What to Learn After Web Design

Discover the vast opportunities within the field of web design, such as specializing in user experience (UX), graphics design, or advanced programming. Learn how to turn your passions into a business through web design, or make yourself more attractive to potential employers by creating a skillful digital CV.

Key Insights

  • Web design is a versatile skillset that includes both aesthetic and technical aspects, allowing for diverse career opportunities in fields such as UX design, motion graphics, and advanced programming.
  • Web design isn't a one-time event but an ongoing process, meaning web designers must keep up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.
  • User experience design, an integral part of web design, focuses on making web pages accessible and user-friendly based on practical data-gathering tasks.
  • Motion graphics design skills can enhance a web designer's repertoire, providing the ability to create complex 3D designs and animated 2D sequences.
  • Advanced programming skills, such as Python for machine learning and SQL for database management, are highly desirable in today's job market.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive training courses in web design and related fields, ensuring students can receive the necessary feedback and assistance to succeed.

Web design is the cluster of skills that go into designing, developing, and maintaining web pages. This includes both the graphic design skills that go into deciding how a web page is going to look and the technical skills involved in programming the functional elements of the web page. If you already know how to use web design, you might consider learninguserexperience design skills, motion graphics design skills, or advanced programming skills, like data science and machine learning skills. We’ll cover all these skills below so you clearly understand what skill you want to tackle next. 

What is Web Design?

Web design is the process of creating and maintaining websites. It covers a wide range of topics, including web architecture, user experience, information architecture, and web development. The primary goal of web design is to create a website that is easy to use, informative, and visually appealing. The skill set required for web design is constantly evolving as new technologies and trends emerge. However, some core principles remain constant.

Web design is a process, not a product. The term “web design” refers to creating a website or the finished product itself. A Web Designer is someone who specializes in this process by using their creativity, technical skills, and experience to craft websites that meet the specific needs of their clients. This means that web design is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that should be regularly updated to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. 

Read more about what web design is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Web Design?

As the name suggests, learning web design skills will teach you how to design, develop, and maintain web pages. This means that whatever you can do on the digital canvas of Web 2.0, you can learn to do with web design. You can learn to build professional working websites as a career path or build your own personal brand using elaborate WordPress designs. Students can build a digital CV to make themselves more attractive to employers, or they can launch a digital art project hoping to advocate for a cause that is important to them. Students can turn their passions into a business by building a digital marketplace to advertise their wares or get an idea off the ground with a rhetorically appealing pitch website. The sky's the limit for talented web designers.

Web Design Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Web design also covers a diverse field of specializations and skills so that individuals can create even more specific niches for themselves within the field. Programmers can enter a vibrant community of like-minded designers who iterate on and improve programming languages, making them more versatile and accessible to new users. Developers may find themselves specializing in a specific programming language for things like data science and SEO purposes. User Experience Designers will make web pages themselves more accessible and easy to navigate. Given the amount of time individuals spend online each day, there is no shortage of unique opportunities for skilled web design students.

User Experience Design

An important part of the web design process that is usually excluded from many formal web design training programs is user experience (UX) design, which is the aspect of design that is concerned with how a web page feels once real-world users start interacting with it. UX Designers will be tasked with conducting user research, focus groups, market testing, and other practical data-gathering tasks in order to help designers and developers better understand how their web pages are being used once they have been launched. UX Designers do this to help ensure that web pages are accessible, user-friendly, easy to navigate, and responsive to the ways in which they are actually being used rather than the ways clients would imagine them to be used.

Please visit Noble Desktop's course offering page to learn more about UX design training options.

Motion Graphics Design

As creatives wish to design increasingly elaborate web pages, they will need to learn even more elaborate design skills in order to build the assets that they need. One set of skills they might consider learning is motion graphics, which is concerned with creating digitally animated designs that can be used to populate any form of digital media project. These elaborate computer-generated digital animations can be incredibly complex 3D designs or something as simple as a series of animated 2D title sequences that display when a digital art project is first loaded. As with most creative skills, once you’ve mastered the tool, the only limit is in your own creativity.

To learn more about motion graphic design course offerings, please consult the options available to you through Noble Desktop.

Advanced Programming Skills

Once students have learned how to develop web pages using HTML/CSS and JavaScript, they will have laid the foundation for further computer science training. Not only are these languages utilized in a number of other contexts, but students who know them will have experience in the transferable, fundamental aspects of programming. Students may wish to expand on these skills and learn in-demand career skills like Python, a language used in data science and machine learning projects, a cutting-edge field that has real potential to continue to grow in the future. Students may also wish to learn a language like SQL to help build and improve databases, internet data storage, and the speed and efficacy of search engines.

To learn more about the various different computer science and programming courses available, you can visit the web development page on Noble Desktop to see all the options you can choose from.

Learn Web Design with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Students looking to master web design skills should consider the hands-on training options available to them through Noble Desktop. In these courses, students can learn how to design and code web pages using a variety of platforms and programming languages. These courses, which are all taught by live instructors with years of experience in their respective fields, give students the opportunity to interface directly with their instructors, ensuring they can receive the assistance and feedback they need to succeed. Students can enroll in a web design class or bootcamp either in-person or online.

Students looking to start off their web design and development career without investing too much time into their training may want to consider Noble’s Web Development with HTML/CSS course. In this class, which requires no prior coding knowledge, students will learn the fundamental skills that go into designing and developing web pages using the HTML/CSS programming languages. This class will teach students how to design basic web pages using the coding languages that form the basic infrastructure of a modern web page. Students will learn how to use HTML to build basic web pages and how to use CSS to add a visual flair to their designs. While anyone wanting to design web pages that look up to modern standards will need more training in other, more advanced programming languages, learning HTML/CSS is essential for anyone wanting to build web pages.

Noble offers a Web Design Certificate program for students who want a more immersive, career-focused experience in their training course that aims to take students from novice programmers all the way to professional designers in just a few short weeks. In this course, students will learn how to code web pages with HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and through the WordPress hosting platform. They will learn how to build elaborate, multi-page websites that replicate the kinds of projects they will be hired to work on as professional Web Designers and Developers. In addition, since these are career-focused courses, students will receive extra professionalization training, including one-on-one career mentorship sessions and seminar time dedicated to helping students construct a sample design portfolio that they can take with them onto the job market. For students looking to start a new career in the field of web design, there is no better way to prepare themselves.

Key Insights

  • Once a student has mastered the web design skills they were hoping to learn, there are a lot of different paths they can take to expand their skills.
  • Students looking to stay in the field of web design may want to learn UX design skills, which involve the research and testing processes that go into making web pages that are more accessible and user-friendly.
  • Creative design students may want to learn how to animate complex 3D assets using motion graphics skills in order to take their digital designs to the next level.
  • Programmers and computer science students who have mastered HTML/CSS may want to expand their coding knowledge by learning languages like Python for machine learning or SQL for database management.
  • No matter what skill you plan to learn after web design, Noble Desktop is here to help you learn by providing students with comprehensive, online, and in-person training courses.

How to Learn Web Design

Master web design with hands-on training. Web design is the creative process of building functional, attractive websites with tools like HTML/CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, and Figma and an understanding of user interface (UI) design principles.

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