Are SQL Bootcamps Worth It?

Looking to boost your programming skills and open up a new career path? Discover how learning Structured Query Language (SQL), a user-friendly programming language used to access and manipulate data in relational databases, can lead to lucrative roles as Database Architects and Administrators with a base salary of over $100,000.

Key Insights

  • SQL is a versatile programming language that allows users to access, manipulate, and control data within relational databases. It is extensively used by organizations of all types and sizes across different platforms.
  • Professionals with SQL skills are in high demand, with roles such as Database Architects and Database Administrators commanding salaries of over $100,000 and projected job growth in the US.
  • SQL bootcamps offer a focused, hands-on training approach to learn SQL in a relatively short time frame, as compared to traditional four-year college courses.
  • Bootcamps are more cost-effective and offer additional services such as one-on-one mentoring, career support, resume assistance, and networking opportunities.
  • Major corporations, including Amazon, Google, Uber, and Facebook, rely on SQL for data storage and processing, highlighting the broad applicability and demand for SQL skills.
  • Noble Desktop offers a variety of SQL training options ranging from beginner-friendly classes to advanced bootcamps, providing an inclusive learning path for individuals at different stages of SQL proficiency.

Structured query language (SQL) is a popular programming language used to access and manipulate the data contained in relational databases. Since it was developed by IBM researchers in the 1970s, this user-friendly language has become accessible across different platforms. Organizations of all sizes and types use SQL to communicate with the information in their databases and create and edit tables. SQL makes it possible to control this information and retrieve any necessary data. Despite its relative simplicity as a programming language, SQL is a powerful tool that can do much more than retrieve data; it can also alter the database structure by creating, modifying, or deleting the objects they contain. SQL commands like SELECT, INSERT, or UPDATE are used to communicate with databases. 

Because more organizations than ever rely on the insights provided by the data analytics process to fuel their decision-making process, those with SQL skills are sought after by many employers. SQL careers generally pay well and are expected to be in demand for years. Database Architects and Database Administrators make a base salary of over $100,000, and their fields are projected to continue to grow above the average rate in the US over the next decade. However, not everyone had a chance to learn SQL. If you’re interested in studying this programming language to pursue a new work opportunity or to advance in your current career, an excellent way to acquire the necessary skills is to enroll in a bootcamp. SQL bootcamps provide hands-on training from those with industry experience using SQL. Unlike college, which requires four or more years to complete, bootcamps provide a relatively short training window to learn the skills you need to grow professionally. 

What is SQL?

SQL, or structured query language, is used to communicate with relational databases. Organizations across industries use SQL to access and work with the data contained in relational databases. SQL has applications for searching, updating, and maintaining databases. It can also insert or delete records from databases and change their structure by creating or deleting tables and objects. Although SQL is considered a relatively simple programming language, it’s a powerful tool for helping users retrieve the specific information they need within a large database. 

Read more about what SQL is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do With SQL?

SQL knowledge is essential for any professional who works with data. Because SQL is the most-used database language, nearly every organization that has to store relational data relies on this language, including major corporations such as Amazon, Google, and Uber. In addition, social media sites such as Facebook use SQL to store back-end data and process data.

SQL has a wide range of built-in functions useful for data analytics, such as COUNT, MAX, SUM, and AVG. It also has applications for handling large volumes of data and can create new databases or delete records in an existing database.

SQL Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Why Learn SQL in a Bootcamp?

Enrolling in an SQL bootcamp is a great way to learn more about this in-demand programming language. Participants in a bootcamp receive hands-on training from experts with real-world SQL knowledge and experience using it to communicate with relational databases. In the small class learning environment, bootcamp participants can connect with others in their class who are on a similar learning path. Bootcamp participants acquire this language through a combination of lectures, real-world examples, and small projects designed to reinforce the SQL skills being taught. This immersive learning approach ensures that SQL skills will be easier to retain and use at a later time. 

