Web Animation Techniques

Free Seminar

Hot hot hot. With the death of Flash, animation disappeared from most websites. But animation is coming back to the web in a big way, and the trend is to make things move. Web pages are breathing and moving with verve. Banner ads with animation, whether subtle or elaborate, stand out and get more response. Emails with animation get higher click-thru. 

How do we animate in this day and age of HTML5? Should we use animated GIFs, CSS, or JavaScript? How do we create the animations? What are the current tools designers and animators are using?

We’ll build a few animations in this free class and even provide instructions on how to create a sharp animated GIF using After Effects and Photoshop. Join us!

This seminar is the perfect way to get started learning web animation tecniques before diving into a hands-on class, including After Effects, Photoshop Animated GIFs, or complete the full Web Animation Certificate.

What You’ll Learn

  • Animated GIFs for email and web using Photoshop and Adobe After Effects
  • CSS transitions and animations
  • JavaScript animation with the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP)
  • Animating SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
  • When to use each of the various animation techniques

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