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How to Write Web Content (and Blog Posts) That Is Good For Users & Search Engines (SEO)

This is a blog post about how to write blog posts and other web content. Writing for the web is different than other media such as books, brochures, magazines, etc. For the most part, what’s good for users will also be good for search engines too, but there are things you should keep in mind.

Let’s go over specific recommendations you can use to improve the writing on a website or blog.

Make Text Easy to Scan

Looking at a massive wall of text can be intimidating to users, so here are some techniques you can use:

  • Break up long paragraphs into shorter paragraphs.
  • Create lists (like this one) when appropriate.
  • Divide up content into thematic sections and add a heading to each. This will make it easier for users to scan the content and get a sense of what’s being discussed. They can jump around if they’re not interested in a particular section. Headings that contain important keywords also help Google to understand the content and improves your ranking (as we discuss in the next section).
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Choose Heading Text Carefully

Every page or blog post needs a proper heading, which will be coded in HTML as an h1 tag.

As needed, break up the main topic into subtopics, which will be coded in HTML as an h2 tag. (Those topics can be further broken up with h3 tags, and so on.)

Keep the headings concise, and use words that people would be looking for. When someone types a search into Google, it’s ideal if that text is also seen on the page (in heading text). This helps increase your Google rank because the search matches your page’s content, and it helps users because they see what they were looking for.

Do not cram in keywords at the expense of readability, because it will be a turn off to readers. Find a natural way to work in the keywords so you maintain a good flow of natural language.

Link to Pages in Your Site (Use Internal Linking to Your Advantage)

The topics you write about will often relate to other things you have on your website. Be sure to link to the important pages of your website. This helps Google to understand where you want people to go, helping it to rank pages on your site appropriately.

In other words, if you’re trying to promote a product/service and many blog posts link to that product/service, it can help that page’s rank on Google. Not only that, but it’s also useful for users!

Choosing the Subject Matter for Blog Posts

If you want to be known (and discovered on search engines) for a specific topic, write about things that directly relate to that topic. By having a lot of content about a particular subject matter on your site, you’re helping Google to know that you’re an authority on the subject.

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We hope this information helps you to improve the quality of writing on your website, ranking higher in search engines, as well as leads to more sales and income. This blog post uses all of these techniques, so let it be an example to you!

To learn more about search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing, check out these classes and certificate training:

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  • Digital Marketing Courses NYC or Online
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