To become a Computer Scientist, you will need some type of formal training. A degree in computer science or a related field is often extremely valuable, but you can also earn a degree in mathematics, physics, engineering, economics, or even a subject like psychology or linguistics. However, a degree is not the only way to start a computer science career. Having a degree can help you pursue a career in computer science, but many professionals earn certifications or certificates in place of a degree. Ultimately, if you want to be a Computer Scientist, you should seek out a hands-on learning environment that gives you experience with the tools and completing relevant tasks.

What is a Computer Scientist?

A Computer Scientist is an expert in the development, maintenance, and application of highly advanced computer systems. These professionals use computer theory to complete a range of tasks, including algorithmic design, software development, system maintenance, debugging, analytics, and other problem-solving duties. They typically have strong programming, mathematical, and computational skills so they can often work in database management, web development, cybersecurity, or software engineering. They use both theoretical and practical skills to complete their varied workplace tasks and often have strong critical thinking, communication, and time management skills.

Computer Scientists can also specialize in artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning. This involves designing systems that perform tasks autonomously; in other words, they operate without human interaction yet mimic human behavior. This allows companies to complete otherwise time-consuming tasks, thus optimizing their workflow and increasing productivity. Professionals who choose this branch of computer science will have additional skills in natural language processing, algorithms, and computer vision, among a few other AI-specific skills.

Moreover, a computer science professional will often conduct research and take part in developing new cutting-edge technology. Many will research trends in the field and explore ways to utilize and strengthen their innovative spirit. Additionally, a Computer Scientist will frequently ensure security measures are in place so that sensitive, confidential information does not get leaked to the public by hackers. The work of a Computer Scientist can vary drastically from position to position, but they are typically employed in virtually every industry, ranging from technology and finance to healthcare and government.

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Do I Need a Degree to Become a Computer Scientist?

If you are curious about the different ways to become a Computer Scientist, you have a few options to choose from. You can earn a degree in computer science at a community college or university, which is incredibly worthwhile but costly and time-consuming. Degree programs provide a comprehensive education in skills related to computer science and then some, but this is not as easily accessible for someone with limited funds or time. A degree from an accredited university will bode well in the long run, it is a privilege and not necessarily suited for everyone.

Luckily, you don’t necessarily need a traditional degree to become a Computer Scientist. You can also search for certificate programs, bootcamps, and classes at a reputable training center that focuses on tech education and career development. These types of programs provide specialized training in subjects related to computer science, such as cybersecurity, machine learning, data science, and web development. The curriculum is structured but offers hands-on projects and gives students the skills to apply their skills in the workplace. They’re typically fast-paced and far less costly than a degree program. Plus, they’re typically offered in part-time or full-time formats. While you’re unlikely to go in-depth on theoretical concepts, you will still obtain a well-rounded education and be able to find a job as a Computer Scientist.

Common Degrees for Computer Scientists

Computer Scientists can earn several degrees, ranging in subject matter, delivery method, and learning format. You can pursue an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree and, if you choose, a post-secondary degree, which includes a Master’s or PhD. However, these are some of the more common degrees that Computer Scientists have but not all Computer Scientists will hold one of these degrees. Many earn certificates or certifications instead. It all depends on the educational path.

  • Computer Science. This degree path offers a comprehensive overview of the foundations of computer science, including programming, data structures, analytics, and algorithms. This is the most relevant and subject-specific degree you could earn.
  • Data Science. With this degree, you will specialize in data analysis, machine learning, statistics, and other data-related skills. This is an increasingly important role in any organization that must handle large datasets and make data-driven decisions.
  • Mathematics. A degree in mathematics will provide a solid foundation for other computer science-specific skills and theoretical concepts.
  • Post-Secondary: Masters or PhD in Computer Science. A post-secondary degree will take additional time, money, and resources to complete, but can be worthwhile if you plan to advance quickly to a senior-level position or perhaps own a computer science company.
  • Computer Science Certifications. Although not necessarily a degree, certifications are professional, industry-specific exams that indicate your mastery of a particular subject. These can be earned by anyone and typically have specific classes that you can take to prepare for the exam. Once you pass the certification exam, you will be expected to update your certification after a set timeframe.
  • Computer Science Certificates. Certificates are also incredibly worthwhile, although they are not a traditional degree. They serve as miniature versions of a degree that provide students with the applicable use of their skills as opposed to a thorough overview of computer science theory and history. This learning method is typically easily accessible, hands-on, and provides practical skills.

