How do Beginners Learn Web Development?

Start Learning Web Development

Many beginners opt to learn web development from a training center or college, while others decide to teach themselves. A reputable training center offers students guided practice, hands-on experience, student support services, in-depth instruction, and networking opportunities. Generally training centers will teach in-demand skills in certificate classes and bootcamps, and individual classes focus on a few techniques or tools at a slower pace. College degree programs take years to complete, but they offer students an in-depth, immersive, and broad education that will prepare students for working in a wide variety of computer science careers, including web development. Both options are well suited to beginners, teaching skills like coding with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These three coding languages are the foundation of building webpages from scratch and web development, so you’ll begin with these core skills and build on them as you move through a web development training program. Although college is more exclusive than most training centers and often has multiple prerequisites, most training centers do not have prerequisites for beginners to start learning web development.

Getting Started with Web Development

Before you get started learning web development you’ll need to be comfortable using a computer and have a basic understanding of how to navigate its features. This includes being able to locate files and open them, run software, save and exit files, and move between programs. Beginner-friendly courses usually start students on the ground floor before getting to advanced learning. Some centers will offer students pre-work to complete before the start of class. This pre-work is designed to get students familiar with basic definitions and concepts before ever setting foot or screen in a classroom. Completing the pre-work also helps increase your chances of success in the course or program. Once you’ve completed your pre-work or enrollment, you’re ready to get started.

The amenities of the training facility you choose will determine what you need to begin. State-licensed facilities like Noble Desktop offer its in-person students a computer workstation with the necessary course files and software preloaded. Students who choose to enroll in a live online program or a facility that requires them to bring their laptop to class will need their own computer and the required software or subscriptions. Course files and materials are usually given to learners. You can purchase your own software license and subscriptions through the vendor site. Many web development tools are free or have a free version available, including Git, Grid, Bootstrap, and Flexbox. 

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The First Steps When Learning Web Development

HTML is one of the simplest coding languages to master. Its simple and consistent rules make it easy to understand and write, so it will likely be one of the first things you learn when embarking on a path in web development. Anyone who works with webpages should have a good grasp of it because it is the Internet’s standard language for assembling webpages and displaying text. HTML is used to define the text that appears on the page through the use of tags like <body> and <header>. With it, you can define font size, text color, hyperlinks, and other textual elements. Front End Developers and Full Stack Developers use HTML to add more customization to webpages for more unique sites.

Another foundational skill of web development is CSS (cascading style sheets). CSS, used independently from HTML, is the companion code to HTML. It’s used to control the look of HTML elements like menus, background images, and text boxes. CSS is also what manages what a site visitor sees based on their screen size and resolution. This rule-based language allows you to define things by groups. For instance, you can code a webpage to display all level three headers in bolded blue text. Although it’s not a full programming language, it’s still an integral part of developing webpages.

JavaScript is the third foundational piece of web development, and the easiest complete coding language to learn. JavaScript is used to make websites and webpages interactive with elements like drop-down menus and color-changing buttons. It can handle programming loops and make logical decisions based on user input. It has an extensive network of frameworks and libraries that web developers can use to more efficiently code webpages and be implemented in back end development. These frameworks and libraries are also taught as part of a well-rounded web development education because they improve the functionality of JavaScript code.

Although Git is not foundational to web development, it does go hand in hand with coding languages. Git is a way to track the changes and versions of your source code. It makes it easier for web developers to reinstate previous versions of a webpage or website while troubleshooting, track development progress, and collaborate with team members. It is also instrumental in identifying and correcting errors in code quickly. GitHub is the cloud-based repository for Git version control. It allows developers to share and manage their code beyond their local computer and server. Both Git and GitHub are great tools for Back End Developers, JavaScript Developers, and other web development professionals.

Free Web Development Tools for Beginners

You’ll find many free web development tools for beginners online. These resources are wonderful for beginners and those who have minimal experience with web development. The more popular resources include YouTube channels, Noble Desktop seminars, tutorials, articles, and blogs. Each medium has its merits and can play a role in helping students become more comfortable with web development tools and concepts. You’ll find a wide range of resources, but it’s important to get guidance from an instructor or mentor to make your learning more efficient and deepen your understanding of concepts.

