What to Learn After SQL

Deepen your understanding of SQL's role in data-driven professions and explore additional valuable skills to amplify your career opportunities. Learn about Python and R programming languages and valuable business analytics services like Microsoft Power BI.

Key Insights

  • SQL is widely used in various fields and disciplines to communicate with relational databases, with major corporations like Amazon, Google, and Uber relying on SQL for data storage and management.
  • SQL operates on a variety of platforms including laptops, PCs, servers, and some mobile devices, making it a highly versatile tool.
  • In addition to SQL, learning Python can be beneficial as it is easy to learn and useful for analyzing and visualizing data, supplemented by libraries such as Pandas and SciPy.
  • R, a programming language commonly used for graphics and statistical computing, can work alongside SQL to retrieve data from relational databases.
  • Microsoft Power BI, a business analytics service, integrates with databases and is often valuable to Data Scientists who use SQL.
  • Noble Desktop offers a variety of courses in SQL, Python, and R as well as Microsoft Power BI, providing learners with the opportunity to study and deepen skills in a hands-on, supportive environment.

For those in data-driven professions, one of the most valuable skills you can have under your belt is SQL training. SQL, or structured query language, is used to access, communicate with, and manipulate relational databases. If you already know how to use SQL, you may consider learning other programming languages, like Python and R, or a business analytics service, such as Microsoft Power BI. This article looks at these skills related to SQL to provide you with a clear outline of what to tackle next.

What is SQL?

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a standard language used to communicate with relational databases. Organizations across industries rely on SQL to access and work with the data contained in their databases. Important business information about products, customers, or orders is just some data an organization may store in a database. Among its many uses, SQL has applications for searching, updating, and maintaining databases. It can also insert or delete records from databases and change the database's actual structure by creating or deleting tables and objects.

SQL operates on local intranet or internet systems and can be used on laptops, PCs, servers, and some mobile devices. Even though SQL is considered to be a relatively simple programming language, it is a powerful tool for helping users retrieve the specific information they need within a large database. Those working with SQL don’t need coding skills and can instead use basic keywords such as “update” or “select” to perform data queries.

Some of the most-used relational database management systems that use SQL are Microsoft SQL Server, Ingres, Access, and Oracle.

What Can You Do with SQL?

For anyone who works with data, SQL knowledge is a must. Many fields and disciplines use this language to communicate with relational databases. SQL’s flexibility is designed to help you use statements based on English to query a database in multiple ways. Because SQL is the most-used database language, nearly every organization that has to store relational data relies on SQL, including major corporations such as Amazon, Google, and Uber. In addition, websites such as Facebook use SQL to store back-end data and process data.

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SQL has a wide range of built-in functions that are useful for data analytics:

  • SQL COUNT can count how many rows are in a table
  • SQL MAX provides a way to select the highest value for a given column
  • SQL MIN lets users choose the minimum value for a column
  • SQL SUM totals the values in a column
  • SQL AVG can calculate the average within table columns

In addition, SQL has other useful applications for handling large volumes of data:

  • It can add, update, or delete records within a database
  • SQL can create new databases
  • SQL users can add new tables to an existing database
  • SQL can create views or stored procedures in a database
  • It can establish permissions on views, tables, and procedures.


Python is one of the most-used scripting languages. Like SQL, it is considered to be easy to learn. In addition, Python is extremely useful for analyzing and visualizing data. While SQL wasn’t created to perform high-level manipulations like statistical analyses or regression, Python can handle these sorts of tasks. Python’s many libraries, such as Pandas and SciPy, can execute regression analysis much faster than SQL. Another benefit to learning Python is that it can explore different data paths faster than SQL, leading to more data discoveries.

If you want to study Python to supplement your SQL skills, Noble Desktop’s Python course listings provides a variety of learning options, such as Python for Data Science, Python Developer Certificate, or FinTech Bootcamp.


R is a programming language commonly used for graphics and statistical computing. Because of its data analytic capabilities, R is often used alongside SQL. R supports the process of retrieving data from relational databases using SQL. In addition, R offers several packages with which users can process and analyze data while simultaneously creating and querying datasets. The RSQLite package was created to help users retrieve data contained in spreadsheets or files and include them in a SQL-accessible database.

If you’re interested in learning more about R, Noble Desktop’s Data Analytics with R Bootcamp is an immersive, five-day course in which participants learn about the data management pipeline.

Microsoft Power BI

Although Microsoft Power BI isn’t a programming language, it was designed to integrate with databases seamlessly and is often valuable to Data Scientists who use SQL. Power BI is a business analytics service offered by Microsoft. It allows users to analyze and visualize data more effectively. Among Power BI’s many features, it has capabilities for data discovery and warehousing, as well as custom visualizations. You can even connect one or more databases directly to Power BI.

If you are interested in learning more about this powerful business analytics service, Noble Desktop’s Power BI Bootcamp provides hands-on instruction on essential topics. Students learn how to use Power Query to query data and how to create dashboards and data visualizations.

Learn SQL with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

When learning SQL for a career, many people choose instructor-led classes, which provide personalized assistance and in-the-moment feedback on their code. If you’re interested in learning the basics of SQL or receiving more advanced instruction, Noble Desktop has multiple course offerings in SQL. Classes are available in the live online environment as well as in-person in New York City.

Those new to using SQL can enroll in Noble’s SQL Level 1, a beginner-friendly class designed to teach students the basics of working with this language. Throughout this instructor-led, one-day course, students build a foundation in SQL by learning about rows, columns, tables, and basic filtering. By course completion, participants will have a solid understanding of database architecture and will be able to write basic SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server.

If you’re looking to learn more advanced SQL concepts, Noble also offers an SQL Bootcamp led by expert instructors. Those enrolled in this 18-hour course receive hands-on instruction on core SQL skills, such as how to write queries, filter and group data, and combine information from various tables using join statements. Participants in this small class also gain experience working with PostgreSQL as well as the free DBeaver app. All students have the option of a free retake of the course if they wish to brush up on their SQL skills. Prospective students can also learn more about SQL with Noble’s learning resources.

Key Insights

  • Acquiring related skills is a good next step in your SQL learning journey. Helpful options include other programming languages or business analytics software.
  • Similarly to SQL, Python is considered an easy-to-learn programming language. Python’s many libraries, such as Pandas, allow it to perform regression analysis faster than SQL.
  • R is another programming language some learners acquire once they know SQL. It can facilitate the process of retrieving data from relational databases.
  • Microsoft Power BI is a business service that can integrate with databases, making learning it an asset to those who work with SQL.

How to Learn SQL

Master SQL with hands-on training. SQL is one of the most in-demand programming languages and is used across a variety of professions.

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