Explore the diverse pathways to becoming a Front End Developer, a profession that does not always require a formal degree but does require certain essential skills. Learn about the various educational programs available for this career, such as in-person and live online courses, certificate programs, and bootcamps.

Key Insights

  • Although many Front End Developers hold a four-year degree in computer science, it is not a strict requirement for the profession.
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that many employers prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree in computer science for web development positions.
  • Individuals can potentially become Front End Developers with only a high school diploma, depending on their knowledge and experience level.
  • Degrees in computer engineering, software development, web design, and related fields can also lead to a career in Front End Development.
  • Key skills for Front End Developers include proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, and WordPress.
  • Alongside traditional degree programs, alternative pathways such as bootcamps and certificate programs like those offered by Noble Desktop, can provide necessary training for aspiring Front End Developers.

You don’t absolutely need to have a college degree for becoming a Front End Developer but possessing it or an equivalent could help in establishing a career in the field. While a degree is not strictly required, many Front End Developers do have a four-year degree in computer science. However, you can make yourself appealing to potential employers by learning the necessary skills required for working in front end web development without having to attend college. 

Noble Desktop offers a variety of in-person and live online web development courses and front end certificate programs for individuals with little experience or a college degree for working as a Front End Developer. These courses provide training on how to create websites and apps using various coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

Many people prefer in-person training and may feel more comfortable learning inside a school building with an instructor standing right there in front of them. However, others might choose virtual learning, which provides the advantage of being able to train at home and get the same quality of training that they would receive inside a classroom. 

Whatever method for learning a person chooses, either in-person courses or online training provides effective ways for picking up skills in front end web development. People also have the option of taking on-demand or self-paced classes that allow learners to train at their own pace, on their own time.

What is a Front End Developer?

Becoming a Front End Developer involves building websites and applications using common front end web development languages. The front end of a website is what users see on their web browsers and is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other coding languages. 

Front End Web Design Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Web development includes creating websites and apps from scratch. This means applying front end, back end, and full stack web development procedures. Front end development focuses on how a user interacts with a website while back end development concerns the functionality of that website within browsers like Chrome and Safari, for example. Full stack development combines both those functions.

Skills needed for becoming a Front End Developer can also qualify you for working as a Web Developer or Web Designer.

Read more about what a Front End Developer does.

Do I Need a Degree to Become a Front End Developer?

You don't need a college degree to become a Front End Developer. While a degree is not strictly required, many Front End Developers do have four-year degrees in computer science. However, you can make yourself appealing to potential employers by learning the necessary skills required for working in front end web development without needing to attend college.

Noble Desktop offers various coding bootcamps and courses for individuals with no employment experience nor a college degree for working as Front End Developers. These courses provide training on how to create websites and web apps using coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Many people prefer in-person training and feel more comfortable learning inside a classroom environment with an instructor standing right there in front of them. However, others might choose virtual learning, which provides the advantage of training at home with the same quality of instruction that they would get from an in-person class.

Whichever method for learning a person chooses, either in-person or live online training should provide an appropriate way for learning front end web development. People also have the option of taking on-demand or self-paced classes that allow them to learn at their own pace on their own time.

Read more about if you need a degree to become a Front End Developer.

Common Degrees for Front End Developers

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook, many employers require Web Developers and Digital Designers to have at least a high school diploma, but most prefer that prospective employees possess a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field related to computer science or computer programming. Because many front end web development related jobs require a four-year computer science degree, aspiring Front End Developers decide to go to college in order to qualify for work in computer programming, web development, or software development. Front End Developers must know coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, at the very least, as well as skills in graphic design since the front end for websites has to engage and appeal to potential users. 

A computer science degree provides education in the fundamentals for computer related work. The degree gives individuals a foundation with the knowledge and skills needed to qualify for working as a Front End Developer, which requires abilities for designing, coding, and simply working with ever-advancing digital technology.

For example, getting a computer engineering degree provides knowledge with digital design, computer architecture, computer networks, internetworking, and computer applications that are important with front end and back end web development.

Getting a bachelor’s or associate degree in web development, web design, digital design, or graphic design could also provide a foundation for working as a Front End Developer.

A software development degree or software engineering degree provides knowledge with algorithms, data structures, and a variety of programming languages for working with web, digital, and mobile technologies as well as working on web applications frameworks and cloud platforms.

Tips for Starting a Front End Developer Career Without a Degree

A college degree is not strictly necessary for becoming a Front End Developer. Aside from getting a four-year college degree in a specific area of computer science, there are bootcamps and certification programs available through several online education providers, including Noble Desktop.

Anyone considering a career as a Front End Developer can find alternatives to college degrees that include certificate programs in front end web development or Java development. Finding places to learn coding and software like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, and WordPress can help with finding employment as a Front End Developer. Students may also enroll in a coding bootcamp to improve chances for becoming a Front End Developer. 

Of course, lessons from the school of life can also lead to opportunities for working as a Front End Developer. Many people have picked up their knowledge and understanding of HTML, JavaScript, and other programming languages, for instance, from simply being in a working environment where they are able to pick up skills through everyday work routines. Therefore, it’s possible that even without a college degree or certificate program training in computer science or web development that a person could develop the skills to become a Front End Developer. The person may have worked as a Content Writer or Graphic Designer and gained practical skills from working in web design, digital design, or graphic arts. Finding experience could be an important factor in starting work as a Front End Developer. Working at jobs that focus on graphic design or coding could help someone qualify for entry level employment as a Front End Developer or Web Developer. 

Learn the Skills to Become a Front End Developer at Noble Desktop

People have several options for learning to become a Front End Developer, which include in-person and live online training courses, bootcamps, and certificate programs that provide real-time hands-on instruction. Noble Desktop offers several live online Web Development courses.

For example, with hardly any prior coding experience, an individual could complete the Front End Web Development Certificate and get headed in the right direction for their new career with training in how to build the user side of a responsive website. This course aims to keep class sizes small so that students can receive tailored advice and guidance from their instructors.

If you would like to learn about designing websites or email programs from coding with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, you can train for the Web Design Certificate. In addition, this course will teach you how to build websites using WordPress.

If you would like to learn about more options for building websites or apps from scratch through skills in front end web development, Noble Desktop provides information on their Learn Front End Web Development page, which can guide you through learning about several options for becoming a Front End Developer, including what free resources are available and career advice.

Key Takeaways

  • A four-year degree is not strictly required to become a Front End Developer, but many employers prefer hiring someone with a college degree.
  • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, many employers require a bachelor’s degree in computer science.
  • Depending on a candidate’s level of knowledge and experience, an individual can potentially become a Front End Developer possessing only a high school diploma.
  • A degree in computer science, computer engineering, software development, software engineering, web development, web design can each lead to work as a Front End Developer.
  • Prospective Front End Developers should have training in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, and WordPress.
  • Aside from having a four-year computer science degree, people who want to become Front End Developers can enroll in bootcamps or certification programs available through numerous online education providers, including Noble Desktop.