtual in nature, like when a customer enters a website devoted to shopping. Because customer journeys occur in real-time, it’s possible for Marketers to quickly react and even transform their interest into a potential sale. In addition, reminders can be sent to customers who have placed an item in their cart without purchasing it. 
  • Custom triggers: These user-defined signals provide valuable insights that propel the trajectory of a customer journey. These triggers record crucial interactions and moments, and provide a helpful means for further spurring interactions with customers. Those who wish to create a real-time marketing custom trigger can do so in three steps: create the initial trigger, integrate the trigger, and finalize it.
  • Text messages: Dynamics 365 users who wish to connect directly with customers can do so via their mobile devices. It provides an option for sending real-time marketing text messages simply by creating a phone number that can be used when working in this app. Because these messages can be personalized with images and text from various data sources, customers may feel more likely to engage with the text message.
  • Push notifications: For customers who have installed your business’s mobile app, push notifications can be sent to them, containing important information like messages or relevant offers. Push messages can also be sent as a component of real-time journeys.

Pros & Cons of Using Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 users find many benefits, as well as several drawbacks, when working with this application:


  • Dynamics 365 provides users with end-to-end connectivity that facilitates instantaneous responses to customers’ needs.
  • This app can integrate with several of the other Microsoft 365 apps, such as Power BI, Yammer, SharePoint, Outlook, and OneNote, as well as third-party apps. 
  • In addition to marketing capabilities, Dynamics 365 can also effectively handle other business processes as well, such as sales, finance, meetings, and customer service. 
  • With the help of AI-fueled workflow automation, Microsoft Dynamics 365 users can more easily and efficiently complete tasks.
  • This application is fully scalable to your organization’s needs, and can accommodate both company growth as well as downsizing.
  • Security is an important aspect of Microsoft Dynamics 365. This application was built on the Azure platform, which means it is equipped with robust standards for ensuring security.


  • Customization can be expensive when using Dynamics 365. In addition to the cost of the system, costs per user can be in the range of $50-$200 per month. 
  • Because this application includes so many functions, it can take time to learn them all. 
  • Some users feel that the Dynamics 365 interface is not user-friendly, which can make it even harder to use this system.
  • Because data storage limits are low in this app, most users will need to buy more storage, which is an additional expense.
  • The Dynamics 365 mobile app doesn’t include all features.

Overall, Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides users with a convenient, powerful, and streamlined system for managing enterprise and business needs.

Start Learning Microsoft Office with Hands-On Classes

Proficiency in Microsoft Office can open professional doors across industries, as well as lead to upward career mobility. A great way to begin learning about Microsoft Office is to sign up for one of Noble Desktop’s Microsoft Office courses. These small group classes are offered in-person in Manhattan, as well as in the live online format. For students and professionals on the go, there are also in-person and live online Microsoft Office courses available through Noble Desktop or one of its affiliate schools. A variety of course options are offered, ranging in duration from three hours to three days and costing between $219 and $1,785. You can also browse in-person Microsoft Office classes in a city near you.

In addition, for those who may wish to further explore social media marketing, Noble Desktop also has a Social Media Marketing certificate, a 30-hour program in which participants learn how to develop a personalized marketing strategy through which they can grow an online following.