Whether you choose to enroll in a course or teach yourself, you will find value in leveraging free web development tools as you begin your educational journey. Because many free resources only scratch the surface or move at a slower pace, beginners find them to be accessible and helpful. For beginners who are still trying to decide if web development is the career for them, taking advantage of free resources allows them to test it out without making a significant investment. Likewise, these resources help reinforce topics a beginner might be learning in a web development course. 

Live Web Development Training for Beginners

When you begin to look for web development classes, you’ll discover that there are multiple learning formats. The three most popular options include live online courses, in-person classes, and on-demand classes. When you’re just getting started, it is invaluable to have guidance from an experienced web development professional. That’s why in-person and live online classes are highly recommended, with a traditional in-person class being the very best option for a strong and immersive education. If you have your heart set on becoming a professional web developer, you’ll enjoy the many advantages that accompany live web development training. You’ll have access to valuable real-time feedback on class projects, mentorship, and peer networking. Other advantages include career support services, portfolio and resume development and refinement, personalized learning paths, efficiency, affordability, and accessibility. 

Live web development training options are ideal for just about every learner who is committed to learning web development. While there are some differences between live online learning and in-person learning, the two are very similar. The biggest difference between them is their accessibility. Although both are accessible, in-person classes require you to go to a physical location to receive your training, and live online classes allow you to bypass commuting to class and learn from wherever you are. Both are interactive and immersive, allowing peers to collaborate, interact, and network with one another. Instructors can give students real-time feedback and adapt the pace of the course to suit student needs and questions. If you’re training with Noble Desktop, then you may receive bonus training or 1-on-1 mentoring sessions. 

Another reason students are drawn to live training classes is familiarity. Most people are comfortable and familiar with real-time interaction when learning new skills. Live classes allow instructors to personalize learning paths. This is especially true when training facilities are mindful of class sizes. Instructors can better identify where students need a different approach or a deeper explanation to grasp a concept, allowing them to ensure each student has what they need to succeed with their educational goals. You can also look forward to career support services when you enroll in a live course. Some forms of support you may see include internships, job fairs, portfolio development, resume refinement, and mock interviews. All of these can be huge in finding employment after you’ve graduated from your training program. 

Although live web development classes have a less flexible schedule when compared to on-demand learning, there is still plenty of flexibility. You can enroll in a part-time web development course, which will allow you to take classes in the evenings or on weekends so that you can still fulfill your routine duties or work. Live online courses give you the ability to be global. And live classes are more affordable than you may think. Many training centers offer flexible payment plans, financing, scholarships, and discounts. While the cost of learning web development varies from one center to another, you may find the cost to be lower for live online classes than in-person classes.

The Next Step

After completing a beginner’s course you may want to dive deeper into web development. The next step would be to enroll in a more advanced class on the same topic or to enroll in another beginner’s course for another web development skill that will move you closer to beginning a career in web development. After a short beginner’s course, consider enrolling in a bootcamp or Full-Stack Web Development Certificate course to get a more in-depth and immersive education that will teach you in-demand skills and prepare you for entry-level employment once you’ve completed the program. Depending on the web development course that you enrolled in, you may want to learn more advanced uses for HTML or CSS. After taking a JavaScript Programming Bootcamp you could be ready to learn how to leverage JavaScript libraries in React Development Bootcamp or dive deeper in web development with JavaScript for Front End. 

Enrolling in more advanced courses will teach you advanced CSS and HTML techniques, how to code with Python, and how to work with various web development tools like Grid and Bootstrap. Students who continue their web development training can look forward to learning how to streamline their workflow with libraries, frameworks, and advanced techniques. You’ll be able to improve the usability of the webpages you develop, and you’ll be better equipped to troubleshoot and solve web development problems more efficiently. Whether you took a course to upskill or to begin a career shift, you must practice what you’ve learned. Practice leads to preparedness. The more you practice, the sharper your web development skills will become, and the more comfortable and confident you’ll become. You’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned to your current position and advance your career.

How to Learn Web Development

Master web development with hands-on training. Build fully functional websites and applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and web developer tools.

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