Another benefit of enrolling in an SQL bootcamp is the price. Unlike college or university study, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars a year, bootcamps are generally a much more affordable learning alternative. Typically, bootcamp programs cost several hundred to several thousand dollars. As part of tuition, these programs also often provide additional learning services and professional support, such as one-on-one mentoring, career support services, assistance with resumes or the job search, and networking opportunities. Additionally, some bootcamps allow students to retake the course for free for six months or a year after completion for no additional cost. This allows bootcamp graduates to revisit any skills they learned during their studies without paying to enroll in a new program.

The specificity of focus is another reason bootcamps are an excellent way to learn SQL. Instead of having to complete coursework in a range of topics, such as with college degree programs, students can focus on learning SQL fully without distractions. This makes bootcamp study a great option for professionals who wish to learn this programming language for work-related purposes, such as an upcoming project. Whereas college or university study takes four years or longer to complete, bootcamp study is shorter in duration. Most programs span several days or weeks. This accelerated learning pace ensures that professionals can acquire the SQL training they need for work without devoting years to their studies. Some bootcamps are available on weeknights or over the weekend, which provides a flexible training format for students balancing full-time work or personal commitments with learning SQL.

SQL bootcamps are offered by many top educators. Students can opt to study in person or in the online environment. In-person study generally provides learners access to a computer lab with the most up-to-date software and computing devices needed to learn SQL. In-person coursework also allows participants to connect with other learners, which is a great way to network. For those who may not live near a major city with a training facility, live online SQL bootcamps are also available. These provide the same access to a live instructor in real-time but offer students the added benefit of remote learning; all coursework in live online SQL bootcamps can be completed from the comfort of your home or office space or anywhere with a stable internet connection.

Because so many bootcamp options are available, those interested in studying SQL can choose to study this programming language by itself or can opt to learn it alongside other data analytics tools and skills, such as Excel, Python, and Tableau. Bootcamp study is also available at various levels. Beginner-friendly coursework ensures those who are new to SQL or have limited experience can learn the basics at a comfortable speed before tackling more complex content. Additionally, intermediate-level and advanced bootcamp study options are available for those with a background working with SQL who are interested in expanding their knowledge.

Bootcamps Compared to College 

If you’re interested in studying SQL, you may not be certain which learning format is best for you. With the variety of coursework available, it can be difficult to choose whether to enroll in a four-year college or university or to pursue learning SQL through bootcamp study.

Studying SQL in the college or university setting provides learners with a way to receive comprehensive training in SQL alongside other data tools. Because SQL isn’t a major at most colleges, those who choose to study SQL in the college setting will be required to complete other coursework, some unrelated to SQL or computer programming. Learning SQL in college may involve completing a major in a computer-related field, like engineering, computer science, or programming. With a major like engineering, students must take classes in mechanical and civil engineering, as well as various math classes. Additionally, most four-year institutions have general education requirements in addition to major-specific work. While this can help learners become well-rounded, it also can be frustrating for those who wish to focus their studies more on SQL to have to study topics like philosophy or history.

Bootcamp study allows participants to select the course content they most want to learn and avoid that which won’t be useful. Some bootcamp programs provide instruction specifically on working with SQL. Other bootcamps offer a broader focus and cover a range of data science or data analytics skills and tools, like Excel or Python. Because bootcamp study is a much more focused way to learn SQL, it’s generally much shorter than college degrees. Students can typically complete a bootcamp in days or weeks, whereas college takes learners an average of four years to finish.

Because they are shorter in duration, SQL bootcamps are a much more affordable learning approach than university study. Instead of spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on a four-year degree, bootcamps provide an excellent quality of education for a fraction of the price. Some bootcamps are available for several hundred dollars. Learners can even complete several bootcamps in SQL and related fields and spend far less on their education than they would through university coursework. Bootcamp programs sometimes also include professional training, such as career counseling or job search support, which is included with tuition.

One commonality exists between SQL bootcamp study and college degree study: Employers will be impressed to see SQL skills on your resume. 

Bootcamps Compared to Self-Paced Courses

If you’re looking to take a course in SQL, you may not be certain whether a bootcamp or a self-paced class is a better option. Bootcamps are usually taught in the live environment. This means participants attend class in person or remotely using a teleconferencing platform like Zoom. This format ensures all learners can interact with the instructor in real-time, allowing them to ask questions as they arise and receive immediate feedback. In-person study provides the additional benefit of connecting students to other learners, which can be a great opportunity for networking. 

