InDesign Shortcuts: PC

Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are many keyboard shortcuts for InDesign, including lesser known and hidden keystrokes!

Adjusting Font Size
Decrease or Increase by Increment set in Preferences Ctrl–Shift–< or >
Decrease or Increase by Increment x 5 Ctrl–Alt-Shift–< or >
Adjusting Leading
Decrease or Increase by Increment set in Preferences Alt–Up or Down Arrow
Decrease or Increase by Increment x 5 Ctrl–Alt–Up or Down Arrow
Revert to Auto Leading Ctrl–Alt–Shift–A
Adjusting Kerning, Tracking, & WORD SPACING
Increase or Decrease by Increment set in Preferences Alt–Right or Left Arrow
Increase or Decrease by Increment x 5 Ctrl–Alt–Left Arrow
Increase space between words Ctrl–Alt–Shift–\
Decrease space between words Ctrl–Alt–Shift–Backspace
Clear all manual kerning, tracking, and word spacing Ctrl–Alt–Q
Adjusting Baseline shift
Move Up or Down by Increment set in Preferences Alt–Shift–Up or Down Arrow
Move Up or Down by Increment x 5 Ctrl–Alt–Shift–Up or Down Arrow
Scaling pictures
Make sure the picture content is selected (not the frame it’s inside)
Scale 1% Smaller or Bigger Ctrl–< or >
Scale 5% Smaller or Bigger Ctrl–Alt–< or >
Fitting Content & pictures
Fit Content Proportionally Ctrl–Alt–Shift–E
Fill Frame Proportionally Ctrl–Alt–Shift–C
Center Content Ctrl–Shift–E
Fit Frame to Content Ctrl–Alt–C
Nudging objects
Move by Increment (set in Preferences) Arrow keys
Move by Increment x 10 Shift–Arrow keys
Move by Increment x 1/10 Ctrl–Shift–Arrow keys
Flowing Text
Multi-Page Autoflow (creates additional pages) Shift–click
Semi-Autoflow (keeps text in cursor so you can continue flowing) Alt–click
Fixed-Page Autoflow (does not create additional pages) Shift–Alt–click
Styling Text & Working with Styles
All CapsCtrl–Shift–K
Edit Style Sheet without applying it Ctrl–Alt–Shift–double–click style
Redefine a Paragraph Style With style selected Ctrl–Alt–Shift–R
Redefine a Character Style With style selected Ctrl–Alt–Shift–C
Working with Paragraph Styles
Remove local formatting (non style changes) Alt–click style name
Remove local formatting & Character Styles Alt–Shift–click style name
Working with Parent Pages
Override a single parent page item on a document page Ctrl–Shift–click it
Override several parent page items Ctrl–Shift–drag a marquee over them
Override all master page items on pages selected in Pages panel Ctrl–Alt–Shift–L
Inserting Special characters
Indent to Here Ctrl–\
Right Indent Tab Shift–Tab
Discretionary Hyphen Ctrl–Shift–hyphen (-)
Nonbreaking Hyphen Ctrl–Alt–hyphen (-)
Type in Straight Single Quote (foot mark) Alt–'
Type in Straight Double Quote (inch mark) Alt–Shift–'
Current Page Number (auto page numbering) Ctrl–Alt–Shift–N
Em space Ctrl–Shift–M
En space Ctrl–Shift–N
Nonbreaking space Ctrl–Alt–X
Thin space Ctrl–Alt–Shift–M
Column Break Enter (on keypad)
Frame Break Shift–Enter (on keypad)
Page Break Ctrl–Enter (on keypad)
Forced Line Break (or “soft return”) Shift–Enter
Moving text cursor
Move cursor to beginning or end of line Home or End
Move cursor one word to the left/right Ctrl–Left/Right Arrow
Move cursor to Previous paragraph Ctrl–Up Arrow
Move cursor to Next paragraph Ctrl–Down Arrow
Selecting & working with text
Leave text frame and switch to Selection tool Esc
Select from cursor to beginning or end of line Shift–Home or Shift–End
Select from cursor to end of story Ctrl–Shift–End
Select from cursor to beginning of story Ctrl–Shift–Home
Select whole word Double–click
Select line Ctrl–Shift–\ (or Triple–click)
Select one word to the left/right Ctrl–Shift–Left/Right Arrow
Navigating & scrolling through documents
Scroll using Hand tool Alt–Spacebar–drag
Go to the First Page Ctrl–Shift–Page Up
Go to the Last Page Ctrl–Shift–Page Down
Go to Page (then type in page number) Ctrl–J
Switch between open documents Ctrl–tilde(~)
Get the Zoom In tool without selecting it Hold Ctrl then Spacebar
Get the Zoom Out tool without selecting it Hold Ctrl then Spacebar & Alt
Zoom In or Out Ctrl–plus(+) or Ctrl–minus(–)
Fit Page in Window Ctrl–0 (zero)
Fit Spread in Window Ctrl–Alt–0 (zero)
Toggle between current and previous zoom levels Ctrl–Alt–2
Insert selected text into Find What box Ctrl–F1
Insert selected text into Find What box and then Find Next instance Shift–F1
Find the next occurrence of Find What text Shift–F2 or Ctrl–Alt–F
Insert selected text into Change To box Ctrl–F2
Replace found text with Change To text Ctrl–F3
Replace found text with Change To text and Find Next Shift–F3
Working with panels
Highlight the first option in the Control panel Ctrl–6
Toggle Control panel between Character & Paragraph options Ctrl–Alt–7
Apply a value but keep it highlighted in panel Shift–Enter
Hide/Show all tools and panels Tab (while not in a text frame)
Hide/Show all panels except Tools/Control Shift–Tab (while not in a text frame)
Create new (style, swatches, etc) & display options Alt–click New button
Working with Dialog boxes
Cycle through section of options displayed on the left Page Up or Down
Jump to a section displayed on the left Ctrl–1 for 1st, Ctrl–2 for 2nd, etc.
Choose Yes or No Y or N
Miscellaneous Good Stuff
Select frame hidden behind another Hold Ctrl and keep clicking frame stack
Increase/Decrease a value in a field Click in field, press Up/Down Arrow
Highlight the last used field (in a panel) Ctrl–Alt–tilde(~)
In Tabs panel: Move Left Indent (triangle) without moving First Line Indent Hold Shift while dragging the (bottom) triangle
Select all Guides Ctrl–Alt–G
Select an individual table cell With Type tool, click in cell and hit Esc
Quick Apply Cmd–Enter, type a style name, menu item... & hit Enter to apply
Sort menus alphabetically Hold Ctrl–Alt–Shift and click on Menu
Toggle Typographer’s Quotes preference Ctrl–Alt–Shift–’
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