Here are some links that relate to our Sketch workbooks and classes.
- Sketch Measure A free plugin that provides an alternative to Sketch Cloud. You use it for developer handoff (design specs), prototype, and downloadable assets. The older version isn’t working on new versions of macOS, but this new version is. Be sure to check out Plugins > Sketch MeaXure > Spec Export.
- Content Generator Sketch Plugin Similar to Craft (meantioned below), it will quickly create dummy data such as avatars, names, locations, etc.
- RenameIt Rename layers like a boss.
- Symbol Organizer Keep your Symbols page neatly organized.
- Craft Generates content (such as text or photos) for you to design with, lets you prototype, integrates with InVision, and more.
- AnimateMate Animation tools in Sketch.
- ImageOptim Plugin: Automatically optimize JPEG and PNGs exported from Sketch.
Web Design Templates
- Bootstrap Grid Template A free template with all the layout grids set up for Bootstrap (made by Dan Rodney who created our Sketch training).
Related Tools
- ImageOptim: Optimize JPEG and PNGs exported from Sketch.
- SVGOMG: Optimize SVGs exported from Sketch.