Self-paced SQL coursework is taught asynchronously. This means that content like online tutorials and videos were pre-recorded, and students can access them on their own time. This flexible training format is useful for individuals who work full-time, have busy personal lives, or may need to travel for work. Self-paced SQL material can be completed from any location at any time. It also allows students to dictate the pace of study; easier SQL concepts and skills can be learned quickly, whereas more challenging content can be watched and rewatched as often as needed. However, since the instructor cannot provide clarification or feedback, students who elect for self-paced SQL study must find answers to questions independently. This is why this learning format is typically more suited for those interested in learning SQL basics rather than mastering complex database concepts and skills.

Asynchronous SQL material is generally a more affordable learning option than live study. It also doesn’t require a commute, as is the case with in-person classes. For self-motivated individuals devoted to acquiring SQL training, on-demand content can be a great starting point. To fully master more complicated SQL skills, such as those needed for professional reasons, most learners will likely need to enroll in a more structured course, such as a live online SQL bootcamp or certificate program.

Bootcamps Compared to Free Training Options

In addition to bootcamps and other for-pay SQL coursework, free SQL training options are also available. Free content like online tutorials, blogs, and videos is pre-recorded and is offered by many educators to provide learners with insights into how to work with SQL. Some free content offers short videos pertaining to one specific SQL skill, such as joining tables or aggregating data, whereas other content spans hours and provides a more general overview of what SQL is and its many uses. Students can select any free content and complete it at their own pace. They can opt for one short video to hone a specific skill or complete several longer courses to gain a more comprehensive understanding of SQL. 

Because so much free SQL content is available, it may be difficult for some learners to select that which is most current and useful. It can also be challenging to find the motivation to complete free coursework since there are no formal deadlines, no instructor assigning homework, and no other students involved in the learning process. This learning format is best suited for self-motivated learners who are driven to complete their studies without the need for formal deadlines or support from a cohort.

Because there’s no cost associated with free SQL training material, it’s a low-stakes way to begin working with this programming language. Instead of investing hundreds or thousands of dollars into SQL study in a bootcamp setting, free coursework allows students to experiment with SQL to see if it’s something they wish to explore further without committing financially to their studies. Additionally, this learning format is flexible and allows those with busy schedules to learn SQL any time they wish and do so from any location. 

Unlike live SQL bootcamp training, which allows students to connect with an instructor in real-time, free content does not include this option. Learners who have questions as they study must find answers on their own. This is why free SQL materials can be a good place to start your SQL learning journey. However, if you’re interested in studying this querying language for professional reasons, such as to complete an upcoming project or to transfer into a new position, enrolling in a more structured learning environment like a bootcamp may be necessary down the line.

Learn SQL Skills with Noble Desktop

Those new to SQL can receive hands-on training in Noble Desktop’s SQL Level 1, a beginner-friendly class designed to teach students about rows, columns, tables, and basic filtering. Instruction is also provided on database architecture and writing SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server.

For more advanced SQL study, Noble also offers an SQL Bootcamp. Those enrolled in this 18-hour course learn core SQL skills, such as writing queries, filtering and grouping data, and combining information from various tables using join statements. Prospective students can also learn more about SQL with Noble’s learning resources.

Key Takeaways

  • SQL is a popular programming language used to communicate with relational databases.
  • Many SQL training options are available. In-person and live online coursework provides participants with access to an instructor in real-time. Self-paced and free material is pre-recorded, allowing students to study SQL at their own speed and do so as their schedule permits.
  • An excellent way to learn SQL is to enroll in a bootcamp. Whereas college study takes four years to complete, bootcamps provide pointed SQL instruction and can be finished in just several days or weeks.
  • Noble Desktop provides comprehensive SQL training options in the in person and live online format.

How to Learn SQL

Master SQL with hands-on training. SQL is one of the most in-demand programming languages and is used across a variety of professions.

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