Tips for Starting a Computer Scientist Career Without a Degree

There are a few ways to start a computer science career without a degree, all of which require you to gain hands-on, relevant experience. Below are some of the best tips and tricks for achieving your goals and finding a meaningful career.

  • Acquire Relevant Knowledge. Before anything, you will need adequate training. In particular, you will have to learn how to code and perform other job-specific concepts like web development, software maintenance, machine learning models, data analysis, or project management.
  • Develop Practical and Soft Skills. Through hands-on experience, you will learn how to complete the tasks that you will likely encounter in the workplace. Likewise, you will gain experience and expertise as you study and practice. You can do this through hands-on training opportunities or internships. An interactive learning environment also allows you to strengthen your soft skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and resourcefulness. 
  • Earn Degrees, Certifications, or Certificates. Although not necessarily required, obtaining a degree, certification, or certificate is useful. Degrees are typically awarded upon completion of a university program, which may or may not be reasonable depending on your circumstances. Certifications and certificates serve different purposes despite sounding similar, so it is important to consider which would be more beneficial for your career goals, learning needs, and specialization.
  • Build a Professional Portfolio. Showcasing your work is one of the most effective ways to ace a job interview. Your future employer will want to see examples of your abilities through research endeavors, projects, code samples, published work, and other professional contributions. Your portfolio should be diverse, organized, and demonstrate your skills. 
  • Network with Other Professionals. Be an active participant in different computer science communities. Whether you attend in-person events and conferences or develop connections with other professionals on LinkedIn, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the computer science field and new technologies. This is a good way to explore different perspectives and project ideas as well.
  • Continue Your Education. Because the computer science field and technology are always evolving, it’s important to keep up with the changes. You will want to update certifications regularly, explore new technologies and techniques, and stay mindful of recent changes in industry standards.

Learn the Skills to Become a Computer Scientist at Noble Desktop

You can learn a variety of computer science skills at reputable training centers such as Noble Desktop. For instance, they offer a Full-Stack Web Development Certificate that spans 420 hours and gives you all the skills necessary to become a Full Stack Developer. Specifically, you will learn from an expert instructor in a hands-on setting. Students will explore coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for both front and back end programming. Likewise, you will use various frameworks and libraries, such as Node.js and Express.js, and use Visual Studio Code, a code editor. You’ll create programming projects like scrolling animations, interactive content, webpage layouts, and mobile applications. In addition to the certificate course material, you will have the chance to take an additional SQL or WordPress class at no cost.

For a more specific learning experience, you can explore the JavaScript Programming Bootcamp. In this interactive and immersive bootcamp, students will learn the fundamentals of JavaScript programming and explore the higher-level functions. Over 120 hours, the instructor will assign portfolio projects that require you to use array and string methods or new ES6 and ES7 features such as Arrow Functions. Students will also practice object-oriented programming and explore JavaScript 3D Libraries for data visualization and 3D browser development. By the end of the bootcamp, you will feel prepared to use JavaScript in a professional setting or perhaps take the next step in your current career.

The Python for Data Science Masterclass is also a focused course that shows students the foundational and advanced ways to use Python for data science. Throughout 60 hours of instruction, students will learn data types, variables, Python libraries, numerous complex functions, data visualization, and object-oriented programming. In particular, the instructor will guide students through advanced techniques like using lambda functions, querying with Jupyter Notebooks, animating data visualizations, and performing data analytics. This masterclass intends to equip students with the most relevant Python skills so they can easily transfer their abilities from the classroom to the workplace.